New Life, New Family


Waking up once more, I tested my movements. Shake head, lift hands, kick forward. Everything's working perfectly.

I'm an Abra with a spoon, ready to eat at any time.

[Pokemon: Abra

Age: 1 day (What are you waiting for!?)

Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny

Gender: Male

Egg Group: Human-like, Mineral

Type: Psychic, Dark

Level: 1

Innate Ability: Instinct (Lock), Aura (Low-Beginner), Envyful Devil, Corruptor (Low-Beginner)

Ability: Inner Focus, Synchronize, Magic Guard, Trace

Racial Ability: Clairvoyance (Low-Beginner), Enhanced Psychic, Super Exhausted Mind, Hardened Body

Special Ability: Super Sperm

Talent Grade: Deep Purple(Host - Deep Purple)

Nature: Calm

Move set:

New: Harden, Self-Destruct, Encore, Magic Coat, Teleport

Beginner: Ancient Power, Magical Leaf, Dig, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Laser Focus, Return, Frustration, Rain Dance, Twister, Helping Hand, Nature Power

Intermediate: Extreme Speed, Defense Curl, Last Resort, Counter, Focus Energy, Rest, Sleep Talk, Sunny Day, Confusion, Psychic

Advance: Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Bounce, Splash, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Double Team, Double Edge, Aura Sphere

Expert: Hidden Power, Protect

Unstable Fusion moves: Imperfect Shadow Clone Jutsu: Double Team + Substitute

Imperfect Fusion Move: Imperfect Sleep Brawler: Rest + Sleep Talk

Stable Fusion moves: Stampede: Quick Attack + Protect]

A lot of my moves left or degrade which is something I expected. Surprisingly, Quick Attack and Extreme Speed didn't leave me, I'm guessing this has something to do with my Hardened Body making my physique a little better.

Stampede and Sleep Brawler got degraded, and Imperfect Shadow Clone Jutsu hasn't changed. Maybe should consider changing the name to Substitute Clone... Oh well. Moving on to my new moves, Harden, I can harden it up now. Moving on, Self-Destruct... skip. Moving on, Encore how does this work?

Encore, Encore, I would shout at the enemy who would then feel happy that praised his or her art and decided to show you it once more. At least, that's my guess.

[Answer: Yes, something like that]

Magic Coat was this the magical Counter?

[Answer: No]

[Magic Coat: A barrier reflects back to the foe moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status]

So it's a Magic Guard...

[Answer: No]

[Magic Guard doesn't stop the attack from hitting you, just negates its effects. Magic Coat reflects those moves back at the enemy]

Okay, then all that's left is Teleport, which is self-explanatory, so moving on. I previously thought I would hate Super Exhausted Mind, but it turned out it was the best skill to have while in an egg for who knows how long. I slept most of my time in here.

Anyhow, it's time to break free... in style.

Using Confusion, the egg covering me broke apart into small pieces instantly which was then gathered together into a small ball in front of me through Psychic.

Wonderful! My control over my psychic attacks and the speed at which they activated was practically unfair. No wonder Mewtwo the ultimate life form is a Psychic.

Instantly after my egg broke I felt the presence of two individuals near me through Clairvoyance.

We can talk later, now it's time to eat. Using my spoon that got sharpened through Aura, I easily took a spoonful of the eggshell from the ball in front of me and put it in my mouth.

Delicious! No matter how many times I eat eggshells I love it, then again this tastes way better than it should. Sadly, only your own eggshell tastes good otherwise I would've eaten countless Pokemons eggshells. Do note eating the egg itself taste great, just not when the child's already born.

[Note: Whatever is eaten with the spoon would always taste delicious]

And why isn't this a racial ability?

[Answer: This is more of a species natural effect, like how as a Jumpluff you were more inclined to Sunlight than eating meat and berries. These effects can't be copied without being the Pokemon itself]


"Look how happy little Hugo is,"


[Host's new name has been recorded]

[Name: Abra D Hugo]

If not for Inner Focus I would've dropped my meal from sadness. Why can't I get to choose my name myself?... Hey, where's the rest of my food?

[Host ate it]

"He's sentient at a young age," said Golem suspiciously.

"Deal with it, old rock," I snorted, teleporting into Alakazam's arms. Golem no longer looked at me, staring at Alakazam curiously. You don't dare to mess with me in the arms of my mother.

[Host's adaptability is worthy of applause]


"Is something wrong with that name?" Mother asked, Psychic energy around her increasing.

"Of course not, just wasn't expecting a human name, especially with what our names are," he hurriedly explained, his head almost shrinking into his stone carapace? body? you got the idea.

"Your name is Rock, my name is Pink, and our child's name is Hugo," she murmurs in deep thought. "Hugo's not the best name I guess, but it sounds cool, therefore that's it," she explained.

I guess it does sound masculine enough, better than Beri I guess, but then again, I have gotten used to being called Beri. Anyhow, I wonder what part of Mt. Moon we're in, if I'm not mistaken there are rich amounts of Moon Stones here. Hopefully, there's Dark Energy in it for absorption.

"..." Quiet, why isn't anyone talking.

"Soooo, I got no idea how to raise a child. I'll leave all the hard work up to you Rock," Pink said, teleporting me next to Rock "Take care," and... she's gone, teleported away.


"Did I just got abandon?" I muttered.

"No, we just got abandoned," Rock said shaking his head. So I got a unique mother and stone-faced father, okay.

"So where's our family?" I asked trying to start a conversation.







It's even better when this rock looked at me snickering in confusion.

"It means liking the opposite sex," I said watching him cautiously. "Is my father, one of those?" I asked in disgust.

"Brat," he spoke annoyed reaching out his hands to grab me.

"Stranger Danger!" I shouted, discharging out Psychic Energy like a signal. Almost instantly, Pink returns and has a psychic barrier protecting me.

"Huh, there's no danger?" Pink murmurs confused about the false signal, then seeing Rock with his hand stretched out to grab me and his face slightly angry, Pink face went cold. "Rock,"

"This isn't how it looks likes," he explains, Pink turned to gaze at me.

"Stranger danger," I explained, hoping she knew what that means. Seeing her cold face turn to anger, I couldn't help but smiled.

"Childhood is going to be fun, not for my parents, but me. Once I'm done both of them would be searching madly for Moo Moo Milk,"

"Bwahahaha," I laughed, quickly getting two pairs of eyes staring at menacingly me.


"Did I say that out loud?"