The pain was so great inside me that the tears had no more reason to be.
- Kator?
- Yes?
- Are you the one who takes care of him every day?
- I think it's already more than obvious. But it's also obvious that this question was only rhetorical, that in fact, you simply had the need to talk about him, no matter how, and that I hear only hatred, a visceral hatred, through your words.
- are right.
I admitted it without shame or embarrassment, and anyway, it was never necessary to lie or deny anything about him, and certainly not to those who dedicated an eternal tenderness to him as Kator did. A tenderness that in spite of myself, in spite of all that I tried to do and desired to lose my mind, I understood.
- I don't know why deep down but I will never forgive your zeog, Kator.