Chapter 14

"These are your teams, which you will form close bonds with throughout years." If you don't die on the first mission outside of the village and get your name carved onto the memorial stone.

Which is the likely end of most civilian born students who have neither the backing or teachings of strong Shinobi. The only reason Rock Lee was a genin right now, rather than a bloody smear on some random place out of the village, was because of Maito Gai. Arguably the strongest shinobi in the village, even if for a few short moments.

"I want all of you to know that these last few years have been very meaningful to me and I feel grateful that I was able to…" blah blah blah. Honestly I think that Iruka might be ill suited to train assassins slash mercenaries slash future war criminals, he got attached too easily.

So that's why I had little to no care as he left the class and the students started to gather around their teams. I was more concerned with my team leader.

Uzuki Yugao, one of the greatest sword masters in Konoha and an ANBU. So she was strong enough that Sarutobi would put her around me as a teacher slash bodyguard. Though it was still surprising. I had thought he would just put Tenzō, or Yamato… or Kinoe… not sure which name he used these days, and call it a day. Yet I got myself a hot teacher… I could live with that.

"Nee, Daiki, do you know anything about our teacher?" Sumire asked as she sat down beside me with Chocho behind her, of course with her chips.

The purple haired girl was an enigma to me. All I knew about her was that she was supposed to be in Boruto and that there was some sort of plot that involved her and ROOT that was against Naruto and that she was a class president.

Why would you even need a class president for a class of little murderers?!

"Not much. I heard that she was talented with sword but nothing else."

"Heheheh, talented with 'swords' huh?" Chocho said with a wiggle of her eyebrows which made Sumire blush and me to give her the stink eye.

Chocho was similar to Ino as in she had no problems saying things like this but different since unlike Ino she did it only to fuck with people's mind. Ino on the other hand wanted to fuck my body.

Note to self, collect that booty later on.

"She is also at the door." I said and both girls whipped their heads towards the door and paled as they saw that Yugao really was there. And she didn't look amused.

"Team thirteen, come to the training ground twenty nine. You have five minutes." The (ex?)ANBU said before flickering away, likely going to the said training ground.

"Ah crap." Chocho said as she started running followed closely by Sumire.

Me on the other hand? I flickered just like our dear sensei.


Uzuki Yugao wasn't sure what to make of her new genin team.

She knew they were some of the most talented of their generation. Which was already one of the most talented generations anyway.

She kinda wished her own generation was that talented, it would have been useful in the war.

But that potential meant nothing if not brought out.

The Senju heir was already with her. The young man had used Shunshin to get to the training ground and she could see the other two members of the team getting closer. At least they could run properly, she had heard of how bad some of the girls from Anko when the torture specialist felt the need to mock people in their last drinking party.

"You made it." She said as she looked at the girls. The daughter of the ROOT agent looked fine but the Akimichi girl was slightly out of breath. Stamina training would be a must it seems.

"Now we can begin your test." She said and, as she expected, only the Akimichi girl seemed surprised.

"Wha? Didn't we already pass the test at the academy?"

"That was merely something we do in order to weed out the incompetent students so that we don't have to waste any more time on them." She said coldly. The curriculum of academy was nothing compared to the wartime curriculum she grew up with, anyone who couldn't pass the nerfed version didn't deserve to even think about being a Shinobi.

"Depending on whether you pass or not, you will be sent to the Genin corps. If you do pass, I will be responsible for your training and missions." She lied to them. There was quite literally no way they would fail, she didn't want to even imagine the outroar from the 'Senju prodigy' and the niece of the Akimichi clan head failing.

She knew they were skilled anyway so it's not like they would fail. But there was nothing wrong with having a little fun with scaring her future genin. Especially Chocho. 'Skilled with swords', Yugao would take extra enjoyment out of training her until she passes out.

"And… what will our test be?" Sumire asked.

Yugao wasn't sure what to think of her fellow purple haired kunoichi, her scores in academy were good but not exactly what she expected from somebody raised by Shigaraki Tanuki. Mostly because she didn't actually expect the man to be able to raise a goldfish, much less an actual child.

She was smart, she was competent in taijutsu and had good scores in ninjutsu. But it was what was written in her file that unnerved Yugao.

What exactly was ROOT thinking when they messed with summoning animals.

"It is less of a test and more of me judging whether you three are worth training. So come at me at once and try to impress me. If you can't I'll dump you all on the genin corps and use my time actually doing missions for the village." She said with a taunting smirk, wanting to see how they would act when angry in a test.

"Ready… go!" She gave the signal to start.

And then she had to block the Senju heir's fist since she didn't want to have her skull cracked open.