Enhanced Ability & Lustful Devil

Using 'Enhanced' in front of each strengthen move is a pain, so I'm just going to put a '+' sign. For example, instead of Enhanced Dragon Tail, I'll just say Dragon Tail+.


[Role Play has copied Saviour]

Now let's see if this works.

[Trace has copied Rock-type Manipulation (Low-Beginner)]

Through Omniscient, I quickly began to understand Rock-type Manipulation and...

[Host has gained the Special Ability, Rock-Type Manipulation (Low-Beginner)]


[Trace has...]

[Special Ability: Fighting-Type Manipulation (Low-Beginner)]

[Trace has copied Overwhelming Charge]

Saviour activates creating a pink transparent air that spread across the field, and through will, the pink air slowly enters into Thirsty and FemHydra's skin and began to slowly heal them and increase their defense, which can be seen from their now slightly pink skin.

As this was occurring, I had already charged forward with Dragon Rush+, moving towards FemHydra who was getting her *ss handle to her by Terrakion's full-powered Horn Attacks+. 3 Head Smashes+ were needed to block one thrust of Terrakion's horn, and this is without mentioning that Terrakion had made the ceiling rain Rock Slide+ in my direction.

Luckily, with the aid of Overwhelming Charge, my Dragon Rush+ easily rammed past them enclosing Terrakion.

Earth Power is a no-go, its usage can easily be countered due to Terrakion's max out Rock Power. Hidden Power isn't great for damage, even Odama Hidden Power isn't that useful these days. Secret Power will remain as a secret, and I'm definitely not challenging Terrakion's strength with Superpower.

Ancient Power+: Speed Boost.

Ancient runes spread across my body accelerating my speed thereby catching Terrakion off guard.

[Ancient Power+: Physical Boost]

Or not...

Terrakion throws FemHydra into the air with Horn Attack+ and a beam of light shot her even further back.

[Power Gem+]

Another Power move!

[Enhanced Ability has been found]

That sounds a bit ominous.

[Answer: It is]

Suddenly, I felt another field cover me and now I can clearly feel that my attack has been slightly weakened along with my speed.

[Justified+ = Evil Vanquisher]

[Using Omniscient to gain further information]

[Evil Vanquisher (Deep Gold): The user creates a field that restrains Dark, Ghost, and Negative Energy. Pokemons that are Dark or Ghost-types would have their stats slightly weakened all-round, while the user and its allies that aren't one of these types would have their stats slightly boosted all-round]

(A/N: Enhanced Abilities can't be seen in Pokemon World's database and attempts at copying these abilities would lead to gaining the unenhanced version of them)

[Data has been stored in the PRS database]

Isn't that unfair.

Seeing that Terrakion used Sacred Sword+, now I felt like the evil dragon being attacked by the hero.


AE PE Dragon Tail+: Sword = Dragon Sword.

[Trace has copied Sword Boost]

Dragon Sword smacked into Terrakion's Sacred Sword+ and the impact threw me backward.

"You know, I was just f*cking with you earlier, right? I actually only need to know where Kyurem is," I said relaxed.

This isn't a fight I truly need. After all, I already killed a Legendary Pokemon.

[Correction: Mythical Pokemon]

Okay, so I have a Legendary Pokemon to kill.

"On another note, do you have a child that's sentient?" I asked, as long as it's an adult I can kill it. If it's not an adult toss it in place it did likely die like a Deep Wild Zone.

Terrakion once more charges towards me with Giga Impact. Meanwhile, I created an Aura Sword and started spamming enhancements on it while using Omniscient to better understand how the Normal-type energy moves using Giga Impact, thereby hoping to find a weakness to take advantage of.

"Wait, so you were f*cking him earlier!" Thirsty exclaimed, having finally woken up and flown towards Terrakion. "Regardless, leave defense to me,"

[Follow Me+]

"Hi Terra-D*ck!" He shouts, and now I'm seriously uncomfortable.

"I got a bigger d*ck," Yeah, I'm just going to mute him now.

[Lustful Devil]

Oh God no! Whose right mind was it to give this guy that?

[To be fair, his personality might be due to this ability]

I don't care, after Terrakion loses he'll die! I don't even want to consider the thought if he uses that on me. Just... ugh.

Back to topic, Terrakion has canceled his Giga Impact and has turned around to use it on Thirsty with a bit of unwillingness on his face due to the 'charm' sh*t! Regardless, I'm not going to let this opportunity slide, a stab in the back should work smoothly.

Aura: Bow.

A bow made from Aura was created while the sword slowly start molding into an arrow, with the Bow being held by Psychic hands. My two heads slap my stomach rhythmically, using Belly Drum directly rising my S++ to S++++ (SSS-).

Now I think this should be able to hit and damage Terrakion. Now, I began gathering up the energy with one of my heads to use Teleport and have the last head use Helping Hand on myself.

Now as I slowly draw back my bow gently fearing it breaks, I watch as FemHydra and Thirsty get their *ss handed to them with Thirsty strangely enjoying it.

Now all that's left is to let go of the arrow and see whether this should be enough to end this right now. No way in hell, I'm planning to spend so so amount of hours fighting this guy, and let's not forget about that rich experience this fella has.