Countdown Part 3 - Side Effects Of Manipulation

Location - Victory Road, Kanto

"Again!" Tatsumaki shouts determinedly, Rocketing off the ground, she distances herself from Red and rapidly fired Psychic Blades at him, however...

Each blade of psychic energy broke in contact with the Aura enshrouding Red's body.

The sound of a vacuum sucking in air echoed across the battlefield as a blue ball of energy grew in the palm of Red's hand. Rushing towards her, Tatsumaki promptly generated Barriers hoping to prevent him from getting closer, meanwhile Negative Mist spread across the battlefield, sadly failing to affect Red.

Like a Tauros, Red's body shattered the Barriers as he rushed toward her and finally managed to clear the distance between them.

Red's hand holding the ball of energy moves toward Tatsumaki's unprotected stomach breaking all the barriers she activated, pressed into her body and sending her flying along with it.


Exploding, Tatsumaki's body slams into a wall once more defeated.

"Again!" She shouts once more.

'Why am I losing so badly,'

Her abilities have long since been mastered, even if this trainer here did the same she shouldn't be losing this badly.

[Name: Red Ketchum

Innate Ability: Aura? etc.]

Her eyes of Index can't determine whether what she's seeing is Aura and strangely she can't see his past or future.

Aura may be able to do some anti-clairvoyance but it should be at this level.

Again and again, Tatsumaki stood back up from her defeat and once more tried to win. She had long since given up on keeping this fair and is using every method she could think of to try and win.


She kept losing each and every time.

Poisoning, sneak attack, deception, sabotage, Tatsumaki at this point had tried everything she could think of. At some point, she no longer cared to win.

She wanted to die.

She was thoroughly crushed by this trainer.

Both in a Pokemon Battle and a pure human-to-human fight.

As time progressed onwards, Tatsumaki finally gives up, kneeling on the ground as she bawls her heart out.

"Just kill me already!" She cried out. Everything her father had given her, her Pokemons, her friends, her strength.

Her very birth was for a purpose, one she had already accomplished years ago.

Having lost her purpose, she decided she would kill 2 birds with one stone. Becoming the Champion of both Kanto and Johto is what her father asked of her and in return she did get to meet her mother.

She will not be able to become something as simple as the Champion of 2 regions. This is clear after she was brutally defeated by this trainer.

'A used tool is no longer needed,' her inner thoughts have already been influenced by Corruptor.

Not many can use this double-edge ability finely and Tatsumaki is proof of this. This wasn't any better when her Negative Energy and Psychic Energy clashed.

The 2 energies collided with each other, intended to destroy the other, destroying her body in the process.

One can say she's lucky this is Psychic Energy and not Positive Energy, otherwise, even if she didn't die, she did end up in a situation similar to the current Risa.

Tatsumaki's skin began to break apart and disintegrate ever so slowly, yet she carried a peaceful smile on her face.

'This should've happened years ago,' She thought.

Her father unknowingly had made her life more miserable than ever should've been. What's the point in keeping her after she accomplished her goal?

Why pamper a tool?

Why recycle a used tool and never use it?

As kind as her father is, he's a bit too selfish.

"Heh! What are you doing!?" Tatsumaki shouts angrily.

She's finally going to die, so why must this bastard try to save her?

'Is it because of how I treated him?' Tatsuamki's thoughts were quickly got hectic.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just please let me die in peace!" Tatsumaki begs.

However, the teenage boy has no intention of stopping. Despite, Tatsumaki's constant pleas, Red continued until his Aura had managed to stop the internal destruction of her body.

Letting go of Tatsumaki's shoulder...

"NO!" She shouts, quickly teleported a distance away from him and allowing the Negative Energy and Psychic Energy to clash once more.


It can be seen, Red has finally gotten annoyed at Tatsumaki's suicidal actions.

"Stay put," He demands, his Aura spread out like Pressure, paralyzing Tatsumaki.

Hurriedly, he closed the distance between them and held her two shoulders in place and his Aura...

"NO! NOOO!!!" Tatsumaki screams would make one misunderstand this event as a soon-to-be rape scene.

Red's Aura did things differently this time, it not only helped stabilized the 2 conflicting energies but also attempted to fuse them together. With his control over his Aura, the process was smooth and led to the perfect fusion of those 2 energies.

[Innate Abilities: Psychic and Corruptor have fused together]

[Innate Ability: Puppeteer]

[Puppeteer (Deep Gold)

Psychic and Negative Energy have perfectly fused together, allowing for additional effects. The most notable is the significant increase in manipulating others. Although the fused energies can be used for battle, it's better as a support ability]

'They have fused...' Tatsumaki muttered. 'I need to find a new way to die,'

She can sense the changes brought by this new ability, Negative Energy no longer exist in her body and therefore can no longer affect her actions. However, due to it being a form of manipulation, she did need therapy if she wants to get off the mental shadow it had long since given her.

The need to be useful to her father.

"Laugh all you like, all you did was delay my death," Tatsumaki mocks, thinking Red is still holding onto her to mock her.

"Money," He answered.


"Money," he repeats.

'Wait! Has all this happened because he wanted to rob me?' She exclaims.

"I won, give me my money," Red added.

"Don't have any," She mocks. "Why would I need money for anyways?"

Hypnosis is the key if she ever needs food or a place to stay.

Trying to shake him off, she frowns finding herself stuck in place.

"Money," He repeats.

"I told you I don't have any!" She spat, seeing as he let go of her shoulders she hurriedly left, however...

*step* *step* *step*

Red was following behind her.

"Money," He repeats, not waiting for her to ask.


More than ever, Tatsumaki hated her weakness. She can't kill the bastard in front of her and move on with her last moments of life.


How do you feel about Tatsumaki?

She and her siblings have been thoroughly corrupted by MIke's ideology, "Weak and Strong".

There's no saving them as Mike self has also gone through these studies from his first mother.