Mike & Leona

This week may have late chapters.


Eternatus Defeat

Unbelievable as it was to Eternatus, he was losing to two Pokemons who should've been unqualified to challenge him. Even though he knows Arceus and Necrozma had something to play in his defeat, they mainly played as support. However, it's because they played support instead of the protagonist he was defeated.

It's not like Eternatus never tried other methods to crush them. Poison was working against Zacian but with Arceus around it didn't take long to become ineffective. Stamina? He never feared that, and with Necrozma, so did they.

Arceus deserved to be a creature born from the same beings and Necrozma deserved to be an Ascendant, a being who had surpassed the limits of its world.

Escape was no longer an option with them here. Zacian and Zamazenta indeed were Eternatus biggest counters, nowhere near the Lake Guardians are to the God trio, but still enough for his defeat.

However, defeat was far as they could go. Kill? Please, even Zacian doesn't have the destructive means to kill him.

In fact, Eternatus body was slowly adapting to Zacian's heal-blocking attacks. Far slower than it should, but given time he would heal.

These facts left them in a tight spot. No matter where Zacian cuts, no matter how much damage he inflicts, it somehow never was fatal.

So they did the only thing they could. Cuts his body into dust-like particles and spread it across the land, hoping some Pokemon would be able to harness this power as its own, that way Eternatus would slowly get weaker as each harness its power.

As for his consciousness, it was sealed away.

Zacian and Zamazenta who had to push themselves beyond their limits didn't break their limits as Arceus had thought. They had weakened drastically, their bodies transformed into a weaker form that couldn't use Origin energy without any guarantee of recovering.

As for Arceus and Necrozma? Both plans were interrupted and if they continue the war, it did be Necrozma at the disadvantage. The time spent supporting Zacian and Zamazenta was far longer than they expected.

Pity, she couldn't call her timeline selves to help her out, wars like these are multi-dimensional. A version of Arceus and Necrozma make decisions based on other timelines and even help each other out.

This is also why Arceus arrive not long after Necrozma tried to claim the Universe Core. Though he could prevent these events from occurring if he had used his Omniscient, or at least stop giving his creations more chances to change for the better.

Knowing, that her chances of winning the war had dropped now that most of the forces she had were defeated, she made a tactical retreat. Necrozma rather not be the next Eternatus.


So this timeline arc is almost done and you still didn't get to see a battle of gods *chuckles sadistically*.


"It's too calm..." Leona mutters.

Her hopes of getting an actual battle were foiled. Never in her life did she expect Ash Ketchum to confess to her upon meeting her.

It may not be the first time this happen and it'll never be the last. However, she never expected that idiot of all people to be this stupid. She came for a battle, a fun epic battle. It would've been her first actual battle since coming here, but no, that...

"Arghhh!" Leona groaned. It's all 'his' fault, if he didn't come here things would've stayed peaceful and Ash would've remained as dense as he should be, not searching through a library for f*cking poetry.


"Yes! Something exciting is happening!" Leona's eyes glitter in excitement as she saw the battlefield getting closer and closer. However...

"I can't see what's going on," Leona grumbles. Where's the fun in a battle if you can't see it happen?

[System has got your cover]

[Requesting permission from creator]


[Ability. Truth Sight has been acquired]

'So I can see the truth?'

[Creator: Daniel (Mew)

Information Provided: An ability specialized in intel gathering. Accurately allowing one to see things/life from a far distance and acquire information about them/it. The place on desires to see doesn't need to be seen]

'So there's a Mew called Daniel too... oh, OH! I see,' It didn't take Leona long to connect the dots between the human Daniel and the Mew Daniel, especially when she recalls Risa.

With her new ability, she can now clearly see the battlefield that was making its way toward her.

"F*ck!" She cursed, quite happy she had run away from Erika into Route 1 again.

[Name: Deoxys D Mike

Pokemon: Deoxys?

Evaluation: Simp to the very soul

Recommendation: Avoid like the plague]

[Name: Daniel/Cain

Pokemon: Mew

Evaluation: #1 Biggest fan]

Unfortunately, this isn't what made her curse... no far from it.

Their eyes met.


Kicking away Dickniel, I laughed.

"PERFECT! You aren't as weak as I expected," That did be depressing, with the amount of trouble he brought me I would prefer he gives a good struggle before losing.

He's currently weaker than the current version but not by much. The only difference is the inheritance, this Dickniel didn't get it.

Even then thanks to Progenitor's Privilege and True Morph, victory is far from easy.

Dickniel unfortunately, is a planner.


Feeling a gaze, I instinctively turned my gaze with a sadistic grin.

"We meet at last!"


What the f*ck!

[You have received a medium charm effect]

"Bitc-beautiful-ly disgu-dangerous,"


I have once mentioned 3 stages of the charm effect. None, suppose to affect a Pokemon with Silver talent.

Obviously, Leona is an exception.

A big exception.

Can he break out?

Hint: Conceptual Being.