And The Winner Is... Part 2


A Pokemon of overwhelming power, similar to Kyurem he abandons the versatility of Pokemons but has become one of the strongest Pokemons in the world.

Of course, not many are aware of his strength as most only know of his creations.

Regice, Regirock, Registeel, and Regieleki are all his creations.

However, none has or will ever be as difficult as the one he's been working hardest on creating, Regidraco.

Using the purest of Dragon energy from Kyurem, Regigigas spent a good portion of the war sculpting this Pokemon. Sadly, Regigigas had taken too little of Kyurem's Dragon energy and couldn't make the Regidraco he desired.

This is why more than anything Regigigas was furious when he learned of Kyurem's division.

Arceus could have done this after he has gotten what he needed out of Kyurem. Thinking of how Arceus has to compensate him, Regigigas rushed toward Arceus angrily. Recalling Arceus could gain the Dragon-type, Regigigas even considered Arceus as a good replacement.

It was in this battle Arceus found his archnemesis. Regigigas is pure power, while Arceus is more of anti-law Pokemon. Most of Arceus's techniques won't practical when facing Regigigas, most of his attacks could be countered by Regigigas.

If the fight continues in Arceus's current state, he did to use means he would rather save on Necrozma than on Regigigas.

Luckily, Regigigas had no idea Arceus had intended to get rid of him. Nor that their current chat lead to him somehow agreeing that he should be punished for attacking Arceus.

Possibly the promise from Arceus that he MAY provide him with pure Dragon energy to finish his sculpture is what led Regigigas to agree with all this.

Even now, he couldn't see the point in slapping those Iron (Anti-user/useless) abilities onto him nor the need to pull continents apart into specific locations. Regardless, it's not his business the only reason he's strong is to make better art.


"Are you going to continue this tiring act?" Necrozma hummed.

The spiritual attack, Puppeteer had hit a clone and the real one was looking at Arceus disappointedly.

"Then why don't you try something new?" Arceus mocked.

Many methods they have used so far have already been done by other timelines selves, yet here they are still using them. A rehearse act where they both wait from the other part to make the first move.

If Mike knew that the possible death of Risa wouldn't even kill Arceus' target one would imagine just how angry he would get.

"Failures, first," Necrozma snorts once more firing Prismatic Lasers at Arceus through her wings.

"Very well, Giratina's lesser," Arceus mocks. The border around him still fended off Necrozma's Prismatic Lasers.

(AN: Giratina's Lesser = Weakling)

"Check," Necrozma declared. As she began her new assault.

An Origin Psychic Attack miraculously opens a tiny hole inside the border. Pity her spacial powers aren't great enough to f*ck off the Legends Plate effect, in that case, she could make the space wide enough for her to enter.

However, this is still enough for her next move.

"Summon, Arceus," Arceus suddenly felt a powerful pull, despite already having known of this ability, Arceus still couldn't find a way to counter it.

Order: Border, is the second defense in this world. Technically first since Zazamenta's shield won't be able to resist as many attacks as Order: Border.

If one can't get through this barrier, they have no hope of beating Arceus and so far 5 Pokemons has shown such a possibility to do this thing.

Zacian's sword should be able to cut through this.

Regigigas' Origin-boosted Crush Claw had managed to tear a bigger hole into than Necrozma had just done, big enough for Regigigas to pass through this and fight Arceus.

Progenitor Mew has shown the ability to pass through this border easily.

Eternatus attacks can break through this border and its body can pass through it easily.

As for Necrozma, although she can certainly make a bigger hole than this. She has created an anti-border ability, although not originally made to fight Arceus but is extremely effective once Arceus is on the other side of one.

Especially, with the opening the summoning provides.

Appearing on the other side Arceus received a direct attack from a Photon Geyser. Although he managed to reduce most of the damage, he became the first to suffer damage in this battle.

However, Arceus had already expected this and that's why he used Pain Split.

The damage they had suffered would heal almost instantly but the fact that they had taken damage means it won't take long before a victor is decided.

As for their spectators? Not surprising at all, whether is Original them sending spectators or forces in their timeline, there's bound to be spectators, both of which plan on killing the other side's spectators.


Speaking of spectators, Medusa boredly stared at their battlefield before returning to Giovanni. It's not as if what they were doing isn't interesting but what Giovanni had been doing is far more interesting.

A full-powered Calyrex, Zacian and Zamazenta, Ho-oh and Lugia who were previously fighting in their respective planes had arrived beside him. Along with the dangerous machine beside him that seemed to have been shrunk by a space specialist Pokemon, not forgetting a machine of all things containing Origin energy was what caught Medusa's attention.

'Ultimate weaponsss?' Medusa mutters, based on the things she forcefully got Mike to tell her about, she knew humans had created a powerful weapon and the damage it had done was something Unowns wouldn't have sat back and watched.

Origin energy should be the reason. Their help was minimal as they weren't prepared for an Origin attack at that level.

Maybe she was overthinking things, but did Mike had brought over a scientist not just to create his weapon but to create a weapon at this level?

No, she's overthinking things. Mike's thirst for Risa could compare to her love for adventuring.

How strong is this weapon though? That, Medusa isn't sure about.

She's more than certain it can beat her if that attack hits her, but that's a big IF. If it's a big IF for her, what could it do against Arceus or Necrozma? She doesn't believe that attack can damage Order: Border.

Though the appearance of location she may not be able to cross excites her. What would she find on the otherside?


Seeing as Medusa has gotten sidetracked, let's stop here.

Who would win is beyond me. I like to just let battlefield flow it's own course (biggest reason Mike loses many one would expect from the fake MC). Personally hope, Giovanni wins. Afterall, I'm human and with Calyrex besides him it's unlikely for them to make bad move causing their lost.