>Chapter 33<

"Mundestruet… Mundestruet…"

A Crowd gathered in front of the wooden board, on which were a lot of names. Our group of boys was currently searching for their own name to see in what class they were sorted in.

The thing is, they weren't searching for their own family name, the one that they got on their own planet. They were searching for the one Caedis gave them. He said that it would be way too weird if they used their own family names in this world, since they sound very unusual, even for humans, not to mention dark elves.

So, he chose a one for them; Mundestruet. He didn't exactly tell them why he chose that one exactly. But what he told them was that they shouldn't use the term "surname" in this world. They should call it a family name. The reason is that, in this world, having a surname isn't exactly a common thing unlike in the world they come from. It is called a family name, because only families with a long history of existence have it, or families that have a certain bloodline magic. Of course, they weren't told what a bloodline magic was…

"Ah! Here it is!" Phillip found their family name in the giant list of almost a hundred names.

"We're all in class 1-A?" Patrick said doubtfully. The boys didn't expect to be put all in one class.

"It looks like Caedis pulled some strings or something…" Jacob sighed.

"Wouldn't it be more efficient if we were to be separated, so we can get used to being in this place alone and adapt better?" Timothy asked.

"I don't exactly know, but I think the students might be divided into classes according to their talent?" David spoke.

"Hmm, I think that's reasonable. Caedis did say that we have better talent than most." Jacob agreed with David reasoning.

"Well, that's good and all, but where are we supposed to go now?" Timothy questioned.

"Good point. We don't even know where our classroom is." Patrick said.

"They only said that they would divide all the students into, what? Like, four classes? They didn't exactly say that our classroom would be 1-A." David said.

The others just nodded in understanding. They were disrupted, though, after a loud voice boomed in their eardrums.

"Class 1-A, line up!"

The boys didn't even have to think and moved, as if obeying an order. They were soon lined up with other 21 dark-elven students. They looked at the person who called out to them. He was of average height and his age was close or maybe a little lower than Albert's. He had short hair that had grey streaks in it, showing his age. He had a very serious expression on his face. It's as if someone killed his cat in front of him.

"Good afternoon, students. My name is Rupheus Vernal." He made a small pause. "I teach Alchemy in this academy. I will also be the teacher that will take care of your class in these next three years. Now then, follow me. I will show you your classroom."

They then walked to the first-year building. This was actually the first time that they would see the insides of the dark grey building.

Once inside, the boys, and the whole class, could see a spiral stairway that led both upwards and downwards.

"On the right side, we have the dining room…" Rupheus Vernal, their homeroom teacher, started talking about the building as he led them through it.

Although the boys already knew where everything was, except for the classrooms, they hadn't seen it with their own eyes yet.

"There will be three people per room and they will be divided by the alphabet." Rupheus said as they walked through the dormitory area, with all the students looking around curiously. "The second floor is the female dormitory and the third for males. The students are prohibited from entering the room of a member of the opposite gender. If something like that happens, a punishment will be in order, maybe even expulsion."

After going through the whole dorm floors, they went back down again.

"Sir, what is on the fifth floor?" A small girl asked.

"First of all, you will call me Instructor Vernal. As for your question, it is the instructors' living quarters." He replied.

"S-sorry, Instructor Vernal," The girl stammered.

The teacher just ignored her reply and continued to go down the stairs.

But, the boys noticed something. They remembered Caedis saying that there was also a storage part, where all the magic devices used for the classes are. With their instructor not saying this information, they deduced that it was supposed to be a secret. Why did Caedis tell them then?

"Instructor Vernal, where are the classrooms if they aren't even on the highest floor?" Their train of thoughts was interrupted by a robust and tall boy, who asked this question.

The instructor just looked at the boys and chuckled.

"Well, where can it be if it wasn't upstairs?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe outside?" The student replied.

Instructor Vernal just sneered a little and answered his earlier question.

"Of course not, if you used your brain even a little, you would remember that there was a staircase that led underground." He then looked at the boy's burly body from the corner of his eye. "Maybe you should put some of that muscle into your head."

The whole class chuckled a little bit, and our group of boys was no exception to this. Though, there was an exception and that was the boy who asked the question.

His entire face was red, either from anger or embarrassment. He clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. He got ridiculed by an instructor of the academy and got laughed at by the whole class. This never happened to him in his whole entire life.

How dare they ridicule the talented young master from the Stultus family, he thought.

He then looked around the group of teenagers and looked at the five humans, who were hanging out in the back of the group. It was at this moment that he had found his target to vent his anger.

It was also at this moment, that he didn't yet know, he fucked up…