Special Chapter 8 Marshall Mike, Completing The Impossible

Location - Underground Basement, Clock City, Southern East Country

In the dark basement, one can see Nick sitting on a chair staring at the monitor on the wall.

"Group 2, back. 3, forward. 9, Guerilla," Nick called out commands.

The monitor showed multiple cameras showing different perspectives of a man inside a city. Constant gunshots sounded as the man skillfully evades by diving through a window, firing back with the SMG in each hand.

"Something's wrong, Mike's too calm," Nick murmurs.

With Mike's Instincts, Mike can't fall for a trap, so Nick was forced to make Mike willingly enter.

Nick managed to snatch Mike's most valued possession, something he values more than his life. The Photo Necklace with their mother's image in it.

This is only possible because Mike does never wear it on the battlefield, fearing it might get damaged.

After snatching it, Nick deliberately states he has it and will destroy it in a day, giving Mike his current address.

Being the leader of the Alliance, he gathered forces here and made an elaborate plan to kill Mike. However, Mike didn't get angry when he found out Nick stole it, which surprised Nick.

Mike still came quickly, but from the way, he's fighting he's likely using his brain.

"Did you really think mimicking me would work with your intelligence?" Nick asks Mike trying to anger him.

A smart Mike isn't an easy Mike to best... at least it shouldn't be.

"Hahaha," Mike laughed. Pulling off the mask from his face revealing...

"You aren't Mike," Nick exclaimed.

'Then how did this person survive for his long?'


The metal door was blasted open.

"It's me, Mario" Mike said humorously, his lovely pistol, Angel, in hand.

Angel is just a golden desert eagle, a weapon he has grown attached to from using it over the years. He has another trusty gun called Devil, a scarlet desert eagle.

"Impossible, there shouldn't be a person besides you capable of lasting against an army of 5,000,"

"It's just the Living Robot, no biggie," Mike said, standing beside his brother as they watched the screen.

Living Robot is given to a man who has a highly reactive body. Given a command, he can react to it faster than a supercomputer with high precision.

"Is it Raven who's commanding him?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, he hacked into your monitor, all commands you said he heard and countered... so he said," Mike said scratching his head.

"You asked for help?" Nick said shocked.

Mike is the last person who will ever ask for help. From what has been shown he rather die than show the need to rely on someone.

"Bullsh*t! he just returned the item you snatched from me while providing me an opportunity to slip past your security cameras," Mike refutes, showcasing his necklace attached to his neck.

"What!?" Nick exclaimed taking out the necklace from his pocket.

"There's two," Mike exclaimed.

"Don't play dumb, I most likely have a copy," Nick sighed.

"Regardless, how did he know what I was planning,"

"You do know stalling for time won't help, right?"

"Of course I know that, unless of course, I planned to kill you with me,"

"Did you think I would enter if you had that capability?" Mike mocks.

"No, your instinct is a cheat," Nick shook his head.

"If my instinct is a cheat, then what's your charisma that got you to become the alliance leader, while previously being someone who contended for the throne?" Mike retorts.

"I lost so I'll die. In that case, I will help you out once last time for free. In return, all I ask is you that you don't harm my wives and children," Nick spoke.

"Of course, you have a harem, why wouldn't you have a harem," Mike complained.

"Every day I'm hunting coins while you're making a large family,"

"Is that jealously I smell,"

"You better believe it,"

"Let's move back to the topic, shall we,"


"I suspect Raven of being a reincarnater,"

"Whatever sh*t you're smoking, I want," Mike said.

"Raven has created exactly, 1,500 Animes, 300 Mangas, and 2,000 Novels, half of the novels being fanfics. He also claims to have his intelligence force but up to now not a single spy caught belong to his intel-gathering force. Do you know what that means?"

"No," Mike answered swiftly, having no intention to think of the answer.

"It means his intel group is either great at their job or they don't exist in the first place. Raven has also been known to easily get talented individuals to work for him, appearing at the time the person was at their lowest. He also has a large harem,"

"So what are you trying to say? I still have things left to do today," Mike asks.

