The Darkness Pokemon

"F*ck it's cold!" I shouted, the cave was dark but still somewhat visible having walls of ice that weren't much different from mirrors. Let's not forget how it cold is.

"Chilly," Fluffs added.


"For you maybe!" I shouted.

"Come on, how are you going to protect me if you can't endure the cold?" Snow mocked.

"Even in this cold, I can still beat the sh*t out of you!" I shouted.

"Sorry," she apologized.


"Conserve energysss, walksss," Medusa spoke.

"Alright, I hear you," Landing, I used Senken. The part right now is narrow so I need to make sure nothing hiding around to ambush us.

"Leadsss," her tail nudging me forward hurriedly.

"Can't you admire the ice crystal for a little longer?" I asked helplessly.

I might be able to guarantee my life charging forward recklessly thanks to Instinct, but it won't be able to guarantee you all own. It did be a waste if you all die.


"Impatient much," I murmured moving forward.

After 3 minutes of walking, we will enter a giant space inside this mountain. I ghost types in their are clustered up and few of them would occasionally evade my Senken. Further ahead, I can't sense anything.


Figure as much, things are never so easy. Using Protect, I blocked a shadow attack from behind.

[Shadow Sneak]

The shadow took the form of Sableye that used Astonish, a shriek-like sound.


Taking advantage of the short flinched status it escaped using Shadow Sneak. Turning around to see if everything is fine, I quickly entered the air and flew in front of Snow with Quick Attack, blocking a dark purple ray with Amnesia.

[Confuse Ray]

Canceling Amnesia before it starts to fully affect me, I turned to see Fluffs getting slapped in the face by Sableye.

[Fake Out]

Fluffs had a shocked expression that quickly faded along with the flinched status becoming anger. As I flew towards Sableye I shot out Bullet Seeds, meanwhile, he turns to Medusa and gives her the middle claw, provoking her.


The first batch of Bullet Seeds arrived, to be precise 4 Seeds. Aimed in a box-shaped, they moved towards Sableye's chest. Sableye didn't even bother to turn around, nimbly dodging my attacks while shooting out a Confuse Ray at Medusa.


More shots came his way and Fluffs arrived with Thunder Step, punching forward with Thunder Punch. Medusa intercepts Confuse Ray with Acid before burrowing into the ground, using Dig. Sableye dodges Fluffs attack and a giant shadow in the form of a claw intercepts my Bullet Seeds and came down at me.

[Shadow Claw]

"What the f*ck!" I shouted. This attack went beyond Shadow Claw and was most likely not a fusion move.

Cotton Guard followed by Protect, the attack breakthrough both of my defenses slamming me into the ground.

"Cover your ears!" Snow shouted.

How the f*ck am I supposed to do that!?


All that just to yawn? are you going to yawn him to death?


Oh, so I and Sableye will fall asleep soon. Getting back into the air, I focused on their battle, by their I meant Sableye and Fluffs. While Fluffs is giving it his all, Sableye is drowsy and still has to keep an eye on both me, the hidden Medusa, and the support Snow.

Let's not forget how Sableye's eyes are constantly looking for an opportunity to escape. As for why he doesn't escape? Fluff has covered a good portion of the dark spots with Cotton Spore, blocking many hiding spots Sableye could have used.

"All is fair in war!" I shouted before using Absorb.

Wonder why Sableye doesn't make that giant Shadow Claw again, he seems to have enough stamina or maybe he's bluffing right now.

Using Detect to dodge a Thunder Punch, Sableye turned around to look at me, showing off his middle finger.

"You'll have to do better than that," I said, he's going to die sooner or later.

Sableye might be level 27 but his combat skills make him a grade 2 at best. He played well but seriously underestimated us with his weak attack power.

[Has the host forgotten his giant Shadow Claw?]

I didn't but are you willing to explain?

"Tsk, weakling,"

"B*tch!" I shouted canceling Absorb as I want to go over and beat him myself.

[Host has been affected by Taunt]

Wow, I had not realized that. You sadly didn't take into account how much I don't give a f*ck!

Brave Bird.

Dodging my attack and Thunder Step from Fluffs, at that moment I knew f*cked up.


A giant Shadow Claw came down towards us, I lost a lot of my health the first time so I think I'm going to faint now. At least I got company, getting ready to pull out Cotton Guard and Protect in hopes I might survive, I saw the Shadow Claw faded away and Sableye fainting.


"Holy hell! Why are you behind me?" I asked surprised.

"Attack was meantsss for usss," Medusa replies.

"So he expected you and Fluffs to attack at that moment and baited me to get closer in an attempt to eliminate us all together... well most of us," I added after seeing Snow's pitiful expression.

[The ability of Sableye has been confirmed]

[Ability, Move Booster. Boosts the strength of a move]

[System will not give a detailed explanation on how it works as it's not Host ability]

Won't matter anymore, he's about to die


Shooting out a Bullet Seed to pierce his skull, Sableye rolled evading my attack, and burrowed into the ground successfully escaping.


"Easy?" I asked.


Then sleep status hit me.