Growing Stronger Is Like Watching Porn, it's Inevitable

Dialga the God Time has awakened.

Luckily, becoming a Shadow Pokemon is more of a weakness than a benefit.

[Not in this case. You killed its master after all]

Yes, but it's not like Dialga gives a damn about Cyrus.

[You've forgotten about the Red Chain. This had made Dialga instinctively see Cyrus as a master while forcing him to submit until he accept that fact]

And a Shadow Pokemon is no different from a beast of instinct, that means...

[You're now Dialga's prey]



[Notice: You're now in an isolated timeline, any attempts to leave will bring you back to your starting point]

Time Loop? Regardless, I should still be able to break out of it.

Enshrouding myself in thick Destructive energy, I ran away... or so I tried but.

Time Distillation.

All my actions are freakishly slow, now I could only watch through Cosmos Awareness as Dialga gathers a ball of Time in its mouth.

That should be Time Reversal which would lead to me being reversed out of existence.

Destructive energy is being slowed down due to Time Distillation, so by the time it destroys that effect, I would have been hit by this Time Reversal Beam.

Luckily, I'm not fighting alone.

Kodama quickly flew in front of me and sent forth Leaf Storm+ at Dialga, sadly the attack was frozen in time a distance away from Dialga and now Time Revers-Extinguisher was fired forward-moving to hit Kodama.

My voice sadly couldn't erupt out my anger, I'm not weak enough that I need my child to sacrifice itself for me

"I'm fine," Kodama said reassuringly.

The beam slams into her and does... absolutely nothing!

A part of me sighed in regret wishing one of Daniel's cards had died here, while the much bigger part sighed in relief, fully aware that this Kodama is another me's daughter and not my own yet still care for her safety.


Bonds shall always be a pain.

[At least we have established Time Reversal can't affect Celebi]

True... Omni, why is that the case?

Yeah, but Kodama's not from our timeline.

In short, I have a chance of beating Dialga now that we can restrict its Time powers.

[Doubt, but good luck]

Good luck? Ha! Don't make it sound like I'm going to do this on my own. Soul Fusion!

Use Unowns to counter Dialga Time powers and use another set to purify Palkia while breaking those chains.

'Understood,' As System's words fell, the sky was filled with Unowns, giving a unique picture of millions of eyes gazing down at us.

A bright beam of light soon presses down on Palkia, pressing him onto the ground slowly damaging the Red Chains while purifying the Negative Flames.

Luckily, Palkia still has some sentience left in it allowing for this lovely process to happen. Things won't be as easy with Dialga as we would need to forcefully keep it down.


The Unowns had done their work and broke me free from Time Distillation. Right in time for Dialga's next attack.

Seeing the Dragon Pulse+ about to hit Kodama I shouted.

"Destroy!' Energy began to burn fast like toilet paper on fire, luckily I had plenty that served its purpose swimmingly.

Peak-Divine Dragon Pulse was weakened to High-Divine and with the aid of an Absolute Barrier from me, the attack was blocked.

Based on my instinctive use of Destruction earlier, I tried something different this time. I transformed the space around Dialga into Destruction leading to the creation of space fractures that managed to severely injure Dialga.

[Destruction Manipulation (Mid-Advance) » (Peak-Advance)]

Haha! At this rate, it won't take long until I managed to defeat Dialga.


With a roar, it rewinded time not only curing its injuries but accidentally getting rid of the Shadow physique as well.

"Great, now don't resist as I destroy that chain," I stated before a pillar of light dives down at Dialga.


Space Barrier! What the hell!? Aren't you the master of Time!?

"The chains shall go once you're gone," Dialga spoke angrily?

'Seems like Dialga has already been tamed,'

"In that case, you don't need to live!" I shouted.

Now then Chaos Mastery, work for me!


Huh? Is something wrong with using it? No, most likely it's a double-edged ability.


"F*ck!" I yelled, my body self-detonated on itself and if not for me using Destruction on time to destroy most of those implosions, I would've been used.


'Seems like Giratina had a failsafe on it... as expected,'

You knew!?

'You can read my mind right now, therefore you knew as well. You're just too 'Rash' in making decisions,'

[Chaos Mastery... gone]

'Chaos Mastery sounds like an Uber-like ability but it's a regular ability, meaning Trace could copy it. Therefore, it's obvious Giratina would place a failsafe on it,'

But Giratina is an arrogant d*ck sucker, how would he think of something like that?

'I don't think you have TIME to be thinking,'

True. Using Recover+ my body began to slowly heal back up. Taking a lot longer than usual due to the chaos residues in my body.

"And here I thought you would kill yourself as an apology," Dialga murmurs disappointedly. "Regardless, it won't take much to kill a weakling like you,"

"Please, we were beating you before what made you think you have a chance now?" As the fights went on, my strength has been getting stronger and stronger after all.

My future peak strength should be an equal to you if not slightly weaker.

"Simple. This isn't even my final form," Dialga chuckled.


'Sorry for the interruption but Romeo's brain has stopped working, so let's move on to the next show,'


Conceptual Manipulations (Not Type Manipulations), do not provide an energy core for their concept. This means each time MC uses Destructive energy he's burning his gas fast.