Chapter 12

The house was a mess. The small little house was never impressive for a place where a clan head resides but Kushina always liked the simplicity of their little house.

She had been very excited to raise Naruko with Minato in a place like this.

But now it was a mess and in the middle of the mess was Kushina with Naruko in her arms, the blond having tear stains on her face as she slept in her mother's arms.

She hadn't taken the truth about her status as a Jinchuuriki well. Causing her chakra to run out of control and cause damage to the room. At least none of Kyuubi's chakra had leaked out.

It had been years since Kushina had seen anyone lose control of their chakra like that due to emotions. The last one was… the last one was her, when she learned that Uzushio had been destroyed by a joint attack of Iwa and Kiri.

She hated Iwa and Kiri. Even knowing that neither of their Kages returned from the attack didn't bring her peace since they had died against each other after they betrayed each other, not by an Uzumaki. And after that her husband lost two of his students to those villages.

Obito had died under a rock because of Iwa and Rin had committed suicide after being saved from Kiri while coming back to the village for a reason they didn't know.

The only one she hated more than those two villages was that masked bastard who released the Kyuubi that night. The man who caused the death of Minato.

She had been weak after Minato sealed the Kyuubi in their daughter, to the point she couldn't leave the hospital for a month. A month when the status of her daughter as a Jinchuuriki was revealed to the public.

She still didn't know what Hiruzen was thinking when he revealed that. She could understand wanting to believe the best in people but those were people who had lost their homes and families that night. Hiruzen had, unknowingly, given them a perfect scapegoat for them to focus their anger on. Sure he then put up that law about nobody being allowed to talk about Naruko being a jinchuuriki but that hadn't helped much, people just treated badly without saying anything.

Many times she had wanted to tell Naruko why people treated her the way they had. But in the end she just couldn't bring herself to tell her of the burden her father had placed on her. She had wanted her to feel normal in any way possible.

She had failed, it was useless with the way people were looking at her little girl like she was some sort of monster.

And now, she wasn't sure how the truth would affect her little girl. All she knew that she would be there with her.


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked throughout the documents on his desk as he ignored the unconscious man beside his desk. The ANBU would get him after a while.

Poor guy, he was so incompetent that the Hokage actually stopped his ANBU from interfering because he thought that Mizuki had to be some sort of bait for a master plan.

He wasn't.

The guy actually tried to steal the Scroll of Seals without checking if the Hokage was in the building. He really hoped that this moron was working alone cause if not this would mean that there had to be another idiot who actually used this guy. Such a guy would either have to be a real idiot among idiots or some sort of genius that sent Mizuki as an insult.

"Hokage-sama, shall we take him to the T&I?" A female ANBU asked him.

"Yes, I believe Mizuki here has earned himself a special session with Ibiki and Anko. Bear, take him there and tell them that there is no need to hold back at all." Killing him wouldn't be an issue since no one would entrust important issue to a guy this incompetent but that was no reason to not take all the knowledge he had.

"Understood, sir." An ANBU that was quite a bit more muscular than the other guards nodded and flickered out of the room with the white haired moron.

"Cat, take off your mask." There was some hesitation from the ANBU but she did as she was ordered, revealing a beautiful face with brown eyes and purple hair framing it.


"Yugao, I want you to take these three as you genin next week." The leader of the village said as he passed the documents to the purple haired kunoichi.


"Don't look at me like that, you will do fine."

"But sir, this is the team of the Senju heir. Wouldn't Tenzō be better as a teacher for him?" She asked, almost desperately while the Hokage took a puff of his pipe.

"I know where you're coming from but unfortunately, Tenzō has nothing to teach Daiki when it comes to Mokuton." He said, much to Yugao's shock.

"No disrespect to Tenzō but his Mokuton simply doesn't have the quality. You may have noticed that the wood of his jutsu is almost always made out of processed wood rather than actual trees and flora. It might be because his Mokuton isn't actually something he was born with or maybe it's because his chakra doesn't have the… quality like Daiki and Hashirama-sama." The Professor explained.

"He is still a very skilled shinobi but you would be a far better teacher to this team, which isn't solely made out of Daiki."

"I don't see how sir. Other than Senju Daiki, the team has Akimichi Chocho and Shigaraki Sumire. One of them is specialized in taijutsu with clan techniques while the other is the daughter of a former ROOT scientist." She said, not seeing how the Hokage saw her as a good teacher for such a team.

"Both Daiki and Chocho tend to get close and personal in a battle while Sumire leaves most of the fighting to her summon while using a few jutsus to provide support." The Hokage took another puff out of his pipe.

"A kenjutsu master and a former ANBU, your skills would make you a prime candidate to go against any of these three, I want you to show them these weaknesses and train them to overcome it." The Professor explained much to the purple haired kunoichi's amazement.

It was the same reason he gave a tracking team to a genjutsu mistress like Kurenai.

"Now, there are a few more things you need to know about your team."