"He is following the part most fanfic main characters. He's taking the, 'manipulative Mc' route. When mother died he was there to help you move forward. When grandpa died he was there, when father died, he initiated it. Similarly, how he to told you to kill me today," Nick explains.

Seeing Mike's expression he knows that Mike doesn't care if he was being used and quickly decided to do the final attack.

At this time Mike felt body hair stand up, and quickly recognized this as the caution warning.

"At first, I suspected the nobles to be the cause of mother's death. However, based on how much he has manipulated you. I believe..."


With a shot, a bullet went straight through Nick's head.

"F*ck!" Mike shouted

*bang* *bang* *bang*

Shots fired shattering the screen. Mike held his head as he began to process what his brother said.

Even in a corner, Nick managed to deal critical damage to Mike using his biggest weakness, bonds. Mike can easily get attached to others and the best way he thought to solve this issue was to make it harder for those who get close to him to live.

If someone who he got attached to isn't his friend and did something to piss him off they will die. Due to this, there's nobody he started to like in recent years who lived for more than a month.

From starting to like the individual, in a non-romantic way. That's the first to be his friend. In fact, it's easier for him to fall in love than to consider someone a friend, his criteria are just too ridiculous and would be better be placed in 'best friend,'.

In short, there's just one last person Mike cares about and that person might just be the reason his mother died was driving Mike insane.

Moving his hand from his head, Mike moved towards the broken door preparing to leave.

He can break down after killing the bastard in the most painful way he can think of.

As for the possibility of Nick is lying? Unlikely, if not for having trust in his friend Mike would have reached the same conclusion as Nick years ago.



The bullet passed right above Raven's head.

"Explain," Mike said.

His hesitation to kill Raven despite his lack of hesitation to kill his brother showed just how much he values his friend, but this also shows how much he fears the answer to be Nick said to be true.

However, if what Nick said turns out to be true then Raven could only hope for a quick death.

"Explain what exactly? You can't expect me to know what you want just because you point a gun at me?" Raven asks his hands in the air.

"Reincarnation and manipulation,"

"Reincarnation... let's see besides knowing reincarnation is real, not much," Raven explains.


"Okay, tell ya what, we don't have much time so let's clear your last mission for the day and we would talk all you want. If you think I would run away, you can lock me up at our base, as for why not here. Well, you don't want to find me dead,"

"..." Taking Mike's silence for an answer he continued.

"It's a simple mission, kill the king. The easiest method is to stick this flash drive into a computer within the palace,"

"Who made the request?" Mike asks.

"..." Getting no answer, Mike got ready to fire.

"Okay, I will tell you! I am requesting you to kill the king. It's about time the puppet tyrant dies," Raven said nobly.

"Are you manipulating me?" Mike asks hesitatingly.


"Bruh, are you an idiot? If I'm manipulating you why ask me?" Raven mocks.


"Yes, I'm using you, but what can you do about it?"

Mike truthfully can't tell if Raven's joking or serious. A part of him tells him to kill him, whether or not he's an enemy it's better to get rid of someone this suspicious. The other part telling him to give him a chance after all he is your friend.

There's another part of him that doesn't want to find out the answer.

"So do you accept this mission from your friend or do you want your answers now,"

His instincts were screaming at Mike to kill Raven. His instinct screamed to not accept the mission.

His mind and body completely agree with his instincts. His instincts were never wrong.

However, his heart...

"F*ck it! Let's get this mission over with,"

Was willing to give his friend a chance, even if it might bite him back in the *ss.

A decision Mike would regret for the rest of his life and a trauma that will affect him even in his next life.

The muscles in Mike's body went under tension, the temperature around his heart dropped. A unique sensation washed over him, making him instantly aware that this mission would be his most difficult one yet.


The Empire, previously called the Central Kingdom was ruled over by King Peter.

Peter couldn't be said to be talented in any way decades ago, but after sitting in this thrown for 20years now. He couldn't be compared to the idiot he previously was.

