
FryKnight Presents...

Volume 5, Cleansing.


Location - Distortion Realm.

In the Distortion Realm, one can see Giratina doing his usual tutoring of 'Pink'. 'Pink' despite being Pokemon also carries humans straits making her one hell of a bug.

It meant the characteristics, no. The advantages of humans have been incorporated into a Pokemon. Then the question is, what advantages do humans have?

Awakening - able to gain Uber abilities if their ability has been trained to its peak and other special stimulation.

This isn't that powerful but it's not weak either, it meant in theory humans can have the most Uber users thereby having the possibility to be the strongest species. Especially since the Uber abilities although said to be unique, the same species tend to carry similar Uber abilities.

Just like how Progenitor Ho-oh Regenerator Uber form is almost an exact duplicate of the current Ho-oh. This is also the main reason Necrozma hasn't started the war as the Pokemon World likely already has counters for each Uber Ultra Beast. Humans don't have this weakness as each thinks differently leading to some absurd Uber abilities during the Ancient Cataclysm Era. Still for this 'Pink, the uniqueness won't be anything impactful for Giratina to train her personally.

Power of Bonds - With a strong enough bond between the human and Pokemon, a random ability of the Guardian or Master Pokemon would be given to the human.

Of course, the Power of Bonds is much more special than that. Mega Evolution, Z moves, Gigantamax, and a few other things required Power of Bonds as one of the catalysts for activation.

The ability gain can directly be an Uber, and this is what, Giratina looks forward to the most. Anyone of its Uber abilities isn't something most can contend with and then it's not just Giratina she'll bond with. Yveltal and Hoopa his right hands have also formed a relationship with her.

From them, she gains 2 Uber abilities, two! She originally had 2 for being a Peak Guardian, and she gain 2 more from them, and due to their uniqueness, few should be able to fight her.

Originally she would've hit Mid-Divine at her peak, possibly High-Divine but be the weakest among them. However, once she has gained one of Giratina's abilities, 'Pink' might actually hit High-Divine, and once she becomes a Master and mastered all her Uber Abilities Peak-Divine and if lucky even EX.

The integration of humans and Pokemon is absurd, no wonder it's not possible for something like this to occur naturally. Sadly, Giratina would need to wait a few decades before he can use this bug again to get another human-Pokemon hybrid.

Though, based on what he has learned, he may not have that much time.

[Name: N/A

Pokemon: Pink

Age: 8 years, 30 months

Gender: Female

Type: Normal, Fire

Level: 89

Innate Ability: Spiritualist (Mid-Expert)

Ability: Regenerator, Healer, Fire Domain

Racial Ability: Undying Body, Chaos (Low-Expert), Corrupted Flames, Blessed Flames

Special Ability: Space-Time Sensitivity, Space Rings, Life Force Snatch

Uber Ability: Corrupted Flames » Curse Flames, Blessed Flames » Purifying Flames, Space Ring » Space-Time Rings, Life Force Snatch » Aura of Death

Talent Grade: Gold

Nature: Docile]


Location - Pocket Dimension, Underwater, Route 24, Kanto

"How's your progress, Rataya?" Daniel asks curiously as he stared at the Politoed floating in the sky.

"Peak Master Pokemon," Rataya said proudly.

"Great, you should start mass-producing Gold-grade resources," Daniel said happily.

"Daniel, I'm not no tool. There's no way I'm going to spend any longer in here!" Rataya shouts angrily.

"Of course you're no tool, you're my mate," Daniel explained.

"Great, then let's go. Our kids should be worried by now," Rataya said.

"Rataya all of them are dead," Daniel said seriously.

"Huh?" Rataya had a shocked expression.

"Besides for Mike and Risa," he added.

"Daniel!" Rataya shouts angrily, by the time she was about to attack Daniel had already fled the pocket dimension.

"System Call: Destroy Space," She said hurriedly.


The pocket dimension shatters instantly.

"System Call: Reverse Repulse," Rataya said.

Daniel who was running away quickly found himself pulled back slamming into Rataya's chest where she hugged him tightly.

"Where are they?" Rataya asks.

"I don't know but we should be able to meet them a year later," Daniel explains.

"Good," Rataya said rubbing Daniel's head.

"You'll stay with me until then," Rataya said.

"Would you at least make 50 Gold-grade resources?" Daniel ask.

"3 is needed to promote to Master, while around 20 is needed to reach the peak. So why do you need so much?" Rataya asks.

"War," Daniel explained.

"War? I see that makes sense," Rataya nods understandably before fainting.

"Huh?" Daniel quickly held her in place with Psychic.

"You shouldn't have tried to look into those memories," Daniel muttered.

"Mew," Progenitor Mew appears in front of Daniel.

"Look who finally decides to show up," Daniel said mockingly.

"Mew," Mew explained.

"Yeah, don't think I'm stupid. You must have spotted her during her first reincarnation," Daniel said. "With your strength, it's easy to fix her, but I guess you were always a troublemaker. I heard from mom you even adopted a Pokemon, and I'm guessing it's Mewtwo,"

"Mew," Mew chuckles.

"Yes, you are a cancer. The day I become the ruler is the day you die,"

"Mew?" Mew questions, hand poking Daniel's head.

"I'm the person who's making the most effort in keeping this world safe, you know? Doing your job! Even if I desire to rule everyone that has nothing to do with you!" Daniel said angrily.

"Mew?" Mew asks.

"What? Did you now remember, that if you don't speak nobody would understand what you're saying?" Daniel asks humorously.

"Mew," Sticking out his tongue, Mew teleported away not without leaving behind a paper for Daniel.

"Son of a..." Daniel cursed, the paper only had a few pictures with the words written on it being 'Mew, Mew, Mew,'.

"Oh, I see," Looking at the pictures one would think a 5-year-old drew, he quickly understood what his father wanted to say.

'Using Rataya would lead to her death. Therefore is your ambition more important than her?' That is what he got from the pictures.

"Obviously my ambitions," Daniel mutters. "She won't technically die anyways," he added.

(A/N: Hopefully, this hint leads y'all down a cliff)


"It's alive!" Raven shouts surprised.

It only took him 2 months to create it, this is unbelievable. He expected this to take at least a year of attempts, he never expected the first attempt to be successful.

'Looks like my luck, has finally returned,'