Seafoam Islands B2F Part 2, Special Force

Easily avoiding the Aqua Jet from Lin Gong, I held him midair with Psychic, however with his body coated in Aura he quickly broke out.

"So do you envy my handsomeness?" I asked curiously. It won't take a minute to beat Lin Gong, however, breaking his spirit and letting him die full of envy and regret sounds lovely.

Quickly throwing him into the air with Psychic, I use Twister to keep him from entering back into the water and used Disable to stop him from using Sheer Cold and neutralize all his attacks through Envy Form.

"Although, that might be it, I bet what you truly envy is my Aura. I'm younger and better than you in every way," I said confidently.

[Host can't use most of...]

Shh shh shh, not now System, be quiet.

"And to prove this I'll defeat you with only my Aura," Mid-Advance Aura can let me fight Pokemons at level 69, what can his level 61 Lin Gong do?

As I speak with him, I'm slowly carrying a distance away from the battlefield. Even if I got Clairvoyance, I don't want to risk getting attacked at a bad moment. Although, I doubt Ling Gong has what it takes to push Aura to High-Advance, one has got to try.

Dispersing Twister I stopped flying through Psychic and fell into the water along with Lin Gong. Sinking into the water I canceled Envy Form.

"You'll regret this," Lin Gong spat, instantly swimming towards me with Aqua Jet.

Tsk, already showing off your speed in the water huh.

AE, Physical Boost.

This way, I won't be at too much of a disadvantage in this water. My hands came in front of me blocking Ling Gong's attack, while my AE boosted leg kicked Lin Gong, however, due to fighting in water not only did the damage weaken, but the impact didn't blast him into the air like planned.

Swimming back up for air, Lin Gong swings his Aqua Tail down at me, which I block with Aura Sphere. Lin Gong's mouth opens sending out a Hydro Pump that I quickly block with my hands, however, the impact sends me deeper into the water.

A little annoying that I'm being restricted by a Pokemon much weaker than me, but I don't think that's enough for him to be showing me this COCKY GRIN.

Through my spoons, I created a big Aura Sphere while shooting out Aura Bullets at Lin Gong, which he needed to block an Aura Sphere, weak. Slapping away that Aura Sphere, I sent my Aura Sphere at him and quickly swim to the surface.

Reaching the surface and taking in that good air, I sighed in disappointment when I saw Lin Gong had no way to deal with this attack.

[Host has killed Lin Gong]

I may not have achieved my goal, but based on what I'm seeing with Clairvoyance, all hopes are not lost. The battle between the Dewgongs are still ongoing, and... they haven't killed anyone... I guess that's understandable, they beat up those that they wanted to and kept them alive for the sake of the family.

The most important battle going obviously between the 2 Senior Champion Dewgongs. The leader is at level 79 and the other is at level 76, A, and B respectively. A doesn't have any unique abilities or moves while B has High-Advance Aura, this enabling B to compete with A, however, the Leader has the advantage?

They both got the same moves and similar fusion moves, and the difference in level should've shrunk with B having Aura, so what's the difference? Tactics, A has shown more intelligence in his attacks like a gamer who pays attention to all his skill cooldowns while the other one, the newb, is spamming. This difference is what led A to a clean victory against B.

Absorbing the Negative Energy in the air to improve Corruptor, I got the taste of Envy, Resentment, and Anger, of course, there's some minor stuff in there but these are the most important. Watching as B began to lose and B's envy continues or rise even without my assistance, I couldn't help but smile at that. It's only a pity that I killed Lin Gong before I got to show him this

"Do you desire power?" I asked, teleporting beside B and blocking an Ice fusion attack with my combo defense move.

I created 3 Substitution Clones to teleport and harass A, and focused on B who's watching me cautiously in the water.

"Don't you desire his position? Then I'll help you, I'll give you the power to defeat him, and all I ask of you is to submit to me," I said enchantingly, of course, I'm never letting down my guard against B.

"The whole of Seafoam Islands would be yours, Guardian Pokemons would submit to you," As I spoke, I gathered Negative Energy in my hand into one thick ball of darkness and slowly moved towards B.

"Your desires would be the fuel to your power, once you eat this you'll belong to me," I said

The hesitation in B's eyes quickly vanished and swallowed the Negative Energy in one bite. Quickly, purple energy quickly burst out from B's body, B's eyes blood red.

[Corruptor had advanced to Low-Expert]

"Fail," I muttered, I didn't want a barbaric ally.

The purple energy quickly was absorbed back into B's body along with the red eyes, forcing a smile to come on my face.

[Shadow Pokemons: Pokemons that are forcefully charged with high amounts of Negative Energy, thereby blocking all positive emotions, by cleansing the Negative Energy in their bodies they can be reverted to their original forms]

[??? Pokemons: Pokemons that have willing absorbed large amounts of Negative Energy, however, unlike Shadow Pokemons this didn't seal their positive emotions but instead significantly weakened them. Due to their souls being contaminated by Negative Energy there's no known method of reverting them back]

[To save the host from trouble, the System has stopped the registration of this new knowledge. If the host wishes otherwise, do let the System know]

[Do you wish to name this form?]

Alter Pokemons.


[Pokemon: Dewgong

Age: 13 years, 18 months

Physique: Alter

Gender: Female

Egg Group: Field, Water 1

Type: Water, Ice

Level: 76

Innate Ability: Aura (High-Advance)

Ability: Thick Fat, Ice Body, Hydration

Racial Ability: Strong Horn, Thermal Energy Storage, Cold Adrenaline

Special Ability: N/A

Talent Grade: Shallow Purple

Nature: Calm

Move set:

Advance: Hail, Dive, Growl, Water Gun, Rest, Brine, Encore, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Bubble Beam, Safeguard, Water Pulse Take Down, Headbutt, Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Aurora Beam

Expert: Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Aura Sphere

Perfect Fusion moves: Jet Forward = Aqua Jet + Take Down + Headbutt

Ice Storm = Icy Wind + Ice Shard]


Just looking at that move pool one can see the difference between Hugh and wild Pokemons. Of course, if he were to fight B he wouldn't have an easy win, and may even lose if he fights too arrogantly.

As a Pokemon goes to Guardian, they began to stop using moves below Advance and may only use Expert and Fusion moves entirely.


Alter Pokemons: Like Shadow Pokemons, they can gain strength using Negative Energy, but unlike Shadow Pokemon who have no self-control, they have perfect control over themselves, which is as perfect as your urges allow. If their Negative Energy rises to an uncontrollable level, they would lose their self-control and attack indiscriminately, thereby temporarily becoming a Shadow Pokemon.

The boost in strength for Alters isn't as high Shadows, but maintaining their sanity can allow them to fight better than Shadows.