Amnesia Backfires

So warm, so comfortable, and so peaceful.

Even after so long I could still remember how warm your embrace was...

"Mother!" I called out.

"Well..." Opening my eyes to see Medusa staring at me and the embrace that I had felt being her body wrapped around me. Truthfully, one of my most fond memories got ruined and I'm no longer even able to recall her face.

"That was embarrassing," I can't even blame Medusa, her hug was truly the last striking memory I had of her.

Haha, depression, nothing a good Amnesia can't fix.


"I'm someone who has reincarnated, a person who has memories of their previous life," I explained.

"Mother is of one of the two people, I truly care about, sadly I can't even remember her name. I haven't lived so long to so simply forget something like this, so I'm guessing this is a side effect of reincarnating,"

[Answer: It is]

"What's the blue lights and why are they so warm? I can't see anything with their brightness. Also, can you continue to stay wrapped up around me, it's surprisingly warm,"


"It's a problem solver, why wouldn't I use it?"

*pat* *pat*

"That's nice reminds me of mother,"

"Is the bastard still sick?"


"Hey, what the f*ck! Did you just now try to hit me with Bullet Seed!?"


"Shut your f*cking mouth! If not for being my ally I would've killed you right there on the spot,"

"Give it a try! Do you think you can beat me in the state you're in?"

"The day I learned Bullet Seed you stood no chance,"



"Yes, master,"

"Did I hear that right? Did he just call you master?"

"What! you got a problem with that?"



"I have been behaving, it's he who's provoking me,"

"Did the kid finally wake up?"

"Mind your f*cking business, Magcargo!"


"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Damn you! Do you know how f*cking cold it is without the heater?"


Was the temperature so cold my Amnesia broke? Well... this is not what I expected after using Amnesia. I shot two Bullet Seeds at Fluffs accidentally showing off my trump card, Marksmanship A+, and shot one at my savior's wife, or is it the savior himself.

"Medusa look what make me do, now I'm going to die from the cold," I said while looking around.

Medusa wrapped around me, Fluffs in front of me, further behind is the Magcargo family and we are besides a tree on the mountain.



"Can you put back on the heater?" No, I have no intentions of apologizing.

"No," he said, guess he's still angry at me hitting his wife with Bullet Seed, it's not like it did much damage.

[That's not the point host]

"Snow can you persuade him?" I asked.

"No," flat denial huh?

"I thought you were afraid of me?" I asked.

"I'm, but father is here to protect me," she said proudly.

"Madam, are you willing to help out this freezing kid? If not can you just end my torture and kill me,"



"Huh? For what?"

"You attacked someonesss who saved yousss," Medusa explained.

"I could understand the part of me thanking her, but why should I apologize? What happened, happened in my Amnesia state, this has nothing to do with me.

[Your Amnesia state is you without thinking, pretty much you when you was a human]

And? They don't know that.

"Kid, if you really think you did nothing wrong you might as well die here," the male Magcargo said more coldly than its frozen body. But does he think I care if I die?

Medusa's tail tightens around me, does she plan to escape from here? No, I don't think my personality is so easy to read.


"You win, I apologized for what my previous Amnesia stated self did to you, madam," I apologized. I may not value my life but I do value my allies' own... somewhat.

Now that I look at her, her body is slightly different from her mate. She feels more ominous and her shell looks more transparent.

[The male Magcargo is an Ice Rock type Pokemon while the female is an Ice Ghost type Pokemon]

"So you have been eating my negative energy huh?" I question, unsure if this is true or not.

"Does it matter, if she wants to eat your negative energy she'll eat it? What can you do about it?"

'Yes I'm using you, but what can you do about it?'

"Want to find out?" I spoke angrily. Those words just had to appear now of all times.


"Kid, Snow Mountain isn't a place you can survive on. Your typing makes you weak here and just being in my presence you'll die faster," he said ignoring what I previously said.

[Ice Rock type Pokemon Magcargo's possible abilities are Ice Body, Frost Body, Weak Armor. One of Frost Body secondary effect effects is to further lower the temperature around him]

No wonder the cold affect me so badly, Snow was unintentionally trying to kill me.

"What?" Weren't we going to fight?

"Combine with the ghost type erosion and negative energy erosion, you can't last a day. In fact, you surviving in Snow Forest for a week is surprising. I'll teach all of you how to use Hidden Power and hopefully one of you can use Hidden Power Fire,"

"Why?" Why are you wasting your time telling me this?

"It's not free,"

"phew, I prefer that much more," I said honestly.

"You will do everything you can to keep her alive and I mean YOU," Really, all this because you're a lolicon, and an overprotective father.

"No problem, but can you turn back on the heater? It's freezing,"