Origin Forme

I'm sincerely surprised I had time to write this chapter today. I'm at my grandmother's and I plan to visit your mother tomorrow night. As you can see this week's writing going to be a war, so don't be surprised if a late chapter occurs.


"Another form huh... wait, doesn't this mean I get to grow even stronger!" I exclaimed, just fighting Dialga has made me improve rapidly. It won't take long until I can destroy Time and Space with Destruction and then I did like to see what final form Dialga will cock up to handle it.

'If Dialga can gain at least 1 stat in EX you're officially f*cked,'

I don't need you to tell me this, but... if EX was so easy to get, I wouldn't have just Energy at EX, and even then I doubt most could've gotten it this high.

"That's if you managed to survive," Dialga growls, and its body began to shine brightly.


A beam of destruction came out of the mini sniper I created in my mouth and shot towards Dialga, piercing through the Time Stop domain around it and piercing a hole through its skull.

"..." Seems like I got Dialga by surprise, but did he really think I was going to wait for him to achieve his final form.

"Destroy," The space around Dialga shatters.

"Reverse," As the space fragments were going to damage Dialga, space rewinded patching the damaged space back together.

"Stasis," Not even waiting for those words to come forth I had already enshrouded my body in Destruction energy, sadly it seems that wasn't enough.

My body was now frozen in time and the only reason I'm still conscious should be my soul. Correct Omni?

Regardless, I'm now forced to wash Dialga's transformation.

"Don't worry father, I shall save you," Oh yes, Kodama's here so I'll be unfrozen soon.

Kodama can't speed up the process?

Can I really on just watch? No? Soul energy is still available but Tyrant's Haki nor Corruptor can change anything much less Spiritualist or Evil Charisma... Oh, actually.

Spiritualist: Telepathy.

'Are you really so weak that your rival can escape using his own means but you need help?'

'You don't know anything,' Palkia growled.

'Maybe I don't, but I do know Dialga's free, clearly proving Dialga's the stronger twin,'

'Bullsh*t!' Palkia roared.

'Oh? am I? Well, prove me wrong, free yourself and kill Dialga. Only with his death, you'll be deemed as the stronger twin,' I explained.

Maybe I could've Shadowfy him with simpler words but, Evil Charisma's purpose isn't just that. It was most definitely my desire to tame powerful Pokemons, willingly or unwillingly.

'Kill? Father will never...'

'Are you a daddy's boy? Always following your father's commands. Don't you think it's about time you grow up?' I asked.


'Aren't you tired of staying in your own territory? Aren't you tired of being in your father's shadow?'


Is this working?

[Meaning it's working]

'Then there's no time better than the present to do what you have to do. After all, it's not like Time's on your side,' I joked.

'What is your goal?'

'Goal? Having you on my side,'


Guess he wasn't satisfied with that answer.

'I'm a selfless bastard who only thinks of my loved ones. I hoped to kill Necrozma on my own to prevent the civil war that will and are affecting my loved ones' life,' I explained.

'Then why don't you just join Arceus's faction?' Dialga inquires.

'I rather join someone I trust,' I explained, Medusa may be a trouble magnet but she's most certainly my best friend.

'So how about it? Ready to destroy your brother?' I asked while activating Evil Charisma, causing Palkia who's illuminated by light that had destroyed almost all the Negative Fire to be reinflamated by my Negative Fire.

No, it wasn't just that, but the flames actually being absorbed into the Red Chain turning it Black.

'If that's what you desire,' Palkia states, space quickly stretches around Palkia not only destroying the Pillar of light trapping Palkia but also began its transformation,'

Interestingly, enough it was about the same time Dialga began as well. Just goes to show how fast the conversation was. Regardless, it was Dialga who finished transforming first.

"Die!" Dialga appearing like a bullsh*t copy of Arceus, which says a lot since I'm a copy of Arceus as well.

Regardless, it rose its giant arm forward swinging it down at the frozen me.

The speed was beyond what Kodama could react to, and the only reason I feel I can is due to Primal Instincts.

[Dialga's Origin Forme: It is said that this is Dialga's true form]

So becoming a conceptual being?

[Still not EX Pokemon yet]

I wonder if Giratina's Origin Forme can do that.


Space itself pulls me and Kodama away from the attack before Palkia appears in our previous position blocking the attack.

Now, who shall win?

The corrupted concept of Space or the retarded concept of Time.


Maybe I should do a hiatus... no! I refuse.