Seafoam Islands B2F, Part 3 Parameters At Last & Alter Army?

Previously on, my life.

[Corruptor has advanced to Low-Expert]

Bwahahaha! I have f*cking did it!

[Low-Expert is technically a Guardian tier Pokemon, in case the host hasn't noticed]

Yeah, I can see, so much Negative Energy, yet I'm unable to use it for combat at the moment. I don't believe that once I compressed it enough it can't be used to attack, and even if I can't attack with it, I can't put an army to sleep. Corruptor Enhancement: Wide Range Sloth.

Crap! Now that I'm a Corruptor Guardian, doesn't that mean my Negative Energy can be seen because of its quantity?

[Answer: No]

[Corruptor like Silver and Gold stage talents can manipulate their corresponding type of energy, thereby enabling them to hide their energy]

[Also because Corruptor is closely linked to the soul and not the body, you won't need to worry about Life Energy affecting the environment]

Alright, then shouldn't I be able to manipulate Psychic and Dark-type moves?

[Answer: Correct, you just never tried even when you have been able to absorb Psychic and Dark-type energy from the environment]

In my defense, there are not many of those two type energies in the air. However, why weren't these abilities mentioned when I had previously checked my status?

[Answer: The last time host checked his status was when he had evolved. At that time, the host hadn't tried absorbing those two type energies from the air, thereby not showing in his status]

Let's take a look then, status.

[Name: Alakazam D Hugh

Pokemon: Alakazam

Age: 3 years, 13 months

Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny

Gender: Male

Egg Group: Human-like, Mineral

Type: Psychic, Dark

Level: 70

Innate Ability: Instinct (Lock), Aura (Mid-Advance), Envyful Devil, Corruptor (Low-Expert)

Ability: Inner Focus, Synchronize, Magic Guard, Trace

Racial Ability: Clairvoyance (Low-Advance), Enhanced Psychic, Hardened Body, Super Brain, Enlighten Psychic Powers, Eyes of Index (High-Beginner)

Special Ability: Super Sperm, Psychic (Mid-Beginner), Dark-type Manipulator (Low-Beginner)

Talent Grade: Shallow Silver

Nature: Calm

Move set:

Beginner: Fling, Role Play, Dig, Take Down, Return, Frustration, Kinesis, Gust, Psybeam, Flash

Intermediate: Self-Destruct, Future Sight, Laser Focus, Fairy Wind, Harden, Encore, Extreme Speed, Defense Curl, Last Resort, Counter, Focus Energy, Sucker Punch, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Twister, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Reflect, Light Screen, Knock Off

Advance: Ally Switch, Hypnosis, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Confusion, Bounce, Splash, Magical Leaf, Disable, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Recover, Ancient Power, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere

Expert: Nature Power, Rest, Sleep Talk, Double Team, Substitute, Psycho Cut, Teleport, Psychic, Hidden Power, Protect

(A/N: his talent enables him to freely make unstable fusion moves mid-battle therefore I won't add them in here unless he plans to train them further)

Stable Fusion moves: Stampede: Quick Attack + Protect

Perfect Fusion moves: Sleep Brawler: Rest + Sleep Talk

Substitution Clone: Double Team + Substitute + Ally Switch

Imperfect Psychotic Storm: Psycho Cut + Psychic]

I know Negative Energy isn't connected to my energy tank, so is that the same for Psychic and Dark-type Manipulator?

[Answer: Correct]

[Main Energy Tank: Pure Energy (Energy that can be changed into any TYPE when needed) - Located in the body.

Secondary Energy Tank A: Negative Energy - Location in the soul.

Secondary Energy Tank B: Psychic-type Energy - Located in the body.

Secondary Energy Tank C: Dark-type Energy - Located in the body.

Main Energy Tank contains 2x Secondary Energy Tank + 2.5x (Ancient Bloodline)]

Hey, don't put numbers when I don't know how much that is!

[Answer: Understood]

[Status B: Parameters

Name: Alakazam D Hugh

Energy (Total): A--

Health: D+

Physical Attack: B

Physical Defense: B

Special Attack: B++

Special Defense: B+

Mobility: A--

Control: B++

Ability: A-

Support: B++

Note: These stats are calculated using Pokemon's stats along with their moves and abilities. Control is restricting moves/abilities, moves like Attract are also listed here. Ability is targeting abilities/moves that can't be listed in the other stats, in this case, that's Envyful Devil. Support would be protecting, healing, and other ally aiding moves/abilities.

Grade = average level

E = level 1 - 19

D = level 20 - 39

C = level 40 - 59

B = level 60 - 79

A = level 80 - 89

S = level 90 - 100

SS = Exceptional (Rarely seen on Pseudo Legendaries, Commonly seen on Legendaries)

SSS = Astonishing (Only seen on Top-Tier Legendaries)

ERROR = Unable to calculate.

EX = Stats beyond what can be calculated.

'+' = in the upper tier of that grade.

'++' = The effects of a certain move/ability effectiveness on that grade would be stronger than the grade it's shown but weaker than the grade above it. An additional '+' may be added. A < A++ < S- = A+++, and so on.

'-' = in the lower tier of that level.

'--' = Once a certain move/ability is restricted the level would drop. For example, if you're against a Psychic Guardian your Mobility, would drop significantly with their ability to restrict Teleport]

F*cking finally! But it doesn't use the same sh*t as Eyes of Index!

[Not to worry my host, that has been changed. With the host technically being a Guardian Pokemon, more uses of the System are now available. One of which is connecting the System to certain abilities, to provide better convenience to the host]

So what can you do with Eyes of Index?

[Answer: Get the information host wanted from the target without seeing too much data]

Sniff, thank you so much my lovely system, you don't understand the pain I had to suffer skimming through a bunch of useless information before I get what I wanted for the battle, mainly being weakness.


So after all these events occurred, I let B defeat A, and then after he refused to join me due to resentment, I killed him and leveled up. Hurray, level 71. Later on, I teleported Seba and Puff down.

Now it has been 3 months since those events and I'm now satisfied with my Dewgong army. Sadly, excluding B only 4 Junior Champion Pokemons managed to become Alters a good bit became the Shadow crap, but at least I now know how to purify them. Those Pokemons that become Alters gained a boost in their stats.

As for turning Puff and Seba into Alters, that would have to wait until I have mastered it. So in total, we have 4 Senior Champions, counting myself, Puff, Seba, and B, and 10 Junior Champion Dewgongs.

There's a Guardian Cloyster on this floor, good luck killing that tank. So I plan on grinding for a few months to hit level 75 before going down further. Leveling up isn't the main reason though, if I can learn to use Negative Energy in my attacks I could face off against Guardian Pokemons, hopefully.

At least I would surely be above all Pokemons under Guardian, excluding Legendaries.


Finally, parameters I'm satisfied looking at. Numbers just weren't right, especially when stats aren't the only reason for victory, moves and abilities are just as important and I felt I had this right.

Energy/Stamina: B = When removed Corruptor

Health: D+

Physical Attack: D = When removing Aura

Physical Defense: D- = When removing Aura, Hardened Body

Special Attack: B+ = When removing Enlighten Psychic Power and Enhanced Psychic

Special Defense: C+ = When removing Calm Mind + Amnesia

Mobility: B = When removing Teleport

Moves and abilities make up a good portion of a Pokemon strength.

Now then, should I make an auxiliary chapter for a better explanation for this? Hmm, decisions, decisions.