Charmed At First Sight

It is me, Kadabra D Hugh, your friendly pacifist friend who's roasting a Spearow, inside a previous Fearow's territory. Yep, nothing unusual here.


Manipulating my spoons through Psychic to get spoonfuls of Spearow meat easily through Aura, and then opening my mouth and munching on some of that good meat. Ah, bliss.

[Level - 33]

[New move - Recover, Thunderbolt]

[Magical Leaf - Beginner » Intermediate]

[Aura - Mid-Beginner » High-Beginner]

Looking at the corpses of Fearows and Spearows around me, I wondered what I should do with them. Not like I can eat it all, and there's no way I'm leaving this for any scavengers.

"Eat as much as I can and then burned the rest," I muttered. It would be even better if a few Pokemons came, I would kill some for experience and leave the rest in envy.

Decisions, decisions. Of course, I didn't start talking to you all for no reason, nah, I'm here to rub my sh*t in your face, 'in' satisfaction.


So let's see... Making sure my mouth was filled to brim with all that good stuff, I looked at the items on the ground.

1 Shiny Seed - Advance grade Grass resource

7 Silver Feather - Intermediate grade Flying Resource

23 Juicy Vines - Beginner grade Grass resource

34 Oran Berries

7 Pecha Berries

2 Rawst Berries

Am I really showing you all this just to rub it in your face? Yes, but I also can use some of them. Shiny Seed can help me get Magical Leaf to Advance, Silver Feathers I can use to try and relearn Gust, cause shooting out a Gust from my mouth is always useful.

As for everything else, I will carry them with me until I find a territory for myself. As for this who may wonder how I manage to defeat a family, excluding hit and run tactics, they were a small family with only one Senior Fearow who now rests in my stomach.

How long I have been here? About... how long, System?

[6 hours]

What!? Let me check, beating down the rats should have taken half an hour at most, then I spent an hour finding the Overlord's territory, Nidoking by the way. Teleport from there, I found myself near 2 Weepinbells which I teleport away from. Mentally exhausted, I climbed up a tree and took a quick rest.

[3 hours rest]

And woke up when a Fearow entered my Clairvoyance range. Luckily, our levels were about equal so adding my Aura and my better move pool, it was a snowball victory. Turning that Fearow into my lunch, I continued forward looking for someone to beat, and found myself here.

Beating birds are the easiest thing for me, use Psychic to damage their wings, use Nature Power to form Vine Whip to beat them, and used Thunderbolt to end the battle. Who would've thought teaching Fluffs came in handy for once.


"..." A Jigglypuff had fallen with a Spearow in hand.

"..." It was staring at me silently like a freak. Should I kill it?

"Hehe," Jigglypuff stands back up and pulls out its tongue, hurriedly trying to drag away the Spearow, which wasn't going as well as it had thought.


"..." Why the f*ck haven't I attacked it yet or feel like trying to!? This is weird.

[Host has been affected by Cute Charm]

But, I'm not into lolis... Pokelolis... I think. Okay, forget this topic, and let's move on.

"Hey, you little pink ball of... fluffs?"


"Let go of my food!" No, never mind, this sh*t got to die. Yet, my body refuses to move forward to kill it. What kind of sorcery is this!?

[System has concluded that the Host is extremely unlucky]

"No way," she refuses cutely, her body inflating? No, this wasn't cute, not one bit.

"Risa for life. Risa for life. Risa for life. Risa for life. Risa for life," I chanted the sacred scripture.

"Jiiigglypuff, jiii," What the f*ck is she singing?... Damn it! It's a Jigglypuff.





Opening my eyes fiercely, I looked around and saw nothing. NOTHING.

"Motherf*cking Jigglypuff!" I shouted in frustration, followed by deep sadness. "Everything is gone, not food, no resources no nothing," followed by hatred.

"No, I'm not letting this motherf*cker go. I will find you and end..."

[Note: Charm effect doesn't leave the user without either A, strong hatred for the target, or B, extremely high willpower. Without either of those, the individual under Charm may injure the Pokemon but would never kill the target]

"F*ck!" I don't have either, I'm not angry with the Jigglypuff just annoyed that the bastard stole my hard work... Wait, I should be able to get someone to kill Jigglypuff. No, it wouldn't work it's not a curse but more of a psychological effect. If I saw Jigglypuff being attacked, I'm likely to be the first person to go and save her.

"F*ck," How the hell am I supposed to get rid of this effect then?

[Answer: All statuses have different grades to them. For example, your current Sleep Talk could only work and 2nd and 3rd-grade Sleep status. Similarly, Charm has 3 grades, 3rd-grade effects can be broken easily, 2nd-grade ones can take a while to break, and even when broken the carrier would suffer from depression. 1st-grade charms either hatred, strong willpower, or an ability]

[Silver grade soul talent would work. Dying is also an option]

Well, I'm certainly not dying, let's not even mention getting Silver grade soul talent. Hatred is pretty hard for me to get, the only people I hated were Raven who was the main of my mother's and grandfather's death, and Dickniel for messing with my love life and former family life.

Oh, there's one other method to solve this problem.

[And what's that]

Walk away and never return to this route.

[...That works]

Now then, when are my parents coming back, or do they want me to run away?