It was late in the evening and the detention students were still cleaning the cafeteria.
"Let's play a game to pass the time," said Victor.
"What now Vic," said Zane.
"There is so much animosity in this room so let's play a game, we each tell each other about ourselves then say something deep and the one with the most baggage gets to leave and the losers finish their portion," said Victor.
"That sounds horrible but, I really don't wanna be here so I'm in," said Jenna.
"Why the fuck not, I even brought some booze to make it easier," said Nathan as he took a bottle of scotch out of his bag.
"Wait your drunk? well, that explains why you aren't being a dick," said Zane.
"You know what? I'm in as long as I can get in on that bottle," said Zane.
"Fine, I have plans anyways," said Maddie.
"I'm in, I don't know most of you anyways," said Abby.
"If Abby's in I'm in," said Isabelle.
"Fine if everyone else is doing it.," said the disabled girl.
"Okay, Let's start alphabetically Abby go,"
"Hi, I'm Abigail Phillips, umm let's see I live with my loving mother, oh my dad abandoned us when I was five," said Abby then she took a shot of scotch.
"Uhhh this tastes horrible," said Abby.
"Ok Isabelle go," said Victor.
"Hmmm, I'm Isabelle Rodriguez I live with Abby also don't know anything about my dad, My mom died five years ago so I lived with my grandma until she died eight months ago," said Isabelle then he took a shot.
"I'm Jenna Stevenson, I'm an orphan and I live in a horrible foster home but a couple years ago I got a scholarship to this school and worked hard and became the vice president of the student body," said Jenna then she took a shot.
"Hi, I'm Lexine Wells my mom used to call me Lexi until she died in a car accident two years ago when she was teaching me to drive. I made it but she didn't I lost sight in my left eye and my ability to walk, I'm pretty sure my dad sees me as the person who murdered his wife so he hates me," said Lexine then she cleaned her tears with her sleeves and took a shot from the cup that sat on top of her lap.
"Hey I'm Maddie Vega and my life is perfect, I live with my aunt.... look I'm not one for exposing my personal issues so let's just say my mom abandoned me to marry some rich millionaire so, I've been trying to Impress her ever since," said Maddie then she took a shot.
"Nate is your turn," said Victor.
"I'm Nathan Griffin, My dad's abusive, and my mom left him but forgot to take me with her," said Nathan, and after saying that he took a swig from the bottle.
"Hi, I'm Victor Morgan and my parents finally got divorced after years of fighting, cheating, and substance abuse," said Victor then he gulped down the contents of his cup.
"Hi, I'm Zane Vincent and my parents died in a fire when I was eight so I live with my uncle," said Zane then took a shot.
They were then interrupted by the sound of rainfall.
"Great, of course, it's gonna rain tonight," said Maddie.
"Well, it's your fault we're here," said Abby.
"Abby just drop it," said Isabelle.
Maddie was about to say something but instead screamed when they heard lightning hit a tree next to the window.
"I don't think we're leaving anytime soon," said Nathan.
"Yeah, what the fuck was that!" said Maddie.
"According to local news, people should stay indoors cuz there's a storm coming in," said Victor as he checked his phone.
"Hey, Maddie can you help me call my aunt and tell her to come to pick me up after the storm. I left my phone at home," said the Disabled girl.
"I can't my phones dead," said Maddie.
"Wait, you two know each other," said Abby.
"We're family friends," said Lexine.
"Wow, umm don't worry I can call her," said Abby.
"Thanks," said Lexine.
"Can't believe we're stuck here for a couple of hours at least," said Jenna.
"Let's go find somewhere warmer I don't think that scummy vice-principal is gonna notice a few more dried gums under the tables," said Zane.
"Where? all the classes are probably locked," said Jenna.
"The library is still open," said Victor.
"Fine, let's go there then," said Abby.
"Wait who won the game," said Maddie.
"None of us we're all losers," said Victor.
Which made them all laugh.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the town park, Celine was digging a hole in order to plant a small sapling.
"How is this tiny olive tree gonna get the magic flowing," said Erika.
"If we did everything right it should become the Qliphoth tree," said Celine.
Once she was done digging a small hole she put the sapling into the ground and covered it.
"How do we know if it worked," said Percy
"Well, magic should start to come back," said Erika.
Suddenly, Erika fell to the ground and started rolling then she went from looking like a grandma to looking like a middle-aged woman.
She then got up and said, "What happened, why isn't it complete."
"The magic is not completely here just it's just leaking out. We will have to complete the ritual to get the real thing," said Celine.
'I can go hunt them down and kill them myself if I have to," said Percy.
"No, it has to be during the full moon," Said Celine.
"Fine in three days then," said Erika.
Back at the school, They went into the library and saw the Librarian organizing some books.
"Miss Tamara can we stay here till the rain stops, this is the only warm place that isn't locked," said Victor.
"Sure but you're gonna have to help me organize these books," said miss Tamara playfully.
"Yay more work," said Maddie.
"She means thanks," said Jenna.
They were done organizing a small pile of returned library books when they heard another lightning strike, but once they heard it an old-looking book fell from one of the shelves.
As Isabelle went to pick it up, Tamara suddenly yelled "don't," and all the kids who were sitting and using their phones began staring at her.
"I mean don't pick it up it looks old you could accidentally rip it," said Tamara.
"Ok," said Isabelle who went back to reading books with Lexine.
They then heard another strike of thunder and all the power in the library went out.
"Ok, this is some horror movie shit right here", said Victor.
"It's probably a power outage due to the storm," said Zane.
"Yeah, but what type of power outage stops cell reception?" said Maddie holding up Zane's phone.
They all turned their phone flashlights and kept waiting for the storm to die down.
"Do y'all want to hear a spooky story," said the librarian as she held a phone torch to look scary.
"You know what? why not," said Abby, and all the other kids stopped what they were doing and paid attention to them.
The librarian smiled and "There is an old legend that says that children around your age were sacrificed on the very grounds of this school in order to appease the devil.
They say the sacrifice will repeat itself when the offerings start to exhibit mysterious abilities..." before she could finish she was interrupted by Jenna who said, "Do u hear that, it's no longer raining."
Immediately she said that the lights came back on.
"Well, we should probably go now but you can finish telling your story next time. I mean if we ever get stuck at the school again," said Victor.
"Zane you're our ride," said Abby.
"Maddie, can you please take Lexine home," said Zane for Maddie to reluctantly agree, and then they left leaving the librarian alone as she went to read that old book.