Battling The Rats

"Let's start, round 2," I said activating Sleep Brawler and with the aid of Clairvoyance I can still see perfectly. Using Nature Power to form Razor Leaf, I teleported a distance away from them.

System, Kinesis description.

[Kinesis: The user distracts the target by bending a spoon]

Charm effect?

[Answer: As long as they see the spoon bends, the results would act as a stimulus to temporarily stopped the target. A weaker effect of 'Flinch']

[Closer to hypnotic effect]

Watching a Rattata about to block my Razor Leaf with Scratch, I shouted.

"Denied!" Activating Disable, the Normal energy in his hand quickly faded resulting in Rattata getting hit. Meanwhile, a group managed to get past the Razor Lead and I decided to congratulate them with a Twister.

Waving my hand, the violent wind carrying Dragon energy flew towards them and become a Twister. Coating my hand in Aura, I put them together to block a Rattata's Quick Attack and threw him at the closest Rattata through Psychic. Seeing another Rattata coming towards me, I bend my spoon through Kinesis, taking advantage of the minuscule pause I sent a Hidden Power Fighting at the Rattata.

Even with Sleep Brawler activated, I'm likely to run out of stamina before managing to defeat them all, including the 2 Raticates. Who knows when they would join the battle?

With Twister about to finish, I used Fairy Wind at them. Luckily, they aren't sentient otherwise this fight would've been way too difficult, they would have surrounded me and my stamina would have run out faster.

Hold up, they aren't sentient, therefore it should be easier to gather the herd below the boulder. No longer attacking, I watch as t2 Rattatas quickly reached close to me and I used Bounce, bouncing high into the air.

"Get rekt boys!" I shouted, quickly forming an Odama Hidden Power Fighting in hand. Shooting down due to the effects of Bounce and Odama in hand, the Rattatas I expected to see waiting below for me was not there, and instead, the two Raticates stood a distance away from my landing spot. F*ck!


Instantly after my attack hit the ground, I saw the 2 Raticates rush forward using Quick Attack. Soon as I was about to use Teleport, the Raticate almost instantly arrived, using Sucker Punch and I quickly used Protect to block it. However, the next Raticate quickly got behind me to use Hyper Fang. Strengthening my defenses with Harden and Aura, I tank the hit and quickly used Counter.

"Plus Ultra!" Punching away the Raticate, I used Psychic to push away the next one and tossed an Aura Sphere at him. I should be able to use Tail Whip, right?

[Host has learned Tail Whip]

Great, no part of my body shall not be used. The Rattatas were lazing back while these two Raticates battle me. Ha, do they think that I'll let them recover? Taking advantage of the fact that the Raticates weren't close, I teleported next to the group.

"Latom," Twister quickly formed collected them all nicely, then I threw in Magical Leaf and slammed them all onto the ground with Psychic.

[Host has defeated 9 Rattatas]

[Host has leveled up 3 times]

[Host is now level 19]

Crush their necks with Confusion, and...

[Host has killed 9 Rattatas]

[Host has leveled up]

[Host has learned the new move, Psycho Cut]

[Psycho Cut: The user sends out a blade of Psychic energy at the target]

Isn't this suppose to be a physical attack?

[Answer: The amount of Psychic energy used for this move is equal to Confusion, one's attack stat, aid in Psycho Cut's speed and power]

So without boosting my strength with Aura it's only a good spam attack...

"Ugh," The amount of negative energy flowing out of them is disgusting. "No need to be so angry, you will join them too," I mocked.

Aura Physical Enhancement. I sent out 2 Psycho Cut at the angry Raticates followed by Twister. Sadly, they broke through my Psycho Cut with Sucker Punch which messed up my timing for Twister, causing it to miss.

"Tsk," Clicking my tongue, I waited for them to arrive, mostly because I'm low on stamina and am trying to recover it with Sleep Brawler. Alright, they're close enough, Kinesis, followed by Quick Attack. Seeing me coming, they rushed forward, ready to use Sucker Punch, but...

[Host has learned Sucker Punch]

Sucker Punch hits the unexpecting Raticate's face pushing it back, Tail Whip hits the other followed by 2 Hidden Power Fighting. Tossing out an Aura Sphere back at the first one, I used Disable on the other Raticate's Scratch getting it hit by my Hidden Power.

"One down," Saying that, I used Nature Power at the grass around the Raticate causing Vine Whips to grow out from the ground violently attacking Raticate.

[Nature Power has upgraded to Intermediate]

[Host has defeated a Raticate]

[Host has leveled up]

[Host has killed a Raticate]

Turning around to see the other Raticate's anger quickly turned to fear and ran for its life.

"Coward," Vine Whips formed near the Raticate through Nature Power, but its speed suddenly increased allowing Raticate to quickly escape into the forest.

[Run Away]

"Tsk," Guess I won't be beating that one. Looking down at the corpses of rats, I grab the Raticate and promptly left the sight. Who knows who might come over because of the ruckus caused?

I can also take this opportunity to cook, wonder how good it would be once cooked.