Race Against Time Part 4

The battle between Ho-oh and Lugia was self-explanatory.

They were never equaled, Ho-oh was and still is the better of the two and with the boost she gained from Destruction God's Apostle, Lugia didn't stand a chance.

Luckily for Lugia, she wasn't fighting alone. Teleporting the Cocoon of Destruction beside her, Ho-oh knew this fight was no longer winnable from the Origin energy radiating from it.

Sealed Origin of many Pokemons are awakening a bit too often. A good sign that Arceus is almost ready to start.

"Stupid sea bird, don't you see what you've brought upon us?" Ho-oh scolded.

Yveltal's Origin was locked even before the Ancient War began. Yveltal after all represents death. Its desire to leave nothing but death in its wake is what got its Origin sealed in the first place.

"Us? Yveltal had already promised to help Daniel," Lugia declares proudly.

'Dickniel's apparently pretty good at taming girls,' Recalling Mike's words, Ho-oh could already see the trouble she did have to go through waking up her little sister.

'Seriously, who believes the words of the strongest Dark-type?' Luckily, she didn't need to explain anything further not when an Origin Oblivion Beam shot right towards Lugia.

"Yveltal you're supposed to be helping me!" Lugia shouts, dodging his attack while distancing herself from him.

"I'm 'supposed' to be helping Daniel," Yveltal mocked. Do they think he's dumb or what?

Indeed he knows what's going on. This isn't the first time someone had used him like this. Though he never expected Arceus to use him like this too but it doesn't matter. Regardless of who's right or wrong, regardless of good and evil.

He'll make sure nothing's left but Death.


"It happened..." Arceus muttered quickly commanding the small silhouette to leave.

"Was that Victini?" Necrozma asks curiously. "No, Victini isn't good at scouting or much of anything but cheerleading..."

"Regardless, Mike seems to have found a way to flip the table," Arceus said.

"So what? Although we didn't think we might have already made countermeasures for this, you nor I would give even a small possibility for the other side's victory,"

'This is exactly why you'll lose,' They both thought.

"Yes, but his ability is far more annoying than expected..." Arceus said. "He can fasten the speed one awakens Origin and even permit them the usage of his Destructive energy. If he had enough time, he did surely surpass Giratina,"

Even now, Necrozma should still think that soul hooked onto Mike is an ability. Just goes to show the difference between being a born genius (Arceus) and becoming one (Necrozma), along with their specialties.

"Had. Well even if he did his role in our war wouldn't have been noteworthy. As if Giratina's worth anything," Necrozma mocks. "If there's one thing to worry about is the possible awakening of his Pure Instincts,"

Now that's something worth worrying about.

"Indeed, ignoring his lackluster human life. The two times his Pure Instincts has been shown had never been a simple seen," Arceus said.

"First during his fight against MISSINGNO's clone which isn't much weaker than the original and should've won easily even within Mike's mind. Yet it still lose. The second was with my attempt at killing him and 'someone' interrupted..." Arceus explains.

"No need to glare, we both know I did do it again. Can't have you killing my pup now can I?" Necrozma asks.

"He became a Conceptual ERROR Being. Both times he did what should've been impossible, for him to accomplish," Arceus said. Ignoring the fact that Necrozma changed the way she referred to Mike once more.

"Is this why you secretly trying to destroy my pup?"

"Indeed I'm, what are you going to do about it?" Arceus mocks.

"Not like you can anyway, adding ERROR to a Conceptual Being is practically making him unkillable. Delete function would fail to finish him off thanks to the ERROR properties of him, Destruction would fail for obvious reasons and all that's left is Death followed by destroying all the energy that makes up this Universe. Doing that defeats everything you hope to accomplish, so Death is your best bet," Necrozma said.

What she said is something Arceus already knew so it's not like she told him something important. Telling him to use Omniscient is another story, Necrozma can't see any way that can counter being all-knowing. She doesn't even understand why Arceus hadn't turned it back on yet seeing as he planned to restart everything.

"Looks like we've talked too much, the climax is about to begin," Arceus said.

'Will you survive this storm and suffer through the next or die through this one and suffer eternally through the rest?' Arceus thought.


"System Call..."

"Shut up!" Mike shouts having already appeared before her with a Thunder Step.

"Something's wrong here?" 'Daniel' thought appearing in front of Rataya and pushing them both out of Mike's attack range with Whirlwind.

"Rataya, command 3013," 'Daniel' said, implementing one of the many signals to use certain commands.

"System Call, Execute Command Ban Ability True Morph,"

'Mike's' body quickly began to deform out of place before quickly reassembling into...

"Finally, I don't have to fight like that old man," Sparkacus laughs.

Destructive Energy and Electric Energy blended together smoothly with his command, with overwhelming speed, power, and precision, a destructive fist landed solidly on 'Daniel's' face sending him flying away.

"Now that's better," Sparkacus laughs, if he could defeat them before his father arrives that did be interesting. From then on, his father will have to kneel before him and he did be the only true powerhouse in their family.


The way 2 Pokemons use the same energy would obviously be a bit different. Sparkacus similar to his father prefers both speed and power, however, he focuses more on the power aspect than the speed, Mike's own is balanced.

This Mew you're seeing here is only better than Daniel when it comes to Origin, he has, and Daniel does not. Without Origin, Daniel would've beaten him like a Charizard to a Rattata.

1-2 chapters before the conclusion, excluding Epilogue chapters.

I already called dibs on what his next Pokemon is.

Suck salt.

He needs it for the plot and not H-plot.