Clash Of Gods Part 6 - Full Scale War

Location - ??? Throne Room, Galar

Calyrex sat on his throne patiently observing the battle ahead. Zacian and Zamazsnta lying on opposite sides of his throne. The Ultimate Weapon in a corner pointed to the sky with AZ standing beside it.

He doesn't want to intervene in this. Regardless of who wins, he has already made preparations to abandon this Universe with his people if the worst comes to worst.

Intervening would only lead to him becoming the enemy of both sides. This is especially the case with the method he'll use to intervene.

If there's even a slight mistake in his decision it did mean the endangerment of both Humans and Pokemons of Galar, and there's no way as its king could allow that possibility.

So then why would he help? Why should he help?

'Please Wise King of Galar. I beg of you to not think of only your people but the other victims of their clash as well!' It was the words said by a pleading fallen king.

It was the numerous pleas from messengers of multiple regions.

It was the pleads of similarly human-loving Pokemons.

And lastly, it was the pleads of his people who learned of their fellow species' troubles.

The barrier across that battlefield may have blocked a significant portion of the aftereffects, but the few remains are still bringing forth harm to the rest of the world.

If this goes on for a week, there won't be any life left on Earth aside from Guardians and above.

Despite being aware this war may not even last an hour, the damage brought during this last hour would surely break the barrier protecting all life from the storm going on inside.

If that barrier breaks possibly only a few who aren't Origin users would survive the first seconds and depending on whether or not Arceus goes Kamikaze would determine if everyone else excluding Galar will go with him or not.

#Tranquility of Life#

He had reasons to suspect he would've answered their pleas. This is why he had contacted Xerneas long before.

Right now, he'll aid Xerneas in keeping the living safe.

Nature across the world glowed a calming green glow. Those who were injured began to heal getting enveloped in that same green glow.

This green glow would also protect them from any injuries.

How long they'll be healed and protected had a lot to do with Calyrex's energy pool, which isn't that high.

Indeed he can last the full war, but as the battle gets harder the more energy he would need to infuse.

Calyrex is almost certain he would have to use Origin energy as well.

For any possible battle, he may or rather will end up entering, this could cost him the battle.

Luckily, it's far from easy for many to harm him.

"Now!" He commands.

There did never be a perfect chance to kill Necrozma or Arceus with this weapon. Despite how fast the attack would shoot, the time taken would give them enough time to brace themselves.

However, it looks like they have been found just as quickly as it was fired.

With the amount of Origin energy just fired, it only made sense really. Yet, Arceus reacting so fast was a surprise for him.

His Omniscient can't give him much information about Pokemon at Regigigas and above level. However, for some, he can figure out plenty based on the small information they gained.

Coming out from a ring were Hoopa Unbounded and Yveltal, one looking at his throne with greed while the other kept a cold expression.

"Who unbounded you?" Calyrex asked despite already figuring out who.

"Myself," He laughed. "Now pass over your throne to the great Hoopa, it's only a matter of fact the weak bow before me!"

The pieces connected enough for Calyrex to be certain.

The current personality of Hoopa has been slightly morphed, morphed enough for him to understand himself and awaken his Origin.

"Zamazenta, Yveltal is yours. Zacian, Hoopa," Calyrex commands.

The 2 beasts lying beside his throne stood up and roared as they rushed forth toward their enemy.

Whether or not they can crush their enemy before they lost their true form is something left to be seen.

However, noticing that the Origin energy in the Ultimate Weapon is gone made Calyrex sigh in relief.

'That should keep things in check,' he thought.


Both Arceus and Necrozma stared at the seismic Origin energy coming their way.

Possibly the second-strongest attack they have ever seen. 1st being Eternatus Eternabeam.

Right now, defending themselves from this attack was their top priority.

This Ultimate Weapon has been heavily modified, the energy won't explode on contact but keep going forward until it ran out. To make up for this, the attack is more than thick enough to capture both Arceus and Necrozma.

There is also a No Escape Mechanism in it, making it so that they can't escape the attack radius.

Their only method right now is to defend themselves.

"Seems like your dead," Necrozma thought holding her shield clearly showing that she has a way to survive this.

"That's not a bad idea," Arceus muttered as the Space-Time Plate and the Legend Plate shone.


"F*ck you!" Necrozma roars being shot toward the beam.

Her shield quickly points toward the beam as it began to carry her away.

"Checkmate," A chance has arisen, one he'll not let go.

Watching as Necrozma was being sent flying away, Arceus pulls out a portion of that energy.

That small ball now floating in front of him carried more energy than his Origin Plane and was enough to create a new Inheritor of Positive energy.

As he began to create it he observes the battlefield solemnly, realizing the number of Pokemons around had increased.

"This will need to end quickly."

Zygarde can't hold back Regigigas for long.

Surprisingly that Froslass (Lazuli) had managed to break through midbattle and can now last a while against Shub.

Giratina had left the Necrozmas and went to battle the 2 humans.

It was as if the world has secured him this opportunity to end this here and now.


And so was Necrozma. The energy had stopped and it places a hyper-aggressive Eternatus, who for some reason ignored Necrozma and went for Arceus.

Maybe the world wasn't helping him after all...