- This discussion is getting us nowhere. And time is running out. I've already lost more power than I thought just to wake up in my original body. So we're not going to waste any more of it on useless chatter, no matter how sentimental or necessary it may seem to you.
And he got up, went down the few steps and went immediately to the door.
But he stopped short when he saw the light outside in all its splendor.
- Oh no.
- What?
- My real body can't stand the light.
- You know, and I'm sure you've noticed this before, but I'm freezing to death. If you can reduce your icy aura.
- No need for me to do that, go outside and the light will warm you up immediately. It's a magical clarity by the way.
- Just like everything else in here.
- That's right. And you'd better hurry, because I'm about to plunge my guardian realm into darkness so I can move and get out of here.
I nodded, but did not move. Then Vahejul sighed with irritation.
- What now?