Humanity Strikes Back Part 2

To the annoyance of both Kyurem and Gaia, more and more Pokemons/Humans began to intervene in their battle.

It started with the Sword of Justice group, never did she expect that her perversion and children would be deemed evil. Kyurem despite being annoyed at their arrival decided to ignore them once he realized they only fought her Younglings.

After them were Team Rocket's Executives, which can be recognized as the antagonists of each region.

With Team Rocket's technology, they were able to replicate the Legendary Pokemons they desired.

A benefit only Executives are given as even now this cloning technology has weaknesses.

The resources required to clone a High-Divine Legendary are astronomical. A millennium of resource gathering is barely enough to create one.

Such clones are cursed with birthmarks that forever prevent them from limit-breaking, a short lifespan that won't change even after growing stronger, and a more damageable body than their counterparts. Team Rocket may require either a century of research or the full performance of the Pokemon System to eliminate such weaknesses.

Though this tough requirement and weakness didn't stop Team Rocket from cloning them. With the aid of Eternatus' energy to mass produce resources, they created numerous High-Divine Pokemons, one for each Executive.

Being newborns, they were quickly molded into awakening Origin and their bond with their trainer was immensely strong.

Fighting this combination of humans and Pokemons still wasn't a hassle, her energy expenditure increased significantly but to her, the amount was superficial, especially after noticing she was getting closer to breaking her limits.

The Sword of Justice quartet and the Bond Evolution Team Rocket Executives together were destroying her children at a rapid pace and Kyurem's firepower wasn't something she did like to suffer from.

Based on how the battle was going. Unable to get an opportunity to call forth more Younglings, they'll die out and Kyurem would finish her off.

'With that army and your strength, you're like a demon lord,' Mike jokes.

That was the best compliment Mike ever give her, being a Demon Lord meant being a conqueror. And what are conquerors best known for? Plaguing lands with their tentacles.

Sometimes it is best not to ask for the logic in one's words.

Sure enough, as the battle progressed. Gaia's Younglings have finally died out and Kyurem was ready to end this battle.

#Taiji Manifestation: Dragon Breath#

The word 'Taiji' shone on Kyurem's forehead for a split second as he breathed out his strongest attack.

Kyurem's training wasn't spent on his Dragon aspect, he had long pushed that to his limits. Instead, it was on the time spent he was the 3 dragons of Unova, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.

In that state, each one had taken a different part, a part of the same part, Tao.

Yin, Yang, Taiji, and Wuji, were the 4 parts of Tao he mastered.

A power far above whatever Shub is and will guarantee his victory over her.

The flames shot towards her at a speed she could barely see and with how close she was to him she unable to react either.

'The same move doesn't work twice,' Gaia mocks.

Even if was unable to react in time, she long since made preparations in case Kyurem use Ying Yang: Dragon Breath again.

Although this isn't Ying Yang: Dragon Breath but Taiji Manifestation: Dragon Breath, they're at the end of the day, still Dragon Breaths.

Gaia's body was already covered in a clear liquid since reborning through a Youngling. It made one think this was just the juice from the insides of a Youngling, but it was far from that.

It was a specifically created liquid highly resistant to Dragon Breath. An anti-Dragon Breath coating. This coating would've fully resisted Dragon Breath and allowed Gaia to counter.

Unfortunately, this is a Taiji attack.

Dragon Breath engulfs Gaia as it blasts her away. It might evaporate away her protections before finally making contact with her.


Was the metaphoric sound of a door opening.

Dragon Breath which was meant to kill Gaia ends up as her baptism rite.

The flames broke apart her old skin, replacing it with a much cleaner one, and reaction speed was fast enough to add a newly anti-dragon breath liquid across her skin.

Her tentacles wrapped together like a spear, stabbing through the flames as it headed toward Kyurem's mouth.

Unprepared, Kyurem barely reacts in time causing the tentacles to pierce through his wing.

"Game over," Gaia said. The tip spread out like a hook, before pulling Kyurem towards her.

#Hydro Cannon#

A blast of water hits her tentacles, and the impact causes a violent swing from it, releasing Kyurem from her grasp.

'Another one,' Gaia groans, seeing the human Red. Of course, her perverted smile didn't leave her face.

#Birth of Younglings#

Everyone here is her prey after all.


As you know limit breaking, is to surpass a Pokemon's basic limits. In this case, we're talking about their base stats.

A High-Divine base stat must be 650 or higher.

Limit breaking increases a Pokemon's base stats by 50. (For Medusa, 100)

Gaia's base stats originally was 750, now at 800.

Kyurem at 750.

Regigigas at 970.

Eternatus at 1125.

End Game Arceus and Necrozma own were at 1200 (aprx).

Base stats can be increased through move/ability/origin enhancements at a maximum of 4x, however, most Pokemons at their stage won't be able to get a boost of 2x.

Overall, stats are most worth noting. It may not show the full performance of a Pokemon but it can show some of it.

Btw, both Eternatus and Arceus base stats aren't from limit breaking. An Arceus born from the Universe stats is like this.

Sei, 700.