Mistakes Are Never Forgotten

Having ended my chat with Risa, Glitch, and Snow, I left to check on the others.

More specifically.

"Yoh, Assthic!" I called out to Artic who was staring into one of the tall trees above.

"What's up, b*tch!?" Artic asks.

"This b*tch has a mate," I said proudly. "What about you?" I asked mockingly.

"It's better to be single than to be a simp," Artic retorts.

"I concur,"


"Why are you in a tree?" I asked.

"Why can't I?" Aqua snorts.

"Wait, a sec. You can't concur sh*t! You're my concubine!" I reminded.

[Correction: Mate]

[Risa: He's our's mate]

She can say whatever she wants.

[Say that to her]

"In your dreams," Aqua snorted. "It would have been better if you hadn't shown up, me and Artic here were doing fine by ourselves,"

"Aqua my friend, you're something else," Artic said while stifling a laugh. "Weren't you complaining earlier that he never has time for you,"

"Oh really?"

"I said he never had time for Aurora, not me!" Aqua shouts. "You think I care if he spent some quality time together as a family?"

Say no more, because honestly, I don't care.

[Sending recording to Glitch followed by message 'Show to Risa']

You wish you could do that.

[Maybe before, but Glitch had already messed with your body enough that I can chat with her and even send some memories over]

So I got violated at the cellular level without knowing?

[I would say, atomic]

"Luckily for you, I don't think he cares," Artic said tauntingly.

"What!?" Aqua said astound. "Whatever, not like I care anyways,"

"Are you seeing this Ignis?" Artic asks.

"Yeah, how about you Raikou?" Ignis said... also on a tree.

"Holy sh*t," Raikou laughs... also on a tree.

"You three are clearly misunderstanding something," Aqua scowled.


"Yes, leader Phenix," Aqua bows as she stared at the bird that is also resting on a tree.

System, give me an analysis of the comfortability of those trees.

"Your personality is counterproductive to your goal," Phenix states.

"Leader, my only goal right now is to decrease the interactive time HE has with MY daughter,"

Didn't earlier you say you wanted me to spend time with her? Furthermore...

"Had you already forgotten the fact that you raped me!" I shouted.

"What! No way!" A wild Aurora jumps off a tree, her eyes full of inquiry.

"Hehe, you see your mother wanted the D..."


"Don't spout nonsense, all I did was take a spore,"

"Forcefully! If that isn't rape then what is?" I ask.

"Obviously, not that,"

"This isn't romantic at all..." Aurora mutters. "You two need to make up,"

"Aurora, why must you ask the stupidest things despite being the oldest? Your mother raped me!"

"And you raped my mother, papa!" Tatsumaki announces appearing out of nowhere.

"Palkia, f*ck you!"

'Apologies, this was requested of me by Empress Risa,' Palkia explains before cutting off.

Empress Risa? That might work, hehe.

"What a scumbag," Artic laughs.

"Artic, don't act like you weren't there to see it happen!" I snapped.

"I was there to stop you, but you know what he said? 'It's either you or her,' so to protect myself I could only let her suffer," Artic said dramatically.

"Papa?" "Father?"

"Don't believe the sh*..."


Dodging Aqua's ribbon, I laughed.

"You missed this time b*t..."


"Stop cursing in front of kids, idiot," Artic mocks.

"Okay, I get it. I'll take Tatsu and go. I don't need to go true this abuse,"

"You can't go yet father, you still need to bond with mother," Aurora said.

"Heh!?" Aqua and I exclaimed.

"That's a good idea if you ask me," Artic encouraged, followed by a few other dogs and a bird agreeing.

"If it works out, maybe papa and mam..."

"Not possible,", I shut down Tatsumaki's hope.

"Unless aunt Risa..."

"Don't even mention it to her!" I shouted before realizing just who I shouted at. Although she looks like a 12-year-old, she's only 4...

"Tatsu, I'm..." Sorry? That's bullsh*t! If given another chance I would say the same thing. Maybe, just a bit more delicate.

"Don't even dare to take responsibility for your actions," Aqua snorts.

"I don't want to hear that from you,"

"Really? As much I like to say otherwise, I'm indeed your concubine,"

Who said I desired you? Fling yourself at some other Pokemon.

"Father," Aurora looked at me angrily, her ribbons lightly patting Tatsumaki to console her.

She may not be crying, but the outburst of Negative energy isn't much different.

"Well, say something!" Aurora shouts dumbfounded me.

One of my children shouted at me! Even when I plotted to kill their mothers they didn't react this bad. Well, it's good to see them care more about each other than their parents.

"I have said this many times before and I think everyone keeps forgetting this," I sighed. "There are few people in this world I care about and only even fewer from that can demand me to do anything,"

"I can accept trying to bond with Aqua for my child's sake. She's strong, she's beautiful, she's Pokemon. However, I will not waste a second of my time on a weak, human, especially one I have no attachments to. Me not killing her was only due to my child but doesn't mean I won't kill her in the future if she provokes me," Saying that, I patted Tatsu's head who still looks at me with a pleading gaze.


"You already know what you have to do to meet her and maybe if I'm free by then, I'll meet her together with you. However, don't put too much hope in that," Her gaze was now full of determination and expectation.

She better not hope I'll really go with her. That was 100% lip service.

"Y'all seriously ruined the vibes here. I'm pushing," Saying that, I left.


[How many times will you sigh today?]

Possibly a few more when this news reaches Risa.

[And what will you do if she tells you to bond with her?]

I... think it depends on how determined Risa is to enforce it. Knowing her, she'll only be angry that I raped someone and I made my child cry.

Speaking of children, it's about time she comes to life and I sincerely hope she stays far from that future her personality.

Maybe chain her here until I kill Dickniel.


Let's end the drama next chapter and start back the adventure.