Collision & Secret Power

"Mental Illness? That's just society rejecting my uniqueness,"

Quoted by Marshall Mike


"Pierce through the heavens, *ss Destroyer!" I shouted rocketing the Aura directly at Terrakion's *ss.

Most Pokemons don't need to sh*t nor piss and those who do have something unique about their sh*t or piss. Terrakion is one of those who don't have an *ss, but this wasn't the reason I attack his behind. It's because it's harder for him to defend it.

Right now, he's trying his best to take down Thirsty but his hesitations each time he's about to attack him give Thirsty an opportunity to either parry or dodge his attack. Terrakion still has to worry about FemHydra who's flying above Thirsty spamming Dragon Pulse+ at him.

To handle this, Rock Blast: Swords+ are constantly fired out of the ground beside him towards FemHydra. Too bad for Terrakion this is only delaying the Dragon Pulse+ from reaching him. Why? Because this is 3 Dragon Pulse+ fused into one which has also been boosted with Destructive Force.

What he should've done was to retreat, but Thirsty's Follow Me despite being a priority move that is restrained here has been affecting Terrakion badly, and combined with Lustful Devil, Thirsty manages to fight evenly with Terrakion even with the large difference in stats.

Terrakion, having sense danger coming from behind him, stomped the ground sending Stone Edge+ in my direction, before focusing back on Thirsty managing to create a Sacred Sword+ and was about to slash it down at Thirsty who was about to counter with 3 Head Smash+ and finally FemHydra who cancels Dragon Pulse+ intending to use Draco Meteor: Beam+ instead and to prevent getting injured by Rock Blast: Sword+ she flew out of the attack's area of effect.

Of course, something had happened that changed their plans, my Aura Sword having already destroyed the Stone Edge in its part and stabbed Terrakion, it would've done more than just stab if not for Terrakion using Iron Defense+. Regardless, the impact blasted him into the poor poor Thirsty sending them both into a wall.

Teleport finally activates teleporting me and I appeared above them.

"Let's change the scenery," I said.

[Trace has copied Overwhelming Charge]

[Role Play has copied Sword Boost]

AE PE Dragon Rush: Dragon Descending Sword+

Descending cheerfully, I look down quite curious about how Terrakion would try and stop this. Terrakion's defense isn't great, Iron Defense use was mainly to prevent it from losing a body part from my Aura Sword but don't think my attack didn't hurt him. No, Aura Sword should've dropped his health below half.

But sadly, health means sh*t to most powerhouses, he may have a few healing moves.

[Answer: Not everyone is you]

[It's likely the only healing moves Terrakion knows are Drain Punch and Rest]

Well then, this fight's over.

FemHydra Draco Beam shot forward towards the crater in which Terrakion is in, uncaring that Thirsty is also in there. Terrakion gets up followed by Thirsty who quickly stops Terrakion from counter-attacking FemHydra's attack with Follow Me, but...

[Terrakion has killed Thirsty]

That was unexpecting and the look on Thirsty's expression as his 3 heads were cut off by Sacred Sword. Normally, there's hesitation in each of Terrakion's attacks allowed Thirsty to parry or dodge, but not this time, but not this time. Terrakion's attack was cold without the lack of hesitation in it, meaning.

[He broke out from 'Charm']

Now with our tank gone, I'm going to be forced into close combat if we want to win. Terrakion used Stone Edge+ infused with Fighting-type energy to counter FemHydra's attack before sending down Rock Slide: Sword+ from above her.

Turning to face me, Sacred Sword+ was once more used and this time he added in something similar to my Aura Burst but using Fighting-type energy. Knowing this isn't enough, he jumped towards me with Giga Impact and so we moved towards each other both carrying enough energy in this small den called Terrakion's home.


As our bodies collided the energy we used had spread out in the form of a shockwave, blowing away FemHydra and crushing almost everything else into powder including the dead Thirsty and now I'm seeing his soul about to slip away and have no way of stopping it.

Or do I?

Secret Power: Hidden World+

Using Secret Power, I trapped the soul in a pocket of space. Luckily, it lacks a body and therefore can't escape this simple trap, which can't even be called a trap. It's more closer to being inside a house but knowing how to open the unlocked door.

Secret Power has a lot better than using it like this though. Combat-wise, it can be used to make traps, this move shouldn't be used instantaneously and is better used with preparations in place. It's a move that has creation and space tied to it, well this is just my guess.

Okay, let's not study that and pay attention to my situation. After the impact, I was blasted into a wall and then used Secret Power while Terrakion landed back on the ground and has turned his gaze towards the entrance.

Have our reinforcements finally arrived? Or are their more enemies?

FemHydra flew towards me with a snickering expression not even offering to help unstuck me from this f*cking wall.

"Let's retreat," FemHydra said. "There's not much left to gain staying here,"

"Greedy dragon," I teased, up to now I haven't fully decided to kill her or keep her as a follower, Greed after all isn't something I like around me.

[Says Envy]

"I still need to find the location of Kyurem," As for staying and helping mother and father. Haven't I helped them enough?

"I'll ask him again and if he doesn't answer me, we'll make peace and retreat,"


FemHydra is a Pokemon that follows benefits and has already gotten plenty of benefits following Mike for almost a year, how could she throw away her money bag so easily?

Mike having understood her thoughts isn't sure to get rid of her mainly because when he inevitably leaves this place he did like company.