
"You all have been asked to come here to..."

"I object! I didn't want to be here at all you, my sh*tty mother forced me to come!" I objected and said my case, now I ask the judge to solve this fairly.


F*ck you!


"As I was saying, I have gathered you, Hydreigons, and Haxorous over so that we may begin the eradication of the Swoobat family,"

"Woohoo! Eradication!" I shouted encouragingly while gazing at the Pokemons in my mother's territory.

8 of us to be precise, 4 Hydreigons and 4 Haxorous, with only my mother and father at Peak Guardian. Mother as usual glared at me for interrupting her. Father, being the first time I met him was sitting down lackadaisically on the ground with mother beside him.

As for the last Hydreigon, it's the harem pursuer, Thirsty. The first Pokemon I have ever met that's strongly interested in mating. Thirsty, the name I gave, by the way, is said to have mated with every species that ever came or passed through this cave, this also including humans. So in short, he's a serial rapist with an 'every hole is a goal' thought process.

Not going to lie, he's going to die during this war. You crossed my bottom line, a line I myself broke, rape. I broke a little too many bottom lines as an Alakazam.


Immoral Manipulation of my kid.

Sending my kid to her own likely death for my sake.


[You forgot 'having a harem]

I didn't get a harem, I have a group of concubines who may not live to see my next reincarnation, assuming that they're still alive.

[Answer: The hold point of you intending to get rid of them proves you consider it a harem]


"Mike!" Mother shouts annoyed that I had ignored her.

"Fine! I'll stop talking, just start and finish quickly," I answered, irritated I have to do her prep war talk.

"Alright, let's start with the biggest issue. The cavern Pokemon, Terrakion," Mother said quickly getting my attention.

"For those who don't know," Mother said her gaze focus on me. "Guardian Pokemons aren't expendable and most Legendaries prevent Guardians from causing wars against each other. One or 2 may die but many can not, but with our goal being the eradication of the Swoobat family, we can't allow Terrakion to interfere,"

"Leave it to me," I said confidently. I get to kill 2 birds with one stone, why won't I accept this deal?

"Pft, you do it? You're the weakest Pokemon here and think you can fight a legendary?" Thirsty mocks.

"Maybe if it was the young Terrakion but this is the Uber Terrakion, you can't fight that on your own," Father added.

"Alright, I'll take FemHydra with me," I added.

System what the f*ck is an Uber?

[Summarized Version: 2 of Uber Terrakion's abilities have been boosted significantly. Iron grade ability could hit Gold from the boost]

My curiosity has piqued, now I want to know more, specifically how to become one.

[Answer: Details later, focus now]

"Thirsty will join you 2 in battle, try to delay for a few days," Mother said, as if we can delay for so long... then again our energy is quite large.


Discussion: Pokemons.

Speaker: Mike & System

Event Time: Before the meeting

[The growth speed of Pokemons are unbelievable in most worlds. On average starts as the weakest species before having energy equal to a planet]

Mike: Energy is equal to the planet on average. Hmm, smells a lot like bullsh*t to me. I can accept them having the power to destroy a continent but a planet? I didn't know this was one of those heavens over heavens sh*t.

[Pokemons only have a big battery but most aren't able to efficiently use them due to either low Physical Attack or low Special Attack. Even Pokemons with high stats are unable to efficiently use their high supply of energy]

Mike: Alright, establishing that the average Pokemon max energy of S which is CLAIMED equivalent to a planet, are you going to tell me SS is a star as SSS is a galaxy?

[Your hopes for the Pokemon world are too low. The System said average Pokemon, the average strength of talented Pokemons is Guardian where they'll stay for the rest of their long life. A - S is Planet tier energy, SS - SSS is a star, and SSS¹ - SSS⁴ is Solar System - Galaxy, EX is Galaxy and Universe level energy]

Mike: ...

[When your energy was at A when was the last time you ran out of energy? The only reason your Nuclear Kaboom didn't hit Pallet Town nor Viridian Forest is because of the energy level of this planet.]

Mike: Wait, my kamikaze attack only destroyed Viridian City and a good portion of routes near it!? Though, I'm curious why would we need so much energy.

[Possibly war purposes but the energy rating has never changed since its establishment]

Mike: So Pokemons always had a high energy level and their weakness was their body unable to fully display it and levels might just be the limiter for Pokemons preventing them from fully displaying this strength. Adding the amount of Guardian Pokemons available, I have a very simple question.

Mike: Is this world sentient?

[You have piqued the System's curiosity]

[Searching for answers...]


[Requesting thorough scan of the Pokemon world's database (System) from the host]

Mike: Thorough? Can we be found through the scan?

[Answer: Uncertain]

Mike: We can try again in the future, now is 100% not the time to test my survivability.