Restroom Break & Timeline

A quick review of Cyrus and Giratina's plans here.

1. Cyrus gains the backing of Giratina not long after appearing in this world

2. With the aid of Hoopa quickly gathered the 3 Lake Guardians and created 2 Red Chains before being SEIZED by Giratina.

4. Giratina fused an avatar into Cyrus.

5. Climb Mt. Cornet's Peak and drag the duo out of their planes and forcefully control them to create Cyrus' world, at least this is what Cyrus believed.

6. Once subdued by the Red Chains, the fused Cyrus will break down due to 'unintentional' Chaos corruption and die.

7. Like a Chain Reaction, the Red Chains will begin to turn black, no longer being servants of the dead Cyrus but the living 'Pink'.

This was Giratina's plan to prevent being besieged by the factions. Sadly for Giratina, the war began earlier than he predicted. With Giratina now only able to get Dialga.


"Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t!" I cursed. Absolute Barrier was cracking as quickly as we create them.

"Father, we should retreat," Kodama recommends.

"Never!" I refused. The battle between Time and Space is absolutely not friendly to the environment, even with the System masterfully creating pocket dimensions using the Unowns, they were destroyed within two rounds of Dialga and Palkia's attacks.

Space constantly breaks forward like glass trying to pierce through Dialga but just as the breaking occurs, Space had already been placed back together with Time Reversal.

Time would be trying to freeze Palkia in place but Space constantly stretches forward infinitely making the day Time Stop even touches Palkia never occur even with Dialga fast-forwarding the effects the attack should occur.

The more and more I watch this fight the more and more I realize just how broken Cosmos Awareness is together with Omniscient.

At the rate things are going, I'll run out of energy before Dialga and Palkia's battle ends, which would lead to not only my death but possibly the destruction of this planet.

Why isn't Progenitor Mew interested in this battle?

[It had occurred a lot in the past I bet]

Do you think Palkia could win with the buff from being an Alter?

[Yes, but don't expect this battle to end anytime soon]

How long?

<1 month at the bare minimum>

The war should still be ongoing by then?

"Alright, bathroom break," I told Kodama who quickly teleported us into a forest. Looking around...

"Where are we and why are they with us?" I asked.

"This is home? Can't you tell?" Kodama asks pointing at the giant tree up ahead. On the tree was a leaf green egg-shaped fruit, swaying left and right due to the wind.

Quickly spreading out my senses, I quickly figured out where we are. Nameless Island.

Though it's a lot bigger than before.

"Big right? If I'm not mistaken you had told me mother did it," Kodama said. This size should be enough to fill 4 routes, including the territories next to them.

(A/N: Before it was equivalent to a route and whatever territories besides it. Example, Deep Wild Zone, Unexplored Territories, etc.)

"As expected of Risa," Nodding my head in satisfaction, I asked again. "Why are they here?"

Cynthia A and Cynthia loli, while Cynthia loli was looking at everything with curiosity, Cynthia A was lost in thought. Quickly, I surrounded the 3 of us in energy

"If they stayed they would've died," Kodama explains.

"Niece, do you see anything in brother's mouth?" Gaia asks standing beside me.

"Nothing right?" hearing this Kodama nods her head.

"And that's how much f*cks I give," I explained, before petting Gaia's head with an energy hand. "Good job sis," I commended.

"Since you don't want them brother can I have them?" Gaia asks innocently.

"Why?" I asked.

"I have the urged the breed, but I feel brother would bully me if I look for a male," Gaia whispers.

"Father, if the age's on the clock they can't get the c*ck!" Kodama explains.

"Heh!?" Gaia and I were astonished at her words.

"That line's clearly wrong," I said.

"I think so too brother," Gaia added.

"I may agree with the line, but that definitely wrong," I said.

"Wait, you agreed!" Gaia said shocked.

"What kind of sick monster do you think I'm. Firstly you may keep Cynthia A but no raping, Cynthia loli will be teleported back home, understood?"

"Yes," Gaia said depressingly. "I wanted to try some hentai tentacle art," she mutters.

Hentai tentacle art... I should be able to create tentacles with energy to do that, but it's not useful combat-wise.


"Go and explore Gaia with your maid, Kodama quickly take the next one home," I commanded.



"Now that we're alone, tell me how much you could tell about the future," I said.

"I can tell you everything actually. This timeline's the Original Timeline after all," Kodama states.1z0

"What's the difference?" I asked.

"All other timelines have may have their own lives but none are as important as the Original Timeline. No timeline can enter the Original Timeline without the aid of someone from their,"

[Based on the information I gathered from l. You can consider all other Timelines as a False Reality, individuals can be pulled out of this reality becoming real]

"So how did you get here?" I asked.

"Hehe... I don't actually remember," With Kodama poking out her tongue as she said that, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry I'll help you remember," I laughed