Shopping Spree

So I lost Instinct, can I buy it back?

[Answer: No]

[Host's Instinct isn't lost just temporality locked until System is strong enough to remove the ERROR itself]

First things first, sell Senken. It's okay, but Aura can pretty much do what it could have done and better... once trained enough.

[Do wish to recycle Senken? Refund of 50%]

How much did it cost again?

[Answer: 4500RP]

So I'll get back 2250, is that a lot or a little? Anyways, give me my money.

[Senken has been refunded]

[Host has received 2250RP]

[Total - 75,534RP]

Out of curiosity, how does my status look?

[Name: N/A

Pokemon: N/A

Gender: N/A

Innate Ability: Instinct (Lock), Aura(N/A), Negative Energy Resistance

Soul Talent: Deep Green]


[What did the Host expect?]

Soul strength I guess... Wait! What happened to me Aura?

[Answer: Aura requires a physical body to work]


[In short, Aura can only be used by the living and can only be found in the living. The host would immediately regain some of his Aura's strength after reborning]

Don't like the some, in that.

[If you were human, you would've had to restart all over again. As a Pokemon, you just need to continue to live and your Aura would recover]

Huh, then doesn't that mean Aura's not Life Energy since it has nothing to do with the soul?

[Answer: Correct, Aura isn't Life energy but a subgroup of Life]

Reasonable? Likely, but let's move on.

Enter shop.


• Soul Recovery Items

• Soul Strengthening Items

• Soul Defensive Items]

...Well, you did say the shop only sells soul-related items... Soul Strengthening Items then.

[Soul Strengthening Items

• Beginner Soul Boost - N/A (Not needed)

• Intermediate Soul Boost - N/A

• Advance Soul Boost - 1,000RP 3 available

• Expert Soul Boost - 2,500RP, 3 available

• Silver Soul Boost - 5,000RP, unavailable

• Gold Soul Boost - 10,000RP, unavailable]

[Beginner Soul Boost can strengthen a Soul Talent at Shallow Red to Deep Orange]

[Intermediate Soul Boost can strengthen a Soul Talent at Deep Orange to Deep Green]

[Advance Soul Boost can strengthen a Soul Talent at Deep Green to Deep Blue]

[Expert Soul Boost can strengthen a Soul Talent at Deep Blue to Deep Purple]

[Silver and Gold, you should be able to understand yourself. To make them available Host needs to get one of his reincarnations to that talent grade first]

[Reminder, Beginner to Expert is Bronze. Some Expert resources are massively better than most Expert resources but are weaker than Silver, they are given the name Bronze resource]

[Expert - Bronze - Silver]

Reminder? I don't recall you telling me about the last part.

[System only mentioned usage of resources for strengthening, not for talent boosting]

Okay, now I got a problem.

I kind of want to just throw all my money to get a Gold Talent, but for plot reasons you stopped me... Luckily, I also want to create a unique ability perfect for me, which I haven't thought of yet.


Hmmm, let's see. I'm good at close and long-range attacks, which preferably should bullets and close combat should be hand to hand combat. I got to have a decent speed and good special defense while my physical defense and health can below.

Then again, this has nothing to do with creating a unique ability... No, it is. An ability like Wrathful Devil would be preferable but without the wrath.

What does Envyful Devil do? Same thing?

[Answer: No]

[Envyful Devil passively weakens attacks and abilities the user's envy. Envy Form can significantly weaken or even negate attacks and abilities the user's envy. Weakness, weakening or negation of attacks takes up stamina, the user would become more envyful of others]

Damn, that's good, and the latter weaknesses don't even affect me negatively. Wrathful Devil is all-round boost that strengthens over time.

I'm guessing Lustful Devil is a Charm. Slothful Devil should be defense. Gluttonful Devil is absorption? Greedful Devil is stealing? Prideful Devil is...

[Answer: Instant Burst]

Haha, so I got all right then. Bravo me, as expected of Beri.

So from these sins, I don't like drawn-out fights so Slothful Devil, Wrathful Devil, and Gluttonful Devil is gone. Skipping Lustful Devil... Greedful Devil should be a copycat/stat stealer so a 'you first kinda fella', not my style.

Prideful Devil is acceptable, but if I was Prideful could I ever have had a master? So funnily, enough the one I had intended on taking is the one I will take. Don't ask what's funny, it just is.

[Envyful Devil - 30,000RP]


[30,000RP has been used]

[Host has gained the Innate Ability, Envyful Devil]

[Total - 45,534RP]

Spending time.

[Bundle Purchase

• Advance Soul Boost - 3,000RP

• Expert Soul Boost - 7,500RP, 3 available

Total - 10,500RP]


[10,500RP has been used]

[Host soul is now Deep Purple]

[Total - 35,034RP]

Is there an upgraded version of Negative Energy Resistance?

[Answer: Yes]

[Corruptor - 10,000RP]

Damn, how much would Aura had cost me?

[Aura - 20,000RP]

Corruptor is cheaper, so crappier... what can it do then?

[Corruptor has many functions, none of which is offensive.

• Corrode a target's mind with negative emotions

• Clear a target's mind of negative emotions

• Absorb Negative Energy from the environment]

This seems great for manipulators and priests. And are these all the functions or do I need to buy them to know the rest?

[Answer: No. These are the known abilities of Corruptors, mostly because of their short life spans]


[Humans don't like them and Ghost and Dark types want to eat them]

Corruptor is a waste of money then, but keeping an ability that barely does something is also a waste... f*ck it, I'll buy it.

[10,000RP has been used]

[Total - 25,034RP]

Alright, let's pick a Pokemon and move on to the next life.