Seafoam Islands B2F Part 1, Arousing Envy

After resting, I dived down the waterfall, entering the next stage. Dropping down to the first lower floor, I send out peaceful signals through Aura and teleported onto land.

"Sup," I said, standing next to a Slowpoke its tail in the water, fishing.

"..." Not getting an answer from this drug addict, I scan this floor with Clairvoyance quickly finding the most efficient way to the next floor, which is...


Making one.

*crack* *crack* *crack*

"Ora ora ora!" I shouted rapidly punching the ground with my AE fist, quickly breaking a hole into it.

"Sup," Slowpoke now answered. Rolling my eyes, I jumped down the hole.

Landing into the cold water, a Dewgong rushes towards me using Headbutt. Flying out of the water, I wonder why this Dewgong even attacked me, right now my Aura, 'Come in Peace,' is still active.

Of course, looking at the Junior Champion Dewgong, I quickly got the answer. This Dewgong also has Aura, allowing Dewgong to see my Aura nature, aka alignment, but you can't represent my personality using something like an alignment, especially an incorrect one.

The 'average' Pokemon who haven't met humans would have their alignment as True Neutral, just like this Dewgong. As for me, I'm 'apparently' Chaotic Evil, how? Sure I'm certainly not good, but I'm not evil, it's not like I would destroy someone's family for no reason.

[Host reason would be exaggerated, for example envying their happiness]

A reason is a reason, and that reason isn't exaggerated. Do you know how unfair it is for them to rub their happiness in my face?

"Hey, ignore my Aura, I don't want to fight," Luckily, this Dewgong is only a level 60 and its Aura is only Mid-Intermediate, it won't be difficult for me to beat him, much less escape. However, I can already sense his family coming over with 2 Senior Champions in the lead. I might be able to beat 1 but I'm uncertain about beating 2.

"Then leave our territory," Dewgong said demandingly.

"Please who are you to tell me that?" I spat, you're 7 years old and only Mid-intermediate, you don't have half the number of moves nor abilities I have. In short, this bastard has wasted his life and still thinks his family is better than me...

Which they likely are, based on the fact one of the Senior Champions also has Aura.

"Tsk," No longer wanting to stay here, I flew away.

"Yeah, you better as run weakling!" Dewgong shouts. Running? Sorry but this is a tactical retreat.

"I'll be back," I said as I flew across the water, waiting for the unsuspecting prey to take the bait.

Bracing myself to counterattack, I saw a possible future through Clairvoyance that shocked me. Instantly, I created a Substitution Clone and made it Teleport higher above me, at this same time the leader Dewgong shot out the water through Aqua Jet, its mouth carrying a terrifying Ice-type move.

[Sheer Cold]

Envy Form, attack weakening.

Combo move = Light Screen + Protect + Psychic: Barrier.

Seeing my defenses shatter almost instantly, I switch places with my Substitution clone avoiding the attack, and directly send out an Aura Sphere at Dewgong. However, bursting out from the water was the second Senior Champion Dewgong who slaps away my attack with Aqua Tail while sending out an Ice Beam at me.

Using Nature Power on the ceilings, an Avalanche came down at them, while the Ice Beam was weakened by Envy and blocked by Light Screen. Shooting out 4 Thunderbolts through my spoons as I retreat, I quickly noticed how more and more Dewgongs were popping up to either intercept me or join the horde that was chasing me.

Fighting all of them at once, and they numbering in hundreds isn't a smart idea. Also, why the hell are they still chasing me!?

"F*ck off!" I shouted, I am no longer wasting energy attacking these fools and just dodging most attacks as I fly away.

I'm very much annoyed that I was so deep into the water biome of this cave. Luckily with my speed, it won't take much longer to leave, then I'll drag them into a fight with another family and kill them both, hehe.

[Note: As a foreigner, they would likely kill you first]


Then I'm forced to kill them all here or die trying.

[OR, you can teleport away]

Even if I have to die to kill them, not one of them can escape my vengeance. Only I can be the one chasing enemies down, not the other way around.

Corruptor: Wide Range Envy, Self-Harm

Pokemons are easily affected by emotions, especially the ones you mainly see in humans, for example, Love.

"Why must he have your desires?" I said quietly, my voice enhanced by Aura so they could all hear. Of course, as I began to speak I'm still avoiding and blocking attacks.

"It should've been yours, yet he stole it, how could you possibly accept that?" As I asked this, I could see that although they are still attacking me they have gotten entranced in envy.

"If he's dead, you can have it all, if you can't have it, DESTROY IT, only then no one else can have it, only then no one can steal your desires!" I shouted, Light Screen blocking a weakened wave of Ice Beams.

"So what are you waiting for!? Are you going to keep watching as they rub it in your face!? Who can stop you from achieving your desires!? It's there! Right before you! What are you waiting for? JUST DO IT!"

Can you say for certain you don't envy someone?

Everyone envies something, some just don't realize that they did.

Pokemons are the least likely to show this emotion, but that doesn't mean they don't have it.

Hopefully, this action should've aroused some of them and given me the opportunity I need to escape, then later I would use Corruptor to manipulate a family to fight them.

This is the price for messing with me, that Dewgong shouldn't have shown off how he can believe in his family and feel with them. All that did was aroused my envy of him, making me want to crush everything he cherishes.

[And the host claims he's not Chaotic Evil]

Tsk, I'm Chaotic Neutral at best.

[Note: Envy is currently severely affecting you]

Oh my, I didn't notice. Why don't you show off your wisdom some more?


Blocking an attack from the leader, the other Senior Champion makes a surprise attack on him, becoming the fuse for a chaotic scene. Dewgongs began battling against each other aggressively, none holding back as they send vicious attacks at each other, which dumbfounds me.

Corruptor is much stronger than I had expected.

[Answer: Corruptor only had 30% effect, your speech is the main cause of this]

Hm, where's your proof? I don't believe you.

A Dewgong shoots up towards me using Aqua Jet, the same one who started this hold sh*t I think I will call him, Lin Gong.


OTHKO moves.

These moves require a lot of prep time and a lot of energy to use. They aren't a certain win move though, they are just extremely powerful moves. Most of these moves are the best used in assassinations as their applicabilities in battle is almost impossible to work in 1 v 1 fights.


I have done it! I have made parameters I'm satisfied with.