Spending Is Life And Life Is Spending Life

[Uber Ability: Destructive Ki can now be bought for 30,000RP]


[Reminder: It won't be accessible until Guardian rank, plus the user needs to buy Destructive Force first]

F*ckget it, I'll just buy the better and more difficult version of it.

[Total - 158,799RP]

Though, I didn't think I could get this much so easily. Anyways, let me see my soul real quick.

[Name: N/A

Pokemon: N/A

Gender: N/A

Innate Ability: Instinct, Aura (N/A), Corruptor (Low-Expert), Omniscient (High-Intermediate), Trace, Spiritualist (Peak-Intermediate), Universal Affinity

Soul Talent: Deep Purple]

First things first, soul to Deep Silver.

[3 Silver Soul Boost - Cost 15,000RP]


[Soul Talent: Deep Purple » Deep Silver]

[Total - 143,799RP]

Sell Trace and Aura and buy Universal Sense and Destruction Manipulation.


• Trace refunded - 2500RP returned

• Aura refunded - 10,000RP returned

• Universal Sense - 10,000RP

• Destruction Manipulation - 50,000RP

Total Cost = 47,500RP]


[Trace and Aura have been refunded]

[Innate Abilities: Universal Sense and Destruction Manipulation acquired]

[Total - 96,299RP]

Damn, so close to getting Universe Spirit.

But I guess with Universal Affinity, I would have a higher amount of energy early on. Especially, if I'm born as a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.

Anyways, now I want a soul defensive item that can teleport the soul and body to a location I have been to despite any restrictions that may prevent this from happening.

[You know, it's called Soul Defensive Items for a reason]

And let's be honest, your current defensive measures at best can resist a Peak-Divine, I bet both Arceus and Necrozma can still capture me, and what do you know, I'm on the opposing side of Necrozma.

And besides, haven't you heard body over the soul? It means the body has more value than the soul, therefore what's the point in protecting a soul when the body's far more important.

[Since you're so persistent in getting an escape means, very well]

[Ultra Escape Rope - 50,000RP]

F*ck! Rob me and be done!

[Don't worry, the RP used is for the greater good]

System has lost the integrity it should've as a System and a seller.

[Special treatment isn't for free you know. The System is running a business here]

Forcing me to spend RP so that you could upgrade yourself, how selfish can you get?

[Upgrading myself is more beneficial to you than it is for me]

[Do you think it's easy creating abilities, especially those with special concepts?]


[Do you wish to buy Ultra Escape Rope?]

[Notice: This is a one-time offer, the why the price is so high]

Only a fool will believe the latter. Anyways, buy the sh*t!

[Ultra Escape Rope has been stored in your soul]

[Total - 46,299RP]


So, what Pokemons do I have this time?

[Genisect - Plasma Frigate, Unova]

[Meltan - Everywhere, Alola]

[Type: Null - Ultra Megalopolis, Ultra Space]

[Notice: Filter for Pseudo-Legendary is 5 times higher than normal filters while Low-Grade L&M are 10 times]

Damn, why ain't any of them cute!? I wanted to be Phione or some other small cute being of destruction. Refresh it is.

[Aren't you curious about Type: Null]

Risa said 'cute'.

[It's in Ultra Space]

Correct, my enemy's territory.

[It's a Type: Null]

And? Wait, Type: Null! How is that in Ultra Space?

[This the System isn't authorized to explain. Though, I'm 100% certain you would enjoy picking Type: Null]

A recommendation?

[No, the System can't recommend a Pokemon for you to choose, that's cheating]

Weren't you just trying to persuade me?

[No, the System was just reminding you to think through your decisions]

You're right... but... refreshing...

Though, this may not be a bad idea. I don't know how a Type: Null egg got there, but being familiar with Ultra Space is beneficial if I wish to kill Necrozma in the future.

Before that, I should fix a few things I guess.

Create a Deep Gold ability that can create an unbreakable unmovable mark in a specific known location which can be teleported to once with a limit of 5 humans or Pokemons. Creation of the mark and the teleportation can only be used once before the abilities are gone, and most importantly don't allow this ability to be accessible to others. Ability Name: Judgment Day.

[High demands]

Got to milk the opportunity while it's here.

[Ability created - 1,000RP]

[Total - 45,299RP]

[Judgement Day - 35,000RP]

[Judgement Day (Deep Gold): create an unbreakable, unmovable mark on a place of contact. The user can then be teleported to that area with no more than 5 individuals no matter the distance. Mark and ability would disappear after teleportation occurs]


[Total - 15,299RP]

I still need to try to create my ability on my own, so I doubt I'll be spending any more RP here besides for changes in Type: Null.

[Good luck]

[Pokemon: Type: Null

Physique: Legendary

Gender: Genderless

Egg Group: Undiscovered

Type: Normal

Innate Ability: Instinct, Corruptor (Low-Expert), Omniscient (High-Intermediate), Spiritualist (Peak-Intermediate), Universal Affinity, Universal Sense, Destruction Manipulation, Judgement Day

Ability: Battle Armor

Racial Ability: Synthesizer, Suppressive Mask, Adaptability, Tough Claws

Special Ability: N/A

Talent Grade: Deep Silver (Host - Deep Silver)

Nature: Rash

Background: What was supposed to be a failed experiment miraculously seemed to work out, providing Raven with the first-ever Type: Null

Notice: Changing the backgrounds of L&Ms eggs would either be expensive or impossible. It depends on what you desire]

Seems like your luck ran out buddy. Especially, since you made me genderless.

[Synthesizer (Gold): Flesh of a Pokemon plus using a large amount of energy, one can gain 1 or more abilities from the Pokemon. Also, through damaging a Pokemon one can temporarily borrow a random ability of the Pokemon for a short timeframe, duration based on damaged done]

[Notice: The size of flesh decides the number of abilities gained and eating the whole Pokemon can enable the user to gain all, though this is up to the user. All abilities gained would be placed in Special Abilities, and the user can't gain any Innate Abilities]

[Changes made

• Physique: Totem, Shiny - 3000RP

• Special Ability: Beast Boost - 5000RP

Total - 8000RP]


[Total - 7,299RP]

Now, I need quickly accomplish my goals at Ultra Space and leave before a year and a half passes by. Possibly a year by the time I hatch.


1. Find a place to teleportation place to kill Necrozma for the future.

2. Find a way to leave Ultra Space.

3. Kill Raven.

4. Escape.

Once that's completed there's Unova, Giratina, and I guess killing Necrozma.