Pumped Up Abra!

Let's see Abra, Machop, and Elekid. Who to pick? Abra's pretty strong but isn't a good close combatant. Machop is the opposite, and Elekid's both.

But, Elekid's final evolution looks too bulky, it likely can't deliver the blow as fast as Machamp, then again I think this is just my favoritism talking. Not my fault Machamp's a champ, and adding the fact I have Aura...

Abra it is!

[Pokemon: Abra

Gender: Female

Type: Psychic

Ability: Inner Focus(possible abilities - Synchronize, Magic Guard)

Racial Ability: Telepathic Radar, Enhanced Teleport, Exhausted Mind

Special Ability: N/A

Talent Grade: Deep Yellow(Host - Deep Purple)

Nature: Calm

Background: Born in a small Alakazam family. Location - North direction in Route 25, Grassland biome, Kanto]

Let's make some changes.


[Changes made

• Gender: Female => Male - 100RP

• Abilities: Synchronize and Magic guard unlocked - 1000RP

• Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny - 3000RP

• Type: Dark added - 1000RP

• Special Ability: Super Sperm - 5000RP + 1000RP (System-made ability)

• Background forcefully changed due to inability of current Abra awakening its Ancient Bloodline - 2000RP

Total - 13,100RP]

[Reminder, the system doesn't create an egg but transports the host's soul into one. The previous Abra egg's probability of awakening was minuscule, therefore to save RP the System chose a different egg]

[Note, new abilities will be added to your status]

So Dark-type didn't affect my background?

[Answer: No. Thank your negative emotions]

Envy, thanks for your help, bless ya.

[Confirm Purchase?]


[Host has spent 13,100RP]

[Total - 11,934RP]

[Pokemon: Abra

Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny

Gender: Male

Egg Group: Human-like, Mineral

Type: Psychic, Dark

Innate Ability: Instinct, Aura, Envyful Devil, Corruptor

Ability: Inner Focus, Synchronize, Magic Guard, Trace

Racial Ability: Clairvoyance, Enhanced Psychic, Super Exhausted Mind, Hardened Body

Special Ability: Super Sperm

Talent Grade: Deep Purple(Host - Deep Purple)

Nature: Calm

Background: An Abra birthed from an Alakazam and a Golem. Location - Mt. Moon]

Now doesn't this seem great? I'm born with high talent, my abilities are lovely and I possibly got some powerful parents.

So let's start with the basic, Abilities.

[Super Sperm - grade Silver]

[Super Sperms when used significantly boost the chance of pregnancy. Children born through Super Sperm have the best talent they could get from either one of their parents and is likely to gain an Innate or Special Ability from their parents. Weakness, sexual stamina ends immediately after the shot fired]

Hahaha, while MCs in other stories are searching for ways to avoid pregnancy I'm doing the exact opposite.

[Inner Focus - grade Bronze]

[Inner Focus passively boosts the user focus, making the user immune to 'flinch' status. This can aid in recovery from status 'confuse']

Perfect, don't want to be b*tch slapped (Fake Out) and faint from a combo attack right after.

[Synchronize - grade Silver]

[The attacker will receive the same status condition if it inflicts a burn, poison, or paralysis on the user]

[Magic Guard - grade Silver]

[Magic Guard passively protects the user from weak internal damage-type attacks. For example, poison, burn, and Life Orb's backlash. It can also block an attack if the level difference is significant enough, 20 levels difference]

Does this protect me from Psychic and other non-contact moves?

[Answer: No]

Tsk. That explains why it's Silver.

[Trace - grade Gold]

You got my attention there.

[Trace copies one of the target's abilities. With training one can choose which ability and even racial, special, and innate abilities]

Another ability to train.

[Answer: No]

[Using only a couple of months should allow one to master Trace]


[Clairvoyance - grade Gold]

[Can see all things a certain range around yourself. The range increases with training]

Another training ability, lovely.

[Enhanced Psychic - grade Gold]

[All Psychic-type moves are significantly strengthened when activated. It has become easier to learn and train Psychic-type moves]

Okay, great actually, with this training is going to be much easier.

]Hardened Body - grade Bronze]

Hey, you skipped something.

[The user's defensive ability increases]

Passive Harden?

[Answer: It does a bit more than that but mainly yes it is a passive Harden]

Alright, let's get to the worst one to come.

[Super Exhausted Mind - Iron]

As expected, trouble.

[Due to the user's extraordinary Psychic powers, the user will need to rest for longer periods]

How much we're talking about?

[22 hours a day]

Th-th-the f*ck!

[Emotions has been suppressed]

[Look at the bright side, if not for the host's Aura, this would've been 24 hours]

I'll buy Insomnia.

[Warning, if the user negates Super Exhausted Mind the user would likely die within a week. Do you still wish to have Insomnia?]


Moving on, you should add Shallow and Deep for those abilities. Enhanced Psychic can't compete with Envyful Devil.


[Host Current Abilities

• Innate Ability

- Instinct: Deep Silver

- Aura: Shallow Gold

- Envyful Devil: Gold

- Corruptor: Shallow Gold

• Ability

- Inner Focus: Bronze

- Synchronize: Silver

- Magic Guard: Deep Silver

- Trace: Shallow Gold

• Racial Ability

- Clairvoyance: Shallow Gold

- Enhanced Psychic - Shallow Gold

- Super Exhausted Mind - Iron

- Harden Body - Shallow Bronze

• Special Ability

- Super Sperm - Deep Silver]

And here I thought Trace and Envyful Devil could have hit Deep Gold.

[Trace would be useless when used on training moves like Aura and there's a duration for how long one can burrow the move]

[Envyful Devil requires a large amount of envy to be useful, likely only the host can make this ability powerful. Regardless, it's still not comparable to Deep Gold abilities like Desolate Land]

[Desolate Land at the bare minimum can affect a region]

I don't think there are that many Legendaries with such an outrageous ability.

[Victory Star - grade Deep Gold]

[Defeat? Please, as long as the chances of winning isn't zero victory is certain, it also has team buff mode]



[There aren't many weaknesses to this move, especially in a 1 v 1 battle. However, chances of Victory Star failing would increase if it's used as a Team Buff]

Okay, so it's still broken but defeatable? Throw an army at Victini or a Pokemon stronger than Victini and Victini should lose.

Anyways, it's about time I finally start my life. See ya later.