Enter a world where human biology secretly has six genders, due to the ancient tragedy which happened thousands of years ago. No one knew the exact origin of this supposed catastrophic event or how the additional four genders initially came to be, as all written records were noted to have been mysteriously erased. 

Like the accidental cause was being hidden and tucked away safely, on purpose.

To put it simply, the event entailed that the female population dramatically declined during this period. It was so horrendous to the point that gender nearly became extinct. 

One would assume the human instincts would drive the females to reproduce more females. However, with every pregnancy and birth, a woman's risk of dying is said to increase. After all, losing a precious female's life over higher pregnancy occurrences in her life would only serve to kill the gender further, which was a very costly price to pay. Not to mention, some pregnancy also brings about long-lasting impacts after giving birth, as well as possible effects to the child upon many pregnancies beforehand.

In layman terms, it was counterproductive to think of forcing more ladies to get pregnant at every waking moment of their lives.

This left the humans in a tight spot. 

As the ratio of available receptive women to men rapidly dwindled, males were considered to be rather useless, reproductively speaking. There was not ample use of that much sperm if there are only so few eggs to fertilise into a child. One male can produce 100 million sperm upon ejaculation at a more flexible given time, whilst a female can only produce 15-20 follicles per cycle. 

Males became overshadowed rather quickly and paled in comparison to females.

By some miracle, in less than a hundred years from that tragic incident, this brought about the new genders amongst the males called "dynamics": Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. 

Once again, there was no known verified explanation pinpointed to this phenomenon. There were studies of the dynamics being a result of a by-chance mutation in a man that was favoured after a while, upon achieving greater reproductive success in restoring the female population in natural selection, or others mentioned the concept of Darwinism; the evolution of humans in copying animal characteristics to adapt to the deadly disaster. 

In other words, human males suddenly were able to become pregnant, copying other males of different species. 

There were theories that it was, in fact, not coincidental. Perhaps it was the work of a lab experiment to enable human pregnancies in males, to aid the females, which subsequently also gave rise to other genders by coincidence. Another theory suggested that both stories were plausible, making it a mutation turned experiment.

These genders, or rather dynamics, hold the traditional Omegaverse troupe but they were not quite the same as those from the everyday stories you'd read.

Alphas, the known dominant gender of the dynamics that are known to be generally aggressive beings and protective of their beloved ones to a fault, as an outcome of their heightened concentration of testosterone: male hormones. They were naturally the largest and toughest in comparison to the dynamics.

Thus, it would come off as no surprise that they have a natural strong desire to impregnate others or habitually grow their harem (depending on the alpha's preference, it can be mainly females or Betas) for breeding. 

Just your regular Alpha supposedly.

However, they become rather docile after mating exclusively, balancing their testosterone to a much more stable level upon biological reaction. As long as their mate was primarily happy and protected from receiving immense distress, their Alphas tend to lack the usual aggression their dynamic possesses.

Following that, by their side were Betas, the female mimicry amongst the males. 

Yes, while it might come off as a shock, Betas were often misperceived like Omegas in the books. 

Their bodies have evolved to be similar to that of a female, following their body physique and biological reproduction system. Their dynamic served to be the best peacekeepers when in a pack, especially between aggressive Alphas.

However, they were not as weak as one would suspect. Alphas often seek their Beta out for guidance in leading the pack (while Alphas tend to lead most packs, not all packs are led by Alphas). Outside of their cycle, Betas are known to be the most rational amongst the dynamics as well as dependable dynamics.

As males could not mimic females 100%, they would often experience an elevated level of pain during the fertile interval. This, in turn, is stated to be the Beta's most vulnerable moment: their heat.

While Alphas become more instinctive in protecting the Beta, the following gender Gamma relied more on their own intellect from lack of instincts. 

Gammas did not have the strength of dynamics such as Alpha or Delta, but they were known to be the smartest. Quite the opposite of Alphas. In short, they are the brains of the Alpha's brawns.

They avoid the typical shows of dominance, rather often showing a more gentle side and refrain from fighting, especially when confronted by an Alpha. However, it's very common for Gammas to be cunning and trick people.

Perhaps, it is why people don't trust Gammas often.

