Disgust Of New Form, Eyes Of Index

I'll be nerfing one of Hugh's incoming abilities. The Pokedex and its bullsh*t are stronger than ever, at least the ability isn't strength-based.


What? Kadabra's evolving? Not now dammit!

"Seba, my stuff!" I shouted, only now noticing Puff was no longer in my hand and was watching my shining self curiously.

Ignoring the expected pain as this is what usually does get for trying to delay the inevitable.

Burrowing his head into the ground, Seba grabs a mouthful of dirt and spat it out. When traveling he hides it in his mouth when on a break he buries it underground, he's sadly not like father who had an ability specialized in storing items in his stomach.

And there it is, 3 Twisted Spoons and 1 Dusk Stone. A Silver grade Dusk Stone, 2 Expert Twisted Spoons, and 1 Bronze Expert Spoon. Dusk Stone alone would be enough to get me a Silver Talent, especially when used during evolution, but one can't be too cautious... or maybe not, he should've stuck to being reckless if you asked me.

No longer did I delay, pulling over the resources with Psychic, I began my evolution.


[Name: Alakazam D Hugh

Pokemon: Alakazam

Age: 3 years, 10 months

Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny

Gender: Male

Egg Group: Human-like, Mineral

Type: Psychic, Dark

Level: 70

Innate Ability: Instinct (Lock), Aura (Mid-Advance), Envyful Devil, Corruptor (Peak-Advance)

Ability: Inner Focus, Synchronize, Magic Guard, Trace

Racial Ability: Clairvoyance (Low-Advance), Enhanced Psychic, Hardened Body, Super Brain, Enlighten Psychic Powers, Eyes of Index (Low-Beginner)

Special Ability: Super Sperm

Talent Grade: Shallow Silver

Nature: Calm

Move set:

New moves: Earth Power

Beginner: Fling, Role Play, Self-Destruct, Dig, Take Down, Return, Frustration, Kinesis, Gust, Psybeam, Flash

Intermediate: Future Sight, Laser Focus, Fairy Wind, Harden, Encore, Extreme Speed, Defense Curl, Last Resort, Counter, Focus Energy, Sucker Punch, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Twister, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Reflect, Light Screen, Knock Off

Advance: Ally Switch, Hypnosis, Ancient Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Confusion, Bounce, Splash, Magical Leaf, Disable, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Recover, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Nature Power, Double Edge, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere

Expert: Rest, Sleep Talk, Double Team, Substitute, Psycho Cut, Teleport, Psychic, Hidden Power, Protect

Stable Fusion moves: Stampede: Quick Attack + Protect

Perfect Fusion moves: Sleep Brawler: Rest + Sleep Talk

Substitution Clone: Double Team + Substitute + Ally Switch

Imperfect Psychotic Storm: Psycho Cut + Psychic]

[Super Brain - Shallow Silver]

[Things to note, High Intelligence, Fast Thought Speed, Perfect Memory, Brain Growth]

It doesn't have an off switch, does it?

[Answer: No]

[Enlighten Psychic Powers - Silver]

[By closing one's eyes they can enter an enlightened state, Psychic moves can be released almost instantly and temporarily become Expert grade moves]

[Eyes of Index - Gold]

[Once activated the user can learn the past, present, and future of the target (living/object) as well as the target's status]

[Things to note. By future, it means parallel future timelines, what occurred in that timeline may not occur in this one. Eyes of Index takes information directly from the Pokemon System, so there may be occasions of NULL]

[Beginner can see the target's status/usages, Intermediate is Past, and Advance is Future. Note, Expert's NULL]

[The side effect of the host's big head has been removed thanks to Hardened Body]

[Silver talent makes learning Expert moves even easier to learn. The average move would only need a month's training to enter Expert Stage while moves corresponding to your type can take a week]

Now then, should I commit suicide? That's a dumb question, I should even if this is against my rules, rules are meant to be broken. Like how the f*ck could I live with all the anger, envy, depression, I felt in my first life, especially regrets.


The only bright side to this is that my plans only need some slight alterations, meaning it won't take long until...

"A hard life's coming up," As much as I did like to kill myself, that's just my mind talking and you know the rules, body over mind. Even if the mind breaks, the body will live.

"Let's say our farewells before starting my new journey," I told them, teleporting us onto the island. There I saw both mother and father sitting on the ground leisurely, and I must say that their power level... is over 9000!

Crap, I said this line already. UnIimited Power? No, and now the moments' pass. What I was saying was that their energy pool is so large, a random strange would no they're Guardians, assuming they know what Guardian Is. One can easily distinguish them from in a crowd.

"Can you all hide your aura?" I'm not talking about the ability, but the presence?

"No," Mother's voice appears in front of me, snatching away Puff who was picked up by me earlier. "Are you in such a hurry to leave us?" mother asked reluctantly.

"Yeah, it's about time I start my own journey," Now that I think of it, now's a good time as any to try Eyes of Index.

The question is, is it possible to choose what I want to know?

[Answer: No]

"Sorry," I apologize since this is kind of invasive.

Using Eyes of Index, a lot more and less information than I expected was shown. A lot of useless information, like 'Tired', and 'Motherly-Love', but a lot of more important knowledge is blocked likely due to my low move mastery.

[Answer: Correct]

For example, I can see any of her fusion moves nor the grade they were at. Her games stats are only showing approximate points, not the exact digits, ignoring the big digits for energy pool... there's nothing helpful. Guess, I'll check back when I can see the past.

"Hugh, what were you just doing?" Mother asks.

"Staring at your beautiful face, mother," I explained, lost in thoughts.

"So what did you see?" Mother asked.

"Your face,"

"It's said that ancient Alakazam's can see a Pokemon's past, present, and future," Mother explains. "Then did you see my past..."

"Yes, your former name was Pink Joy," I explained. Annoying as it may be, this is a good time as any to find out her position. "Do you want to know how you died?"


Hugh does look similar to Shiny Mega Alakazam with the only difference being the clothes-like skin being pitch black.

Next chapter is the end of Family Arc.