Lucky Encounters Are Better When You're Strong

It's a brand new day to be by myself.

Risa left during the night, going back to train. With her talent together with Limitless she is a Peak-Divine or even higher by the end of the year, she even gave me tips on how to have solid EX attacks, instead of getting it through quantity.

Origin energy.

We have Palkia, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to obtain it. For now, I should focus on finding Kyurem.

"This place is a mess," I whistled, the saying 'f*ck like animals' doesn't give us credit for destroying this room got.

The bed has been flattened, walls scratched so hard it almost reaches the other side, lights are broken, and even the door looks like it might collapse at any moment.

At least, we weren't 'dressed up' during that 'us time. Or I should say, I wasn't, Risa played around with True Morph a little too much.

[I... have seen things. Things you wouldn't see even hentai...]

Oh, we scarred the System for life too.

[While heating up Glitch]

*knock* *knock*

Who the f*ck is it!? Actually, I don't want to know, this whole place is going down.

The door breaks open as an Arcanine rushes in with two Officer Jennys on its back.

"Say no more," Not wanting to know what they would say, I snap my finger letting the sound waves carry Destructive energy. Effectively destroying the whole f*cking hotel along with everyone in it.

Flying above the crater, I nodded in satisfaction. Satisfied that nobody would ever be able to use that room again.

Now then, N's Castle or Kyurem's Den, both will eventually take me to the other but I feel there's a better chance at getting a reception at N's Castle rather than Kyurem's Den.

It should be near Unova's league right?

With a Destructive Step... Holy f*ck! I had completely forgotten how huge that castle was.

It stands far behind the Champion's temple with multiple staircases sticking out of it attaching to the temple. However, the place looks a bit warn out.

Well, I guess Unova doesn't dare to use the building belonging to a master of Legendary.

Another step takes me in, precisely to the nearest maid (grunt) I could find.

"Where is N?" I asked had already slapped a Hypnosis on him.

"..." So he doesn't know, useless. With a thought, his body was destroyed on the spot.

Good, this maid wasn't who I had expected to get the answer from.

"That's a good question indeed," Looking at the blonde in a white lab coat walking toward me, a grin comes on my face.

Finally, a useful human.

"The greatest human mind of the Pokemon world, Colress work for me," I demanded, believing he was using some sort of technology to understand me.

"The DNA Pokemon, Deoxys," Saying this the suitcase in his hand opened and 6 Pokemons came out.

3 Genisects and kami trio, Landorous, Thundurus, and Tornadus. All of which are Peak Guardians.

So, the strongest Pokemon team?

"Show me the limit of your power," Colress said directing his Pokemon at me.

"You're not worthy," I spat using Pressure to force the Pokemons to their knees. "Sorry, I should've said work for us," I said.

"I will have to refuse you on this offer," Colress said unfazed.


"Bring out your trump card. If even after crushing that you still refuse me, trust me when I say you'll regret it," I said arrogantly.

"In that case... Kyurem,"


Tearing through the ceiling the form of lightning was Kyurem Black.

"Ghetsis dead?" I asked having blocked Kyurem Black by entering Defense form and destroying the energy after making contact with it.

"Dead," Colress states. "Freeze Shock,"

Ice quickly spread across my body charged with electricity, however.


Destructive Coat destroys it on activation.

"Thunder Shock,"


Hundreds of Thunder Shocks shot out destroying on contact with Destructive Coat.

Kyurem Black attacks indeed are Peak-Divine. However, my attacks are the concept of destruction, type concepts just aren't as good.

"Glaciate, Fusion Bolt,"

My body freezes before getting hit by Fusion Bolt managing to break through my Destructive Coat.

Tsk, can't be in quality so he's using quantity.

"Freeze Shock," Glimpsing at Colress, I didn't understand why this fool was smiling knowing full well he can't win.

"Hydreigon Draco Beam!"

Having now shattered Freeze Shock, the Hydreigon Colress had now released fired forth a Draco Beam, hitting me.

[Destructive Force: Defensive moves are useless against your attacks]

"Gothorita!" Seeing a Gothorita coming out, I entered Speed form using Destructive Step to shorten the distance before swinging my Destructive fist at her.

[Pokemon: Gothorita

Level: 69

Notice: Skill Swap]

Unfortunately, Kyurem was one step ahead of me his Dragon Tail+ sweeping me out of the castle.

Gothorita will help Kyurem get the ability of Destructive Force, making the fight now have a winning chance for Colress.

Forget N, Colress is all I need.


F*ck you!


Entering Attack form, I Destructive Step away from Fusion Bolting Kyurem and used Destructive Chop.

However, Kyurem turns around and grabs my hand. Its mouth opens to use Sheer Cold.


Sensing my Destructive energy aiming at its hand, Kyurem flies back before shooting out Sheer Cold. My points at Sheer Cold, releasing Destructive pulse to counter it before creating 4 other clones.

"Get rekt!" They shout as they kick forward at Kyurem using Night Guy.

Freeze Shock spreads out freezing them in place before Kyurem charges forth at me using Fusion Bolt.

Kyurem Black should be about Primal Groudon and Kyogre level, if not weaker. This means, this fight won't end anytime soon, especially since I'm not here to kill him.

Destroying is my specialty not capturing.