Pokemon Showdown

Hello everyone, this is your narrator, Kadabra D Hugh and I'll be narrating this battle with the help of my lovely assistant, System. On your left, we got mother the Alakazam and father the Golem, and on your right we have Tentacruel.

Tentacruel blasts up into the air through Hydro Pump while using Screech from the red gem on its head. Father's fist slams into the ground causing Stone Edge to move towards Tentacruel while he rolls on it with Roll Out.

Mother teleports high above Tentacruel and drops an Electroweb at him.

[Perfect fusion move: Electric Web: Thunder Wave + Thunder Bolt]

Tentacruel stretches out its tentacles half going towards the Electric Web each coated in Poison Jab. The first half directly destroys the Stone Edge formed by father and now was waiting for him to fall into their embrace while the other half breakthrough Electric Web and moves towards the mother.

Mother teleports away and uses Psychic on Tentacruel, however, a Rapid Spin broke mother's attack and rain began to fall. Meanwhile, father tanks through the tentacles using Harden and Defense Curl and grabs a hold of a few tentacles to pull Tentacruel over.

Which wasn't a good idea, Tentacruel uses the pull from father to evade mother's Psyshock and use Wrap on father. About to use Hydro Pump, mother's Disable came on time and she attacks with a Psyshock.

Tentacruel jumps off father and uses its tentacles to make a hole in the ground which quickly transforms into a pool that Tentacruel dives right into.

[Expert Surf]

The small pond that could've only fit about 2 people in quickly became pool size within seconds. During these same seconds, Earth Power was used to try and bury Tentacruel but with its Expert Surf even with the aid of mother, father failed to bury him but he managed to stop him from widening the pond.

The rain color quickly changes to purple, making mother quickly protect herself under Calm Mind. Seeing how the rain damages the plants around I quickly guess this is Acid Rain. The damage of the rain seems to have no effect on father, who promptly grabbed a large ball of dirt which quickly enlarges and thicken into stone, and tosses it at the Tentacruel in the water.

[Rock Wrecker]

At the same time, stone pillars quickly rose around the pond where one can see mother standing on one. One can see large amounts of Psychic energy in both of her hands.

Tentacles burst out of the water destroying Rock Wrecker and moving towards the pillars along with a huge wave from the pond. However, the tentacles and the water failed the break the pillars, and more soon started to form quickly becoming a wall surrounding the pool.

Meanwhile, mother's eyes were closed and Psychic energy had transformed into multiple large great swords in the sky, more seems to be constantly increasing.

Tentacruel quickly noticed this and floated to the surface, his mouth carrying highly condensed water. Releasing it, it tore a hole through the wall and Tentacruel uses Rapid Spin to destroy the rest.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Surf + Hydro Pump]

With the wall about to collapse, father quickly steps forward in the space made by Tentacruel's attack, stomping the ground to replace the spaces with Stone Edge beside where he stood.

Tentacruel didn't hesitate to send that fusion move at father who snorted and forms a thick earth wall in front of him through Earth Power. Sadly, it was easily torn through and forced father to use Protect.

Tentacruel used another one forcing father to use Protect again, but due to it being much weaker than the previous one it broke through and he got hit. If not for the wall made behind him, he would've been sent flying.

[Sturdy has been used]


"Seba, break me out," I demanded.

"Sorry master but I can't do that," Seba apologizes.


"If they want to escape they won't need you," Puff explains.

"You can't see what's going on, can't you?" I asked.

"No master," "Maybe,"

I guess this is a good time as any to surpass my limits... or not.


The next Super Hydro Pump that went a father, father dodges it by falling down the hole he just made. Rising back up, he spat out Rock Blasts like Bullet Seeds but that didn't mean sh*t to Tentacruel who once more tries to blast him away from the Super Hydro Pump that moved towards father along with Tentacruel's tentacles.

Father uses Protect a distance away from him to block Super Hydro Pump and quickly created stone walls in front of him to block the tentacles, however, they easily tore through them and move towards him.

About to hit him, an illusion of mother's face appears beside father and used Psychic, throwing back and entangling the tentacles. Father used this opportunity to hide underground and leave the rest to mother

As father hid underground he uses Earth Power to make the pillars collapse into the pool giving mother the opening she needed.

"Say it!" I shouted, I gave you the idea now you got to say the words.

In the sky surrounded by thousands of Psychic swords, each as tall and thick as an adult male, floated mother as she looked down at Tentacruel who destroys the pillars with its tentacles while building up an even stronger water attack.

"You're not worthy of me lifting a finger, mongrel. Gate of Babylon," mother said arrogantly.

Hmm, not as good as I had hoped but oh well.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Surf + Hydro Pump + Hydro Cannon]

Well, I'll be damned. This... may not go so well.

Super Hydro Cannon moved straight towards mother, who simply dodges with Teleport while moving most of the swords out of the way. The swords scattered in all directions and moved towards Tentacruel... yeah, that name's got to change.

Thousand Flying Swords? Names aren't really my thing.

Tentacruel tentacles shot forward in all directions however he only got like 80 even if the tentacles can beat 2 at once there are over a thousand, to be precise.

It's over 9000!

Well, it turns out with the aid of Rapid Spin, he cleared out a couple of hundreds in that short second and would've been more if not Disable'd by mother.

Attacks quickly start to hit Tentacruel and the pool he hides in quickly was transforming into land thanks to father. Tentacruel's health quickly starts to fall... and... it's gone.

[Alakazam and Golem have killed a Guardian Tentacruel]


[Answer: Those safety rules are gone the minute a Pokemon enters the Guardian stage]

Then what happens when a Guardian stage Pokemon loses a hand?

[Answer: Either recovered through a healing move, or takes a couple of months to regrow]

Cool, specifically viewing there with Clairvoyance took a lot out of me. Surprisingly, this didn't make me break...

[Host Clairvoyance has entered Low-Advance]

[Host can now evolve into Alakazam]

[Due to having a high level, the host would be forcefully evolved]

[Evolution commencing]


Perfect Fusion Move: Stone Pillars = Stone Edge + Earth Power + Harden


Could've been narrated better, but oh well.