When he got an anonymous tip that Mike was coming to assassinate him the first thing that hit him was fear. If Mike wanted him dead then without any preparations he will die.

That person provided him with a GPS device that was tracking Mike and the exact time he will arrive which was an hour from now.

That's too little time, they wouldn't even be able to confirm if this device was truly tracking Mike.

In that case, all Peter can do is gamble on it being true. Not having a better plan than the one that man provided he might as well use it too.

Peter has decided to gamble using his life. At worst one of his sons will take his place.


Entering the Empire wasn't difficult for Mike, he simply used the false identity Nick gave him.

Ignoring the feeling of death looming over him, he wondered how he should get into the King's Palace. Direct assault or sneak in?

Normally, a direct assault is the best way, however, there are not many places to dodge bullets outside the palace and it's clear that they were informed, judging by the unusual amount of guards guarding the gate, and the number of guards he had spotted patrolling.

'This isn't really my forte,'


Inside a cafe a distance away from the King's Palace sounds of gunshots escalated, followed by the screams of women.

The guards look in that direction before regaining their focus on their job. Whatever is occurring there has nothing to do with them.

"Is that all the Empire got!?" Mike shouts inside the building.

"Look how easy it was to kidnapped one of Limp king's women! Now she can't stop moaning from pleasure!" Mike shouts.


One can hear the loud moans of a woman followed by two objects slapping into each other.

"HARDER!" screamed the woman.

"B*tch, quiet!"


Their voices raised louder soon being louder than shots fired.


"B*tch, I'm your nephew, Marshall D Mike, the guy that has become the Netori King! Limp King got nothing on me!"

"No, I can't take this no more," the guard said angrily about to open the gate, but was quickly stopped by another guard.

"NO, I CAN'T TAKE THIS NO MORE!" she screams.

"B*tches are going to die tonight!" The guard shouts causing an uproar among the guards.


These loyal guards finally broke. They can't stand the possibility of one of the king's women taking another man's d*ck, and that same man is a wanted criminal that called the king, Limp King.



Fueled by their anger, they forgot to leave someone to watch the gate allowing someone to sneak in and closed it behind.

At that same time, the guards had entered the building and began their assault. 2 ended up dying to a stray bullet, and only after 10 minutes passed with the gun finally stopped firing did they see something infuriating.

In the room was an unarmed HMG strapped to a chair, and a Voice Recorder, the walls had a sentence written in blood

'I f*cked your mother!'

And below it was.





With Angel in his left and Devil in his right, Mike rushed towards the throne room. Of course, there were obstacles, but with his reaction speed, he will always fire before they can react to the situation.

Things were moving smoothly, too smoothly. And his instincts proved him right.

Opening the door he quickly jumped forward, getting blast forward from the explosion. Dodging gunshots as he rolled, he quickly jumped up and shot a bullet where the king sat.

Sadly, nobody was sitting there, and instead inside the room had a group of soldiers with their guns pointing at and around him.

"Tsk," Resting down his bag and guns he put his hands into the air.

He shouldn't have rushed over. However, he knew if he got the chance to do it over he would have done the same thing again.

He wanted to complete the mission asap and chose the risky method. Seeing as he isn't dead yet, he hasn't lost yet. Something he knows for a fact they will regret soon.


"F*ckers, I'm not interested in experiencing gangbang. Try it with your Limp King instead,"


"Not even answering me? That's cold bro. I didn't expect Peter had something he was good at,"



"I hear you Limp King's guard,"

This is one of those moments Mike's glad that Raven gave him a storage tooth. Pretty much is a storage ring in the form of a tooth.

One of the many things Mike chooses not to think about.


He was put in a cell and will be executed a week from now. His 4 guards don't talk and will always keep their guns pointed at Mike.

"How about an early last meal?" Mike asks.


"F*ck you too... hold up, never mind, I forgot you all are gay. No homo,"

Dropping his head onto the pillow Mike started to sing.

