Face Off Against An Overlord


Pokemon: Snorlax

Abilities: Thick Fat, Gluttony

Level: 89

Energy/Stamina: A+

Health: SS

Physical Attack: A+++

Physical Defense: C+

Special Attack: C-

Special Defense: A++

Mobility: D-

Control: E-

Ability: C-

Support: E-

Evaluation: Peak Guardian]


Name: Artic

Pokemon: Articuno (Alter)

Level: 79

Energy/Stamina: A+

Health: A-

Physical Attack: A

Physical Defense: S-

Special Attack: S+++

Special Defense: S-

Mobility: S+

Control: S++

Ability: S

Support: S

Evaluation: Low Master]

And then there's me who can barely harm Snorlax with Special Attack. Meaning if I really want to help in this upcoming fight, I have to use Physical Attacks. Sitting on Artic's back as we glided around Snorlax's Territory. I decided it was about time I try to make my weapon, a weapon only I could ever use.

My spoons lined up forming a vertical line on Artic's back, a mixture of Psychic, Dark, and Aura gathered around them and hardened. I formed a Gate above my craftmanship, causing Twisted Spoons, Dusk Stones, and an Aura Amulet all of which at the Bronze Stage were being absorbed into the spoons that had now melted. All of which, are now slowly being morphed through Psychic.

As I do this my control of Psychic is weakening at a rapid pace, after all these spoons are what Alakazam uses to transmit Psychic energy, but with the ability, Psychic, I don't need it. After getting the desired shape, the silver liquid quickly hardens and forms a 7ft tall spear.


[Physical Attack: A » S--]

[Special Attack: A+++ » S--]

[Longinus (Silver): A spear made through 3 different types of energies, amplifying the damage of any of them. This can only be held by Alakazam D Hugh, however, through recognition of the user's Aura it can be used by your reincarnated self]

"Alright, you can clear the field now," I told Artic.

"Tsk," although not liking my tone, she still listens. A flap of her wings changed the sunny weather into a snowy one in seconds.

Aura & Psychic: Cold Resistance.

On the ground below us was a group of resting Snorlaxs and Munchlaxs who were eating from berry trees. However, immediately after it began to snow the Snorlax family looked at the sky angrily. 10s of Hyper Beams came flying our way which was blocked by Artic's Aurora Veil.

Flapping her wings she used Whirlwind, blowing away practically everyone but the Overlord. This is mainly because they didn't resist due to laziness.

"We'll leave them to you, leader," said one of the Snorlax before going back to sleep. Either they're confident he can take us or they're lazy. Nah, it's both.

Meanwhile, Artic has already begun her onslaught of Blizzard on Snorlax however due to Thick Fat and its already high special defense, the damage isn't much, but damage is damage.

Annoyed, Snorlax finally stands up and pulls out a rock from off the ground, and threw it at us.

[Rock Wrecker]

Jumping off, I began to condense Hidden Power size Aura Spheres around me and threw my Aura boosted Longinus at the rock, piercing right through it. As I shot my Aura Spheres at Snorlax, he used Bounce almost instantly reaching above height. Teleporting Longinus back into my hand, I stab upwards while he drops down at me.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Fall Down = Heavy Slam + Slam + Body Slam]

Curse Aura Burst shoots out from Longinus meanwhile from above a fusion beam shoot down at Snorlax.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Arctic Beam = Freezing Glare + Ice Beam]

Even with Amnesia active Snorlax fails to fully resist the attack causing some part of his back to freeze, this also leads his Fall Down to weaken thereby causing my Curse Aura Burst to win the collision pushing him backward midair, but...

[Perfect Fusion Move: March Forward = Giga Impact + Double Edge + High Horsepower]

Quickly, I activated Absolute Barrier in front of me and added with Artic's well-timed Arctic Barrier I completely resist the attack, yet, even then the exchange wasn't over yet. Snorlax's attack changed to Last Resort and I was left with no more means to protect myself, or so he thought...

Teleporting a bit above my former location, I stabbed downwards with Longinus, meanwhile, Artic had encased us in an Arctic Dome, a bubble version of the Arctic Barrier. So as my Longinus moves towards Snorlax, I quickly added Electric energy into it thereby creating my own Chidori.

[Stable Fusion Move: Chidori = Thunderbolt + Thunder Punch + Aura]

My Chidori enchanted Longinus stabs forward hitting Snorlax, slamming him down into the dome's wall. Instantly slamming into it, Icicle Spears erupted from it and began to rapidly hit Snorlax. Stomping on the ground using Earthquake, the whole Arctic Dome broke down revealing Artic who shot forward using Brave Bird on the unsuspecting Snorlax hitting him higher into the air.

Ancient Frost shot toward the flying Snorlax and hits him, his arms frozen from this attack. At this time, my Devil's Shot fired off towards Snorlax who was now beginning to fall, Snorlax cracks the ice through Hammer Arm that swings forward and counters my Devil's Shot.

Using Flash Step, I appeared at the side of Snorlax and uses Ancient Power. Snorlax opens its mouth about to fire off a Hyper Beam but was blocked by my Disable. Meanwhile, Artic was flying below him gathering up Ice energy to end this battle.

Although Ancient Power hits Snorlax it didn't stop him from pulling out his fist to hit me with a Mega Punch, which I counterattack with Chidori. However, unlike our previous exchange, this Mega Punch was clearly a boosted one and manages to push me backward, but before I was thrown a distance away I spam 10s of mini Aura Spheres at him harassing him.

After spamming enough mini Aura Spheres, I threw an AE Longinus at Snorlax while teleporting above him and locking him in place with Psychic. Sadly, with Amnesia active it didn't take a second for Snorlax to flex out of it and grab my Longinus intending to break.

Maybe if he was Machamp I may have been worried. Hitting him with a Fake Dark Void, I watch as Snorlax took the initiative to fall asleep and throws my spear right at me with the aid of Rest and Sleep Talk. Sadly for him, it stopped in arms reach where I grabs it and shot a Devil's Shot at him.

However, March Forward was used forcing me to teleport behind him and stab forward. Canceling his attack, Snorlax gets hit by my Longinus but instead of being pushed away, it caused him to turn around with a Fighting-type energy fist moving towards me.


Even though I can see it, I felt I was unable to dodge this one, and proving me right, the fist slammed right into my face causing me to be thrown far back spinning. Sadly for him, midair he's barely able to do much and can only helplessly send a Hyper Beam at me which was blocked by my Absolute Barrier.

Unfortunately for him, Articuno was ready and fired off a Sheer Cold at Snorlax who was in no position to dodge. Seeing as he's about to counterattack, I first used Disable followed by Enlighten Psychic Powers to strengthen my Psychic, making it difficult for Snorlax to break out, and can only hope he can tank this shot.

[The host and Artic have killed Overlord Snorlax]

[Host has leveled up]

[Host has become a Guardian powerhouse, congratulations]

[Energy/Stamina: A-- » A+]

Time for some behind-the-scenes action, see ya.


This was one hell of a fast-paced battle. Without Sheer Cold, this fight would be too long and they may even lose if they couldn't get Snorlax off the ground.

Fun fact, all the hits Artic and MC attack didn't even drop Snorlax health by half, at most a quarter.