Stream and Wounded Knight Part One

"It was unavoidable, Mother. Besides, look what I got."

I took a bag of coins from my pocket and showed it to her.

Her eyes widened at what I showed her. Her eyes shook as she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. A satisfied smile graced my lips as I hugged her back.

"You know that you don't have to do this, right?" she said gently. "I don't want you to be so harsh on yourself when you can have fun out there with your friends."

"It's not that difficult, and I can actually earn extra money so we can save faster and get our own house. Plus, I promised to get you something from the carnival this year," I explained shyly, looking at the vase on the table as if it was interesting.

I looked at my mother after hearing her sigh and soft chuckle. My mother is absolutely stunning. Most people believe I inherited my mother's traits. My mother wore her dark raven hair in a bun at the base of her neck. She has elegant features and a soft-spoken demeanor. We both have pale skin, which contrasts with the tanned skin of the locals.

"Fine, now go get yourself cleaned up and don't come home late."

"Yes, mother."

I dashed upstairs, where there are two rooms for each of us. I opened my small wardrobe as I entered the first room in the narrow corridor. I brought some clean clothes, a towel, and soap with me. Our residence is small, with only a toilet, and getting clean water is still a struggle. There are public bath facilities, but they are so expensive that most of us bathe in the forest stream.

As I walked out, the sky was already turning orange, indicating that evening was approaching. I moved through the people to the deserted path that led to the forest. Some trees have lamps installed to provide light. To get to the creek, it took me around thirty minutes.

The sound of water flowing through the stream is soothing and relaxing. Most people avoid coming here as the sun sets, so there is currently no one here. After ensuring that the coast was clear, I stripped down to my underwear and dove into the cool waters. I rubbed my skin and lathered soap on my body and hair quickly. I quickly rinsed myself and stared at my reflection in the water. I resemble my mother, but instead of deep blue eyes, mine are more pale blue.

My thoughts ran elsewhere as I soaked on the stream. I frequently forget that this place is not like the modern lifestyle I previously had, and that social status is important. The social system is biased against the poor, and an individual's life can be ruined even without due process.

I sighed sadly at the disadvantage, but I can still make my life easier if I stay out of trouble.

I twisted my body and stared at my slim countenance. Even if I work part time jobs, I made sure to do some skin care with available natural products. I stood up from the stream and rinsed my hair one last time before reaching for my towel. As the sky darkened, I knew it was time to go home. When the wind blew against my body, I began to shiver. The climate in this area is relatively calm. Summers are cool, and winters are cool but not harsh. There is rain in the summer and snow in the winter, and there is no dry season.

I changed quickly before catching a cold. When I heard rustling on the other side of the stream, I became alarmed. I clutched my bundled belongings and stared at the source of the noise.

The sky is already dark, save for a few stars and the barely half-moon that has appeared. There have been no official reports of demons or ferocious beasts in this area, so I doubt I am in danger, but I can never be certain.

The rustling persisted, so I hid behind a tree and remained vigilant. I chuckled softly as I realized I might look ridiculous. A sound came from behind so I returned my gaze to the stream and held my breath as I saw an armored knight slumped to the ground.

Oh my goodness. What happened? I scanned my surroundings once more to make sure that there was no potential danger in the area. The knight appears to be injured, and his armor is of the kingdom. I waited a few minutes for him to move, but he didn't. As I pondered what to do, a sense of foreboding grew in my chest. Should I assist him? Is he dead?

As I worried about the outcome, my mind began to overthink. I nervously nibbled on my fingertips and returned my gaze to the fallen knight.

Isn't it better to just go to town and ask for help? They're not going to accuse me of anything, right? I patted my back to reassure myself that I had made the correct decision, breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to leave when I heard a groan.

My gaze returned to the source, and I cursed my conscience. The knight appeared to be conscious and in pain. I shook my head in defeat and returned to the stream. To appease my frail resolve, I'll just check to see if he requires immediate medical attention. If I ignore this poor knight, my conscience will not allow me to sleep peacefully.

I cinched the hem of my dress around my waist and crossed to the other side. I arrived at the bank and approached the knight with caution.

His back was to me as he lay motionless on the ground. I examined his body carefully and noticed a patch of blood on the side of his armor.

I gulped nervously as I realized how serious this situation could be, and I couldn't leave this person alone. I quickly retrieved my previous tattered dress and washed it in the stream. I tore my dress to make it a bondage and went to the bushes to find leaves to stop the bleeding.

I pounded the leaves with a stone from the stream to make a paste. I approached the victim and considered how to treat him. I took a few shaky breaths and turned the knight slowly. Because of the armor, he was quite heavy. I was about to take off his armor when he grabbed my wrist. I suppressed a scream as I realized he was awake.


"Who are you?" asked a rasped voice through the visor. I gathered myself after trembling nervously at the tone of his voice.

"I'm a village girl who happened to find you injured," I said nervously as I tried to pull my arm away from him, but he held on tight.

"Where am I?" he asked again, coughing up blood. When I saw it, I panicked and grabbed my makeshift medical kit.

"You're in the woods near Wynmour, please stay still while I tend to your wound," I said calmly as I helped him remove his armor. Fortunately, he was complying rather than resisting.

Underneath the armor was a pale-skinned, adolescent-looking boy. As I stared at his handsome face, I nearly gasped. He has the most unusual amber-colored eyes I've ever seen in my two lives. His dark hair appears to be long enough to reach the nape of his neck. I've never seen a more captivating human being. He has a slim build, is dressed in black long sleeves, and his wound is visible from the side.

"Do you know what you're doing, girl?" he inquired, bringing my wandering thoughts back to the present. His piercing gaze made me hesitate for a moment.

"Yes, please allow me, I've seen my mother do this numerous times, so I'm confident," I answered.

He remained silent for a brief moment as he closed his eyes. He appears to be exhausted and tired. I'm curious who this person is and how he was injured. I kept cleaning up his wounds as I pondered how he ended up here.

"Aren't you scared?" he asked suddenly.

I suppose a normal person would indeed be scared and ran the other way and call for help.

"I can't. My consciousness won't let me," I answered honestly. He didn't ask anything else so I quietly did my thing.