Chapter 11

The lunch being invaded by the other members of the class may have cock blocked me, but it was… not ok but acceptable.

Ino was thirsty and my 'knowledge' of diets had lured her and Sakura to me without any need of my dashing looks. Rather funny since even though I did have the knowledge of diets and everything I told them about them was true, I had never needed those methods.

Body Tune-Up meant that if I wanted I could eat anything I want, no matter their calories, and never gain weight or lose muscle. A big fuck you to those who claim that 'cheaters never prosper'.

Also, it seemed like Naruko had managed to pass the exams just fine with the way she was inhaling those noodles so I guess stealing the Forbidden Scroll thing won't happen.

After all, there was no way Mizuki was dumb enough to try to steal the scroll by himself.


The demon brat may have somehow passed the exam, undoubtedly with her demon vulpine powers, but that did not change his mission.

His great lord Orochimaru had given him until the end of the academy to steal the Scroll of Seals and bring it to him. To help him amass the power that even the foolish Hokages feared and hid from the eyes of others!

His course of action was clear, he would steal the scroll by himself!


Yeah, no way there was anyone that dumb in the village. Such a person would have forgotten how to breath and died by now.

Didn't matter, Naruko was probably taught about Kage Bunshin by her mother so that she could pass without doing the standard clone.

I had to wonder why she couldn't use that technique though. Fandom thought that it was because it used very little chakra so she didn't have the control for it. They weren't exactly wrong, the technique needed very little chakra, the problem is chakra control in a technique like Bunshin was that you could use more than necessary but if you don't have control you will end up wasting it.

Hell, Henge needed less chakra than Bunshin but Naruko could do that perfectly! As everyone in the class would attest to, no one had forgotten the Oiroke no Jutsu. I couldn't forget for a whole different reason though.

A girl transforming into a naked guy still gave me nightmares.

The reason why Naruko couldn't use Bunshin was probably because it was a technique that mainly used Yin based chakra while Naruko's chakra should be more Yang based since she had the Yang half of Kyuubi in her.

Just a theory though.

"You seem quite deep in thought, Daiki." Slender arms wrapping themselves around my neck alerted me that I was no longer alone in the training room, instead I had Shutara behind me.

"Just some thoughts about things happening." I replied.

"You are unconfident in your knowledge." She declared and I nodded.

"I choose this world as an alternate universe so I knew my knowledge would be… worth less compared to a normal setting. But still, I feel like I trust my foreknowledge more than I should." I sighed, not happy with the fact that I was about to fall to the same trap many self insert fanfiction main characters did.

"That is merely a method you use to deal with the fact that there are those stronger than you, Daiki. You won't be troubled after getting stronger and even if they aren't completely true anymore, don't forget that your knowledge is a valuable asset." Shutara said calmly, a small smile on her lips.

"Now, it is time dinner. That cute little Nene worked very hard for the meal."


"Very hard indeed." I said as I looked at the table that was filled with more dishes than I could count. But I could make out there was gyoza, teriyaki, tempura and, obviously, soba.

"What is the occasion for all this?" I asked with a weak smile, not understanding what led to this grandiose meal.

"…nothing." Nene said with a blush as she adjusted her glasses. Shutara didn't seem to believe that as she laughed behind her hand.

"I believe Nene-chan felt somewhat jealous that you ate someone else's food during lunch." The Great Weave Guard Said and the blush on Nene's blush spread to the tips of her ears and her neck. She looked like she was about to pass out from embarrassment.

I blinked once, then blinked twice. Then I just laughed as I went to the bespectacled chef and hugged her from behind.

"D-Da-Daiki-sama! This is improper!" She said something along these lines but I didn't really listen, she was just so cute!

After a few minutes I managed to calm myself down and we were back at the table, eating delicious food.

"Next week the teams will be announced and you will have your genin test. Is there anything you planned before that?" Shutara asked me and after a moment, I gave my answer.

"I will obviously train, I want my taijutsu and mokuton to both be better. But I also need your opinion."

"About what?"

"Templates. As in one for you. I feel like I should buy one and train with you so that I can have something else in my arsenal. But I feel like I am jumping on too many things before mastering what I have." I said, not exactly sure about what to do.

"It is not a bad idea. But if you are gonna do something like that the best choice would be some sort of magic template so that you can at the very least read through manuals while resting." She said as one of her skeletal arms extended and took a gyoza from the plate near Soi Fon's, who squawked in protests at the theft of food.

"I think you should learn Kage Bunshin, it might not exactly a perfect solution like some people think, it should still help you with learning." She said and I nodded at that.

My chakra reserves were far above average but I didn't think I could make too many clones like a Jinchuuriki. I guess even one clone could help quite a lot when combined with my talents though.

Whelp now I knew what to do.