"All alone far from home,

You don't have to feel alone

Brave and strong..."

"Oh, shut the f*ck up!" One of the guards shouted.

"F*cker don't tell me what to do! Don't forget I f*cked your mother!"

"Arghhh!" The guard screamed, being held back from entering inside.

"Go home, rest," one of the guards told him encouragingly.

"Remember not to touch your wife, she was overused by me and boys," Mike said.

And like that there were only 3 left.

"Once upon a time, there were 3 little piggies,"


This group hadn't even spent an hour watching Mike and was about to break.


Masquerade his shotgun fired.

"And then there was no little piggies left. Just one big piggy," Mike chuckled.

Putting the shotgun back into his mouth reentering his storage tooth. Mike pulled out a Laptop, the flash drive, and a smithing hammer.

Sticking the flash drive into the laptop, he left that to his demise and smashed open the prison cell door, and quickly threw the hammer towards the door.

Pulling out Angel and Devil from his storage tooth, he watched as the door opened and the hammer slammed into the guard's face, followed by Mike shooting at the guard's behind him.

"Didn't they watch Psycho Pass? That anime showed how to open a door without THIS happening," Mike said, walking over the guards' dead bodies as he moved forward.

"For f*ck sake, I was expecting a better fight than this sh*t,"

As Mike complains down the hallway he felt that foreign feeling getting closer.

"What the f*ck's going on,"

Whatever his instincts are warning him off, it's surely not something good. He also finds it strange that no more guards looking for him.

"At times like these, you follow your instincts,"

Mike closed his eyes and ran forward, hoping his instincts would help him get out of the unknown danger.


A few minutes later he arrived deep under the palace, his body stopped moving in front of an iron door.

"Go in?" He tried opening the door to find out its lock.

"Open up!" Mike shouts knocking on the door, hoping someone would actually open it.

In case someone does, Devil is in his left hand to greet them.

He could hear metallic sounds coming from behind the door and resting on the wall beside the door.

Putting Angel in his pocket, he took out a flash bomb and a grenade and them in front of the door.

The door opened and the explosion erupted. Mike three a grenade through the door and shot those that ran out blindly.

With ominous feeling intensifying, Mike didn't waste a second and ran in after the explosion and killed those that managed to survive.

The people who were inside were the king, his harem, and guards. All of which now dead, running out of time, Mike quickly closed back in the door and locked it.

Opening one of the many cabinets in the room he found it loaded with tin food.




Just like that 12% of the world's land got destroyed, destroying more than half of the Empire and start of Nuclear Winter.

With the items inside the bunker, Mike after 3 months returned to the surface. Strangely, his body didn't get affected by the radiation.

It took half a year of traveling to finally leave the radioactive land. If not for the tin food he would have died months ago.

Arriving back Mike couldn't find Raven in any of their hideouts worst of all wherever he goes a missile would find its way in that area.

Through a newspaper, he learned that everyone wants him dead for causing the Nuclear Winter. Most countries are even willing to sacrifice their population if it could kill them.

However, with instincts, it's impossible to catch Mike off guard and even more impossible to kill him.

Sadly, he was slowly but surely being driven into a corner. They are slowly pushing him into a position where his instincts won't save him and even if he's aware of this there's nothing he can do about it.

Driving a truck in a wasteland, he saw someone stop in front of the car.

'Whoever it is they should expect to have an unpleasant death,'

Although, he would have driven over him if not for his instinct saying otherwise.


"Sup," Raven said waving forward, his left hand holding a glowing globe of the universe.

With Angel and Devil pointed at Raven, Mike hesitated once more to shoot.

"Truthfully, I didn't expect you to survive back there," Raven said.

"Well as promised, I will talk, ask what you want,"

There are many things that Mike thinks he should ask, but if there's one thing that tops the list then it is...

"Are you still my friend?" Mike asks.

"Pft, hahaha," Raven couldn't hold back anymore and began to laugh.

