Choosing A Battlefield

"So Arceus is Dumbledore..." I exclaimed.

Kodama came from 20 years into the future. Due to Risa and Medusa both having an adventurous spirit, Kodama would rarely see me, and even when they aren't dragging me somewhere I'm out recruiting Pokemons or training.

Quite the fulfilling life I had.

So to summarize what I learned today. Arceus' will do some bs at the end of the war leading to me getting angry, Kodama only learned this because it happened a little after she was born, with the only thing she knew is that Arceus did a 'greater good' move.

The events of battling MISSINGNO lead to me going missing. Later Medusa went searching for me while Risa decided to get rid of Necrozma first before trying to search for me.

Due to Medusa's Unfocused Reality, it was impossible to find her, especially when she didn't want to be found. As for Risa, although her strength has increased significantly it wasn't enough, causing her to die in the battle against Necrozma but not without providing an opportunity to spark the war.

Things unknown to Kodama occurred that led to the world's ending sequence and then she was dragged here.

So Necrozma won.

"Is there anything else you need to ask? Soon I'll need to interrupt Hoopa's rings from dragging over a Pokemon from a different timeline," Kodama asks.

"Give me the locations of each battlefield," I stated.

"Sure thing," Kodama said willfully.

Kanto: Dickniel's group vs Shadow Lugia & Shadow Bird Trio.

Johto: Medusa & extras vs Shadow Ho-oh & Shadow Dog Trio.

Hoenn: Kyogre & Groudon vs Hoopa.

Sinnoh: Dialga vs Alter Palkia.

Unova: N/A... Lucky bastards.

Kalos: Yveltal & Shadow extras vs Mewtwo

Kalos: Eve & Risa vs Giratina

Alola: N/A

Galar: N/A

China: N/A

America: N/A

Space: Rayquaza vs Deoxys.

"Is Deoxys on Giratina's side?" I asked.

"No, just an intruder,"


Time: An hour before the battle began.

Location: Space.

One can see a crowd of Deoxys Speed running for their lives as Rayquaza chases after them.

"Why are you still chasing me!?" They cried out.

A human came to space and brought it to earth and gave him amazing technology where he can play games, read mangas and novels, and watch anime. All for the price of subservience, jokes on the human he only captured a clone which he destroyed right after the human left.

From there he spent the last few years in the house given to him enjoying life to its fullest.

'Such a lovely life got ruined thanks to this uncultured swine,' Deoxys hissed.

He wanting to show off that he's better than most characters to his own clone decided to take sunbathing a little too literal. Unfortunately, as Deoxys was about to enter space he quickly senses death approaching and enter Defense Form, right in time to block the beam of pure destruction that appeared from a territorial dragon's mouth.


Quetzalcoatl's rage is beyond communication, but I suppose this is her own fault. You claim the sky as your territory, fully aware that's the passageway to space. And there are way too many Legendaries who are too proud to ask permission to pass through.

Luckily, the resources of this Universe are more concentrated on this planet. The only reason there are currently more resources outside is that the resources were mostly untouched and began to stock up plenty.


"Is Dickniel among his group?" I asked curiously.

"No, Daniel's busy," Kodama said delightfully.


"No need to salt, even if Daniel wasn't busy, I would rather kill you than let you get near him," Kodama hummed.

"Is family not important to you?" I asked curiously, quite surprised I'm not angry at her words.

"Yes, but loved ones are far more important. This is one of the many things you imprinted into your children,"

"And you're likely the only one who's following it. Meaning, you're more like me than the rest," I stated.

"Maybe, but I'm not a hypocrite,"

[Critical Hit!]

"Or a rapist,"


"Nor a child manipulator,"


My body fell down unwilling to get back up from that one.

"I'm just a maiden that did do everything for the one I love," Kodama explains.

"Note to self, keep my incoming daughter away from Dickniel," I muttered.

"That's it from me father," Kodama said teleporting in front of my face and kissing my forehead. "See ya,"

And then she teleports off...

Whatever, I'll go and sleep before going and helping Medusa out. She may not need it but I will need to purify Aurora's mother.


Progenitor Pokemons aka The First.

Progenitor Pokemons are the first of their species, there are no special benefits to it but most like to consider Progenitor Pokemons as the oldest and wisest of Pokemons. This isn't wrong as the top 4 are all Progenitors excluding Necrozma.

Another thing one tends to notice about Progenitors is that they tend to remove their connection with the world thereby losing their Uber perks. For those, who are intelligent enough to create abilities themselves losing Uber perks isn't anything serious.

Though if anyone wishes to remove their connection they did have to wait until level 100.

However, even though they're removing their connections it's not complete, their mind, body, and soul are all imprinted so leaving this Universe is impossible and their strength will eventually hit this world's limit.