Like Alphas, however, Gammas love to shower their mate with love and care. They prefer to show affection through words and romantic gestures, rather than showing off physical strength and power in wooing their mates. 

When push comes to shove though, Gammas would do whatever it takes when they have a certain mate they desire.

When it comes down to the reckless department, Deltas are known to be the worst. They are almost the embodiment of "You only live once." 

Depending on the Delta though, they can either rival Alphas' formidable power or the cleverest of Gammas. They are seen as rather courageous and debonair, yet also quite stupid and cocky.

They are the best at adaptation and a natural-born survivalist but are ironically more laid back and carefree in comparison to the Alphas or Gammas.

Mating is not a priority to them, and they also tend to slack off in other matters in their life. They can light up the mood or liven up the party with just their presence and charm as fun lovers.

And as impossible as it may seem, once they choose to finally mate, their mate becomes their everything. 

This dynamic, unlike the others, gravitated more towards settling down with only one person in their lifetime and always do not mate again with another, even if their mate dies before them nor their bond gets broken.

Nevertheless, shortly after their miraculous appearance, these dynamics were then never to be seen again in modern history. Gone. Just like that. It was as if the tragedy had transferred its effect on these dynamics. 

Unbeknownst to the current world, no written records of the dynamic were published or even publicly accessible to others. No history lessons were spread in Biology classes of their existence. They have completely wiped off history.

If so, there had to be survivors.

Where were they?

Why weren't they speaking up?

There were many questions about their unfinished story.


The aforementioned male looked up from the journals, seeing the librarian smile gently at him. 

"Finishing up the last of those journals?"

'I've reread this collection about ten times,' Shu thought as an answer, but instead nodded.

The librarian only chuckled at the answer, wrinkles smiling along with his expression. He did not move to enter Shu's territory, the tight little corridor of bookshelves, which was hidden away at the back of the grand library. A place far away from the non-dynamic humans. It was a gesture out of respect, which was appreciated by Shu.

"Found anything interesting so far?" the Beta whispered kindly.

'Less interesting than the last time I read it.'

Shu shook his head, closing the journals that spoke of their vague history and unsatisfactory description of each dynamic. He recently got to know the librarian, who was named Donghyun, after many years of much reading and studying in the library as a homeschool student.

In recent times, the dynamics such as themselves were being forced into hiding and pretending to be the norm just so they can co-exist in current times, or are tucked away in the wild away from civilisation to be free as their true genders. If not, they'd be thrust into the world of dynamic trafficking upon exposure.

Donghyun's Beta friends were a tragic example.

Shu secretly lived his life as your typical male orphan. He, in fact, is an Omega, the myth of the supposed myths that was destined to rule over the dynamics. Unlike other dynamics, he hadn't come across any journals or articles regarding his own. Donghyun was not made aware of this, thinking of Shu as a fellow Beta.

After all, being a Beta seemed less of a hassle to explain rather than being a dynamic no one could understand.

Even as Donghyun himself explained Omegas, although possibly unintentional, it was in a way Shu decided that this was for the best.

Omegas. The smallest and "beauties" of the dynamics, yet the most lethal ones. 

They were said to be at the top of the hierarchy, not just because of how rare and prized their breed was, but due to their biology as well. Even a vast majority of dynamics themselves were unaware of this seventh hidden gender. Omegas were said to be another version of Betas, with a slight tendency of Alphas, Gammas and Deltas mixed into one being.

An instance would be their ability to manipulate their scent upon mastery. Calming scents from Omegas, if trained, could be used as a weapon to knock out others.

It was said that Omegas were the heart and soul amongst the dynamics. The bridge that ties them all together. A dynamic that unites all.

But Shu was not a fan of "packs": the term used when dynamics formed together to be part of a bonded group, a family per day. He lived perfectly well on his own.

"Heading home?" the Beta sensed when Shu looked away.

All Shu gave was a nod and a soft, "Mn."

The male slotted back the journals in their original spots, before making his way out of his corner. Donghyun flashed another friendly smile as always, patting his shoulder as a way to grasp his attention.

"Be careful. I've heard of those people being around the area as of late."