"Still friends? We were never friends in the first place,"

*pew* *pew*

Devil and Angel fired a bullet each, that bounced away inches from Raven's head.

"Let me tell you a story,"

"F*ck you,"


"It's about the usual guy that dies and gets wishes. Sadly, the guy didn't meet a ROB, but a powerful being. The being was lacking in everything, the dude couldn't even give me a wish. All he could do was reincarnate me in another world, so he picked an anime world. The being refused the anime world he chose and tossed him here instead and assigned a role for him,"

"He said this universe was forming a consciousness and chose this planet as the core. All the guy had to do was find the core and he will give the guy a planet's core in return. These things can strengthen a being apparently,"

"Using the only chest I had, being knowledge. I plotted your mother's death, the King's death, and let you kill off the rest of your loved ones. Then I made you go on killing sprees often trying to find where the souls go. Failing, I created a magic Flashdrive with its purpose being launching the Empire's nuke, and wallah,"

He raised the globe into the air.

"I found the core!" Patting the core, it disappeared.

"Now all that's left is the cool transformation," Raven said resting his hand on his glasses.

"Get rid of the sh*tty glasses," Taking it off he threw the glasses onto the ground. Angered that it didn't break, be stepped on it.

"Change your hairstyle," Saying this he pulled his hair to the back of his head.

Angered that the hair returned to its previous state, gel appeared in his hand which he promptly mixed in his hair and tried again. Failing again, a comb appeared, and finally, he got the hairstyle he wanted.

"Make a cool escape," Snapping his fingers nothing happened.

"Dammit Light! How many times did we practice this!?" Snapping his fingers once more, a light finally came down on him, levitating him up.

"F*ck!" His legs took the lead and now he's started to go up upside down.

"This isn't how it was supposed to end!" Raven cried out, his figure vanished.

As for Mike... well he wasn't paying attention in the first place.

The minute he had failed to kill Raven with those two shots he ran out of ammo. Of course, to him, that's not important.

Walking back into the truck and driving onwards, Mike was lost in his thoughts.

'What was the point in everything he had done so far,'

He doesn't regret killing anyone, he doesn't care about Raven having used him. No, what he cared about Is the fact he was used by the person who plotted his mother and grandpa's death, and how he thought of that person as a friend.

What is worst, is that he no longer has a purpose. His only purpose is was to avenge his mother, but how can he do it when that person may no longer even be in the universe.

'Screw it, I will be dead soon,' Mike thought.


Driving forward as he continues to evade danger zones. He eventually finds himself driving across a bridge.


Feeling the danger, he jumped out of the truck and fell off the bridge and into the water, where he drowned.

Waking up, unable to feel his body, unable to see. Mike finally broke.

'Even my reunion was stolen from me,'

Even after death, he wasn't able to see his family. The next few months his mind continues to break, he had gone through every stage one can go through due to isolation.

Reminiscing, Reflecting, Despairing, Accepting, and losing your mind.

On the last day, he finally thought of a way to distract himself, a way to hide his loneliness.

'Hi everyone, my name is Mike, and I'm dead,'

Something that started as a way to hide his loneliness, became something he strangely enjoys.


Hurray, Special Chapter Marshall Mike has ended.

The mission wasn't as impossible as it looked, but that's because it was Mike who did it.

Things looked smooth sailing for him, but without Instinct, he could have never completed the mission the way he planned.

In this world, his Instincts haven't been nerfed and became the innate ability Instinct. Their name may be the same but the Pokemon's world version is weaker by far.

His instinct here is like a combination of Revelation and Intuition from Fate.

Good for safety.

Good for combat.

And can show ya da way.

Unless he intentionally walks into death.

Instinct warning signs.

#CAUTION# - You will get hurt if you ignore this warning.

#DANGER# - Ignoring this could lead to the user getting seriously injured, which can also be the prewarning before the #DEATH# sign.

#DEATH# - Your previous actions would lead to your incoming death.

Next time.

Special Chapter 9 Slice of Ralts life #2