Chapter 13

"Daiki-sama, I must beg you to reconsider this!" Soi Fon Said As she looked at me with apprehension.

"Come on, stop acting like I just asked you to murder babies." That was not my department anyway.

"No, sir, you just asked me to slash your chest with my sword!" She yelled out.

"For a good reason! I need to see if I can use Hanami's regeneration even though I am human and even if it doesn't work, we have Shutara to patch me up." I threw my hands up. One would think that she would be fine with cutting people without reason, considering her career. But nooo, it's all 'tOo DaNgErOuS sIr!'. I was a fucking Shinobi. I live danger, I breathe danger, Danger was my middle name in my past life!

…I never did forgive mother for that.

"Even so I must beg you to reconsider…" Soi Fon tried to say something but before she could complete her sentence, one of Shutara's mechanical arms used a needle slash my chest. Much to Soi Fon's horror as she whirled at the Great Weave Guard.

"You were pussyfooting." She simply said with her resting bitch face on.

Before the shorter woman could say anything, the wound on my chest closed. Unlike most Naruto regenerations, no steam came out of the wound itself but instead where the slash was, more skin grew out of nothing and closed the wound. Only leaving some blood marks behind.

"Ok… I can heal." I said as the pain went away. The regeneration process had been instinctual. Which meant his body used cursed energy to recover without needing complicated techniques like reverse cursed technique that turned cursed energy to positive energy that could heal.


"Now that we have figured out that you can possibly heal anything other than your brain, what's next?" Shutara asked while Soi Fon was fondling my chest in order to 'make sure that he was okay'.

"I will train a bit more with earth and water release before tomorrow so that I can be ready for whatever Jōnin Hiruzen chooses as my team leader. You on the other hand, I need you to get close to Kushina." I said as I stretched a bit.

"I want you to learn anything and everything you can learn about seals from her. They can be a deadly combo when combined with your cloth manipulation."

"That is true, I have some knowledge about fuuinjutsu, but nothing compared to the wayward princess of Uzumaki clan." She said with a smile.

"Though I am guessing you want me to be closer to her so that I can later on… gift her with some jewelry I am guessing."

"You are guessing right." I said, no way I was letting the Uzumaki matriarch get away. Especially since I didn't have to deal with her army killer husband.

It's not NTR if she's a widow

"And about templates? I thought that your plan was to get me one with magic and then learn all you could about it from me?"

"That plan didn't change but it has been postponed." I said with a smile.

"There are many dangerous individuals in this universe and my knowledge isn't one hundred percent accurate so there might be dangerous people that even I don't know about, getting more power is always welcome in such a situation."

"But in this case wouldn't it be better to master all the abilities we can with chakra rather than branch out?" Soi Fon asked.

"Normally, yes. Unfortunately there is a force that is putting Daiki in such a paranoid state, am I wrong?" Shutara asked while looking at me and I could only sigh.

"Yup, this world is an AU to what I know so what I fear might never happen or it could happen within this year. Just because they never appeared in the original continuity doesn't mean they won't appear."

"Otsutsuki." Shutara said and I shivered at the thought of those pale fuckers.

"Yup, inter dimensional aliens who are far more powerful than practically anyone in this world and shown to have ridiculously overpowered defenses against chakra based attacks." I said.

I hadn't watched or read much of Boruto, mostly because the main character was a little shit even more so than the original Naruto. But also because of the ridiculously overpowered antagonists that little brats were supposed to beat while their parents somehow got ridiculously weak out of nowhere.

So my knowledge about Otsutsuki clan was spotty at best, and in a world where my good knowledge could be considered spotty, that wasn't good.

"Yes, the Otsutsuki are powerful from what you have told us. But neither I or Soi Fon use chakra much other than using it to reinforce our physical abilities. We might not be ready but we aren't exactly sitting ducks either." Shutara said with a hard look in her eyes, a substantial difference from her normally nonchalant look.

"I know and that's why I'm not trying to get as many points as possible and using them to get defenses and templates." I deadpanned, my first thoughts when I realized that the Otsutsuki might be active in this world was… slightly paranoid. Which I would like to call 'my inner Seiya'.

It's ok as longs as I don't use super finishing moves on slimes that can't turn into waifus.

"Very well, so I get close to Kushina and learn everything while getting her trust so that we can gift her with jewelry." She said and I nodded my head after pulling one of the Tempes Jewelry out of my pocket space.


"Very well, then I wish you good luck with your team. Who will likely be a team with you as the only male member."

"Yeah right, as if something that cliche would happen."


"Team Thirteen will be Senju Daiki, Shigaraki Sumire and Akimichi Chocho under the leadership of Uzuki Yugao." Iruka said before moving onto the next team that was made out of only cannon fodder characters.

'Something that cliche happened.'