Route 20, Magician vs Fake Dragon

Clairvoyance maximum range, the diameter of 2 kilometers, range weakens by half underwater and a quarter underground. Weakness? Ghost types can slip through but once they kilometer close Aura would be to spot them.

Oh? I didn't see ya there. Hi everyone, it's me Alakazam D Hugh and we are currently on an island of Route 20. What happened to staying on Route 19? I decided not to risk it and teleport us from one island to the other until I got here. It's small but enough for training Seba, who has been spent a whole month and still hasn't made much progress. Luckily for him, I got time, time to waste.

Sitting on the sand with Puff on my lap, I stroke my beard making sure that it blocks Puff's view. This whole month was used scanning the waters for a Pokemon I can fight, still have to advance Aura to High-Advance.

[Perfect Fusion Move: (Odama) Rasengan = Hidden Power]

Further behind us were Seba and Seadra one working hard to learn the move Surf while the other teaches hard to survive. I'll give them 2 more months. By the way, System what are the results so far?

[Progress: 7% estimated time 2 years]

And here I thought you're calculating speed would be equal to a Supercomputer.

[Answer: The speed would increase significantly if the Host gathers information himself]

Denied. Why must I when you're here? What's the current strength of Zane and the ice trainer from back then? I still need to find and kill them.

[Answer: The Ice trainer you're looking for has recently taken over the empty position of Johto's Elite Four while Zane took Kanto's own]

Wait, so which side has the advantage now?

[Temporary cease fire]

[Reasons aren't documented]

Tsk. Unfortunately, I'm not curious enough to find out. Anything noteworthy?

[Host is in an Alternate Pokemon Universe]

Wow, colored me surprised. I seriously didn't know this. Anything else?

[Host hasn't properly been using Hidden Power]

[Hint: Why can Hidden Power freely change into any type?]

That's something to look into... BUT, a wild Pokemon has appeared.


"F*cking finally!" Holding the sleeping Puff as I stand up, I tossed her near Seba. Landing near them, she was still asleep causing me to shake my head disappointedly.

As for the Gyarados that burst out from the water, I'm quite happy he answered my aggressive Aura call. Seeing the fusion of a Hydro Pump and Hyper Beam move towards the island, I almost choked

"Crazy bastard," This plot of land called an island won't be able to survive Gyarados' attack.

Combo Move = Light Screen + Protect + Psychic: Barrier

Nature Power forms a Whirlpool hoping to keep Gyarados still but with an Aqua Tail that quickly collapsed. Rain quickly began to fall heavily and seeing that this fight won't be over quickly, I teleport off the island and into the air, use Substitution Clone creating 9 near clones of me that quickly surrounded Gyarados by using Teleport.

Their attempt to hold down Gyarados with Psychic failed with a Roar, which they reflected back with Magic Coat. Psychotic Storm quickly formed around Gyarados, roaring angrily and I got pulled into a Hurricane.

Resisting the attack with Harden, Amnesia, Calm Mind, and Aura Defense, I used Disable to stop his Aqua Tail from wrecking my Psychotic Storm. At the same time, Gyarados had sent out a Dragon Breath at me.

Which I politely tanked his attack and use Recover before sending out a Thunder at him, through Nature Powering the storm. Gyarados counters by using his fusion beam attack at my Thunder and used Ancient Power.

Feeling the suppressive power of Ancient Power, a fusion move of Aqua Tail and Dragon Tail slammed into Ancient Power. As for me, I had broken out of Hurricane with Psychic and teleported on the opposite side of Gyarados' tail.

"Checkmate," With a real deal Odama Thunder Rasengan in hand, I attempted to toss it at Gyarados, but my body momentarily froze.


Having gotten rid of Thunder, Gyarados' head turned towards me angrily, sensing the rising rage and large outburst of Normal energy, how could I not know what was coming next.


A much more powerful Aqua Tail came towards me, while its head charge up a Hyper Beam. Teleport lagged for a bit due to the active Intimidate and coming from Gyarados it's no different from Pressure. Evading Aqua Tail by teleporting behind Gyarados, I sent out a Thunderbolt at him.

Turning his head to face me I used Kinesis, canceling the about to be launched Hyper Beam and letting Gyarados gets hit by Thunderbolt which was further enhanced by Laser Focus.


A much smaller Hurricane formed encasing me as I began to take damage. Luckily, as fast as it formed, I had already reapplied my defenses. However, because of its smaller size, I won't be able to break out as quickly. Gyarados rushes over towards me with his mouth open.

[Perfect Fusion Move = Crunch + Ice Fang + Bite]

Not something I want to get hit by, might even be OTHKO by that. Closing my eyes to activate Enlighten Psychic Powers, I used Psychic to slam Gyarados' head into the water and broke out of Hurricane. Teleporting above Gyarados who now rose back up its head, Psyshock hit Gyarados' head that was about to road.

[Should've used Thunderbolt]


Flying high up into the storm, I got ready to end this fight. Gyarados once more sent his Hydro Pump + Hyper Beam fusion attack at me, while I had used Nature Power on the cloud.

"I'll end this in one blow," Holding back the Thunder from being sent forward, I boosted it with Aura and merged Psyshock into it.

[Unstable Fusion Move: Thunder + Aura + Negative Energy (Envy) + Psyshock]

"Thunderbird's Envy!" No longer suppressing Envyful Devil, I entered Envy Form, instantly weakening Gyarados' attack significantly. The Dark Thunder tore through Gyarados' attack and hit him directly.


[Host has defeated a Level 72 Gyarados]


[Host has killed Gyarados]

"Disappointing," Low 2nd grade Pokemon. This is why I don't use Envyful Devil, the passive weakening of enemy attacks does already help enough.

Also, I didn't get to confirm if adding Negative Energy strengthened the attack or not.


I think the color of the attack alone is enough to say the possible benefits it 'may' have.