Crazy B*tch

[Life Energy/Life Force can represent one's lifespan when it's done your life's done. Life Energy when combined with the Type Energy one releases, affects the environment, creates resources, and can even slightly change the Pokemon within that territory's talent. Life Energy slowly leaves the body daily, and also is reduced from mating. Finally, Life Energy can create Life, but if not born with the ability one needs a high talent to learn it, Gold]

[Technically, you shouldn't have been able to learn Spiritualist since that also requires Gold Talent to learn but this is likely possible due to the number of times you had died and left your memories]

I see... I see too much information at once.

[...Your welcome]

Oh!? Can't I spend the cash (RP), I should've received from my life as Alakazam.

[No, the most the System would allow is spending RP to create a new ability. As for the Evaluation of your last life, it will be done at the end of this reincarnation]

Alright, cool... wait are you cursing me!?

"Hey, bastard!" FemZwe shouts out expecting the signal Zweilous had told her in case I decided to get rid of him.

"Need something b*tch?" I asked, having no intention to pretend to be someone I am not.

"Curse you!" They snarled their body began shining.

I wonder if I can Alter a Dark-Type.

[Answer: Even with Dark-type ability to devour Negative Energy, their personality makes it easy to become Alters]


"Hey, I thought you didn't plan on evolving!?" I ask.

"F*ck you!"

Tsk, even during evolution you still want to curse me, be glad the Pokemon rules prevent attacking an evolving-wait a second. Guardian Pokemons and onwards are slowly breaking away from some of the Pokemon rules, in that case...

[Answer: You can attack her but your soul will be marked as 'The Guardian that feared an evolving Pokemon']

I see... I shall wait. By the way, who made this rule.


So your wiki doesn't have an answer, pity. Looking ahead at the fully evolved Hydreigon who roars at me aggressively. I'm quite happy at keeping her alive to this date, some nice exp was personally groomed by me.


Hydreigon's 3 mouths opened as the blue sound wave came out towards me.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Dragon Voice = Hyper Voice + Dragon Pulse]

Adding the fact she used Nasty Plot and also has Destructive Force, her attack power has already exceeded Guardian but so has mine.

[Unstable Fusion Move: Ancient Dragon Voice = Ancient Power + Hyper Voice + Dragon Pulse]

Merging Ancient Power into anything makes the attack much more powerful, thereby managing to push back Hydreigon's attack. Like most Pokemons, she lacks defensive moves, but unlike most raw firepower can get you anywhere as Hydreigon.

Suddenly her attack stops and she used a fusion of Dragon Rush and Double Edge, making a breakthrough in my attack and moving straight toward me.

"Die!" As she shouts this, my 3 heads have already formed a compressed boosted Draco Meteor and fired them off as beams towards her.

Nasty Plot + Laser Focus + Work Up.

Our attacks collide once more and Hydreigon was sent rocketing into the air. Taking advantage of this I released Ice Breath, Dragon Breath, and Fairy Breath towards her while beginning to form Aura Swords around me.

Having stopped after crashing into the ceiling, Hydreigon opens her mouth to counterattack but was denied by Disable, before momentarily stunning her with Roar. Now my breath attacks were inches away from her body, and I began firing Aura Swords at her in case she chooses to dive through my breath attacks. What are you going to do now?

Unable to see the swords hidden behind the breath attacks she descended with her Dragon Rush Double Edge fusion move leading to an Aura Sword managing to stab one of her puppet heads. Shame stabbing the puppet's head won't kill it.

Judging by how Hydreigon is still diving downward towards me she intends to fight in close combat hoping to have a better chance at winning there, but that doesn't add up, diving downward is just going to send you right back up.

Once more gathering Draco Meteors in my mouth, I look at Hydreigon quite curious if she has a plan or is just being reckless. Regardless, I'll play along. Unlike her, I have Recover and Rest, so losing some health is going to do much.


Roar was used and my Draco Beams have canceled... Okay, then...

[Scary Face]

...That's annoying, but I still can...

[Perfect Fusion Move: Pseudo-Intimidate]

"F*ck you!" Her body slams into mine slamming us into the ground, where her three heads attempt to headbutt me with Head Smash. But with an Absolute Barrier formed in time, I managed to reduce some of the damage which gave me enough time, for my tail to swing at her head using Dragon Tail.

Sadly, she was one step faster due to her Dragon Tail being at Expert, her tail slaps away mine. Alright, I'll neutralize most of the damage with Headbutt. Soon after our bead collided making my head pushed back, her heads gripped onto my necks with Crunch.


Even after adding Aura: Harden on my neck in time, it could fully block the enhanced Crunch, especially with Destructive Force, something especially good at cracking defenses.

Freezing Glare was released from my left head hitting onto Hydreigon's right head but the freezing effect was superficial. Now I need to get her heads off me before she rips them off.

Outrage + Dark Tantrum + Thrash.

As I began to swing around and slam her body as I try to force her off, I use Recover that way this drawn-out battle would be my win.

[Host has forgotten about air]


Canceling those rage moves and canceling the confusion with Refresh, I formed a Susanoo arm and let it grab the ground pulling out a now made Ground Sword through Earth Power. Strengthening it with Aura, and every other thing I could think of, the arm holding the sword pierced through both Hydreigon and my body.

Yet this only made her tighten her grip on me and now the world around me was blurry, I'm now on the verge of fainting. At least, Recover would make sure I don't die from the stab wound, sooo let's stab again.

Although I can't see with my eyes, Omniscient is much better than my eyes. With careful movements, the sword was now aimed at Hydreigon's main head causing her to begin thrashing around in hopes of making me miss. Sorry, b*tch my aim is legendary.


My sword pierces through Hydreigon's main head and right into my main head's neck...

[Legendary indeed]

[Host has killed Hydreigon]

Unwillingly, her jaws opened declaring my victory and by burning a lot more energy than usual, I healed my neck wound and can breathe.

"Crazy b*tch!"