Stream and Wounded Knight Part Two

Although this town is prosperous and demon-free, there are a bunch of evildoers who prey on merchants and foreigners. This knight, on the other hand, appeared to be pierced with something deep enough to draw out a lot of blood.

"It's done, can you walk?" I inquired. The knight blinked his eyes open and attempted to sit up. His pitiful attempt to stand was agonizing to watch, so I rushed to his aid. I could only reach his chest because this knight towered over me.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine on my own from here," he said breathlessly, as if standing up had taken a toll on his body.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I'll try to help you cross this stream and get further treatment at the doctor's." I can't just leave this guy here with his serious injury. Who knows what will happen to him if he dies and his death is traced back to me? No way. There is no way.

"I don't need to go there, just leave me beside that tree, and my subordinates will come looking for me," he said incoherently. Okay, fine. That's great with me.

"Alright, take this towel and wrap it around yourself, it's a little damp, but you can still warm yourself," I suggested as I assisted him in leaning against the tree.

He appears more worn out, but that doesn't take away from how enthralling he looks. He appears to be a few years older than me.

"Thank you, what's your name?" he inquired earnestly, causing me to pause.

Should I tell or should I not tell? I suppose there's no harm since I showed him kindness, especially since he thanked me.

"My name is Anna, in short for Annalise," I said as I gathered my belongings.

"And what's your name?" I inquired as I approached him.

It took him a matter of seconds to respond, "Larry, call me Larry."

"Well, I'll be going now, Larry. See you around," I nodded and waved.

I hurriedly turned and walked away, not looking back, as I became aware that I might be in trouble.

Several days passed since I saved the wounded knight. That night, I bumped into my mother at the entrance of the forest who was frantically looking for me. She was mad and worried but I can't help but noticed how she seems to overreact. I know it was my fault but I didn't tell her the reason why I came home late. In fact, I never mentioned it to anybody.

The festival will start tomorrow with a parade so the whole town is buzzing with activity. The bakery is packed as usual and pre-orders kept piling up as well.

"I'd like to have four croissants wrapped up please."

"I'll have bagels as usual, Anna. The ones filled with cream cheese."

"I'll have all the madeleines left, Anna."

A few people at the back of the cue groaned and complained.

"Noted, Mr. Gibbs. I bet your wife had a sudden craving again."

"Oh gods, you have no idea. A pregnant woman becomes entirely different indeed but I'd still do anything for her."

The man smiled sheepishly as he scratched his head but the smile on his face felt so warm and contagious that I can't help but smile as well.

"Alright, take this as well. Serve it warm while she snacks on the bread," I said as I handed over his order and a pack of rooibos tea.

"Thank you so much Anna." The man left with a wide smile on his face.

The next customer followed and the rest of the day continued.

The bakery is not huge enough to accommodate a large number of customers especially during festivities. So during special occasions like this, we extend outside of our bakery and put up more tables and along with shades.

"Ah, isn't Miss Anna so lovely today?"

"I agree. She grows more beautifully as the days past by."

"I wonder if she's seeing someone."

"Right? I heard she's close to that Owen kid."

"Gasp! Really?"

The murmurs of the people inside the bakery weren't inconspicuous as they tried to be so I can hear everything they say. But just like any other day, I decide to ignore it and just focus at my task.

This is a normal occurrence so I grew tired of it and eventually tuned them out. Rumors in this town do scatter fast but I doubt if my life is interesting enough for people to spread rumors about me.

During busy days like this, I am often at the counter to take orders while Emma is the waitress and my mother would be stuck in the kitchen baking due to the influx of orders.

"And you know what, the Duke of Wynmour has made an appearance this morning while they were checking the perimeter. He was so handsome! But what was more eye-catching was the man behind him which is rumored to be his son!"

"The Duke's son? I heard that rumor as well but it was not confirmed either. The Duke hasn't been officially married as well so he might had a secret lover? Who knows."

"Right? I even asked the chief civil guard about it but I was told not to discuss such things or else we'll be punished!"

My ears strained to that particular conversation and I can't help but be curious myself. It's such a juicy topic though but there is no one brave enough to verify if the rumors are true. The Duke is very much single according to what I've heard but roughly ten years ago he came back to the dukedom with a child in hand. It was said that he had a child with an unknown woman while he was at the borders and the child will be the heir of the duchy. This are all rumors though and no one can protest if the time comes that the kid will take over.

I have seen the duke in person and he was indeed handsome. He also looks optimistic most of the time. He rules fairly and the citizens are not scared to approach him. I have never seen his son though because he never made a formal public appearance. What I know is that he is the complete opposite of the Duke.

The day passed by quickly when I entered my room. The smile left my lips as soon as the door closed. Sometimes, I forget that I'm a grown woman from the 21st century and living the life of a teenager. Even though I have the soul of a young adult, I am physically, mentally and emotionally a teen. I've been suppressing my mature thoughts and mannerisms because it doesn't go with well with how young I am right now. It has been confusing and challenging but I am used to it which is why I often pose us a mature Lady.

I could also feel that I'm slowly losing the memories of my past life. It feels scary and somewhat depressing. But I guess it is for the best, I get to live my life without the burden of my past life.

I fell asleep early, tired from the countless thoughts running through my mind.

It was early in the morning when I started getting ready. I dashed downstairs and grabbed something to eat from the kitchen. I saw my mother and our part time worker, Emma, making last minute preparations for the pastries ordered from the Duke's residence.

"Good morning, I'll be heading to the market to grab more eggs."

"Sure, darling. I'll be sending this as well so we need to hurry."

It was quite early when I stepped outside so a few people were only outside the harbor. I spotted an new ship which was obviously bigger than the rest. It had huge black sails and had a black flag as well. It has the symbol of a golden tiger crouching as if waiting to pounce on its prey. The flag looks familiar but I vaguely remember where I saw it and proceeded to go to the other side.

Today, is going to be another long day.