Title: Hidden

Early the next day, I and Risa sneak back to the unnamed island, leaving Snow to distract Glitch.

"Now that I think of it, it's safer to just leave Kodama like this," I said, staring at the tree inscribed with sealing runes.

"No, she's our first child," Risa explained sitting on my Defense form, shoulder.

"Yeah, she's our *cough* adopted *cough* child," I said.

"Mate," Risa growled.

"It's indeed better she stays like this," I said. "Kodama's future personality reeks of a troubled child and who knows what she may have plotted using present her for her love,"

"Instinct?" Risa asks.

"Instinct," I nodded. "I think we should get rid of the trouble before awakening Kodama," I explained. The trouble, meaning, Dickniel.

"Do it far from my sight, mate," Risa mutters.

"No way!" That's outside my expectation.

"You wouldn't be happy if I told you, no. Not after everything father had done," Risa said. "Shishishi, don't worry, your food for the next few years is mine as punishment,"


"This is youth!" I cried out.

My love for Risa will burn like the sun, unceasingly.

[Congratulations Risa you had raised Mike's love meter bar beyond fullness. Far surpassing even Glitch's]

Not now.


"Shishishi, since we ain't releasing Kodama. Let's..."

"Stop right there beloved, keep that virginity intact,"


"If I die and reincarnate in another body, doesn't that mean one of my reincarnations cocked me?"

"I don't get it," Risa said confused.

"Think of it like this, having a child means less free time," I said.

"What! Then Kodama has to stay locked up for now," Risa said. "Instead, let's go on a date,"

"Date? Why?" I asked as I see Risa flying off my shoulder before transforming into a young girl...

{Image Here}

"Why not?" Risa asks before pulling out a mirror from who knows where. "Aren't I beautiful,"


[Obsessive Beta Simp Lolicon. The name is just getting longer]

"Shishishi, now you change too," Risa said.


"Can't you transform like how you made yourself bigger?" Ross asks.

"Possibly, but I doubt I'll be able to do a good job," I muttered.

Cellular Change: Human

{Image Here}

"Shishishi, you look like a stalker," Risa laughs.

"F*ck, I'm paler than a vampire!" I exclaimed. "And why do I look like an adult when I tried to become a kid?"

"Alright mate, let's go,"

"No, I don't want to go like this!" I cried out. "Think about the Officer Jennys that will harass us, those poor fools will get killed if they come near me,"

Ignoring my pleads, Risa hugs me tightly as she teleports us to... Nimbasa City, Unova.

That's good, later I could search for Kyurem, but for now.

"Lunch!" I shouted...


*munch* *munch* *munch*

"..." Sitting opposite to Risa as I watch her eat all sorts of yummy foods, I dropped my head down in depression.

"How about a little piece?" I asked.

"Mate, I already promised to leave a piece for you. No need to worry,"

"I'm worried that my piece would become your desert if I don't get it before you have done eat," I muttered.

If I knew Risa's promise of guiding my food into her stomach for the next few years would be true, I would have picked a movie.

"Mate, a date isn't supposed to be about you just eating," I sighed. Cute as she looks eating, I did prefer if it was in true form rather than this.


"Alright, so what are we supposed to do then?" Risa asks.

"I don't know. Why did you propose one if you don't know what it means?" I ask back.

"I remember Mas... Pink going on a date excitedly, so I thought it did be fun," Risa explains.

Date means to spend quality time with your loved ones right?

[Doubt. Host surprisingly doesn't have any memories related to the meaning of the date]

"In that case, I'll ask someone," I said before standing up.

"Hey, motherf*cker with the long red hair!" I shouted at the familiar-looking old man who was eating.

Hearing my shout, he turns his head to look at me.

"Excuse me, sir," Huh? When the f*ck did a waiter get behind me?

"What is it?" I ask coldly, causing the coward to take a step back. Hahaha, fool, you don't know what you just started.

"Ah? What is it?" I said taking a step towards him with my face close up.

"Mate, stop using Pressure," Risa said. "Also, waiter! I need a few more plates. Get me everything,"

"Right away miss," The waiter promptly escapes.

"Tch," And here I was trying to have some fun.

Well, at least the old man didn't get up, so I have an excuse to mess with him.

Walking towards the man with a sadistic grin on my face, a Pokemon came out of one of the balls attached to his necklace.

"Back off," The Bouffalant growls.

"Piss off," I spat, considering whether or not killing the Bouffalant would ruin our date.

[Pokemon: Bouffalant

Type: Normal

Level: 69]

Why are you showing me this?

[The level]

That level indeed is best used in human form.

[Peak Junior Champion]

Hmm? Oh, I get to bully a champion. That's great!

"Make me," Bouffalant growls.

Stretching my hands, I decided it's better to give it permanent damage. Maybe losing all 4 legs will teach it a lesson.

"Catch!" Risa shouts.

"Is it the meat!" I shouted back, turning around to see a Love Ball moving towards my forehead.

"Huh?" These were my last words before the ball hit me and I was absorbed into it.


Looking at my body to see no signs of the red chains, I was confused. Doesn't this mean I can leave whenever I want?

The real question here is... do I want to leave?

"Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate," Risa's voice soundly echoes around this place with multiple pictures of her around.

"This is beautiful," I said happily. This shall be my bed, this will be the place I'll stay when I'm bored. This is... the ideal world.



Did I... get caught?

"Sorry for the inconvenience," I heard Risa apologizing.

Oh, I can even spectate if I want to. So what do I choose, 2D Risas with her voice or a 3D Risa going about her life...

"Ahh!!! I can't choose!"


(A/N: Poor System, it has to deal with Mike every second of the day)

As I was in a heavy debate on whether 2D or 3D Risa is better, I was called out.


Risa had ended up asking the old man about the meaning of date and from there we explored Nimbasa City together.

Watching a movie, forcing Risa into Pokemon Musical, wrecking the gym, Risa eating more food, exploring the amusement park, and finally ending it off on the Ferris Wheel, which we're currently on. Those things I mentioned and a few other things may have just been...

"I think we spent more than a day here," I muttered looking at our second sunset.

"Oh well," Risa shrugged. "By the way, this choice of yours sucks,"

"I know the experience on the Ferris Wheel is dull because we could fly, but the whole point of it is being alone," I said.

"It has many better places to be alone," Risa snorts, before taking out a Luxury Ball and handing it to me.

"Want me to catch you?" I asked.

"No, Tatsumaki had already caught me with that, have you forgotten?" Risa said.

"No, she used a Poke Ball, you must have switched it out later not wanting to use something dull," I said.

"Can't have put wedding balls look dull," Risa explained.



"Now we are married, mate," Risa smiled showcasing the Love Ball.

So, the balls represent belong to each other.

"What about your freedom?" I asks.

"Would you ever use it?" Risa asks.


"Now let's seal our marriage," Risa said with a perverted smile on her face.

"Alright, if that's what you want," I sighed.

Both human and Pokemon forms are going to get me to lock up. At least, until they learn I'm the victim (younger).


Chapter: Marriage

Each interaction he has with Risa is killing me. Why? He's no conceptual God of destruction. He's the conceptual God of Simp.

Seriously, his love is beyond healthy.