Chapter 15

Chocho knew that their new sensei was trying to piss them off when she said the things she did. It was a common tactic that her uncle Choza had warned her about and learned more practically whenever some dumbass thought that they could make fun of her skin tone. But damn was Yugao sensei getting on her nerves.

So she was surprised when the first one to attack hadn't been her but Daiki instead. The muscular teen's fist impacting the Jōnin's forearm before she threw him away to stop his kick from reaching her head.

Not wanting to be left out of the fun, the niece of the Akimichi Choza ran towards the battle with her hands going through seals as she got near them.

"Bubun Baika no Jutsu!" And then her arms grew to an enormous size and she tried to to punch the purple haired Jōnin.

Though all she got for the effort was getting hit in her wrists by the Jōnin's scabbard. The look on the ANBU's eyes clearly said what would have happened if she actually used her katana instead of it's scabbard as she tilted her head in order to avoid a bullet of water. Courtesy of Sumire who had her hands shaped like a gun.

"You guys won't be passing at this rate." Yugao said as she appeared before Chocho and kicked her in her side before ducking under a punch from Daiki.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" While the Senju heir and the purple haired Jōnin were trading blows, Sumire had planted her hand on the ground and activated her jutsu, causing smoke to cover the area around her.

Out of the smoke, a beast like none other Chocho had ever seen jumped out. It's body was covered with brownish grey fur while it's legs were similar to that of a tiger's with yellow fur with black lines. It's head on the other hand was more akin to a baboon with a pinkish red face with elongated muzzle covered with white mane. Lastly it's tail was the most bizarre part of the creature as it looked like a snake with no eyes, only an open mouth with fangs.

"Go, Nue!" With Sumire's command, the now named Nue jumped to the battle between the two Shinobi with its maw wide as it let out a shrill cry of battle.

This was actually looking up for them.


"I have to say, I wasn't expecting any visitors today. And I definitely wasn't expecting you to visit anyone." Kushina said as she placed a cup of tea before her guest.

"What can I say, I love surprising people. They make very funny faces when they are shocked." Shutara said with a smile as she accepted the hot beverage.

"They really do! Wait, was I like that when I opened the door? Please tell me that I didn't!" The red headed mother frantically spoke, her expression changing between amused and stressed.

"You don't have to worry Kushina." Shutara said, much to the Uzumaki matriarch's relief.

"Your expression was only mildly amusing." Before her relief was turned into embarrassment.

"But my visit today isn't about my amusement."

"Why did you come then?" Kushina asked, genuinely curious why Shutara would ever leave the comfort of Senju compound. She might be known as a powerful kunoichi but Shutara was also known as a woman who rarely left her home.

"I actually wish to learn seals. I have some very basic understanding of them but I believe that it would… be… better…" The confidence in Shutara's voice disappeared as she trailed off, replaced by the look of an unnerved woman as she looked at Kushina who was practically vibrating in her seat before her excitement overcame her and jumped at Shutara.



"First of all, I wish to apologize for my unacceptable behavior." Kushina said with a downcast look that would have been perfect on a child who realized what they did was wrong.

Though no child would be hanging from the ceiling with what appeared to be high class fabric coving their everything other than their face and immobilized them.

"Now that I have apologized, can you please put me down." She begged.

Sure she could destroy the bindings around her with some effort but such effort would damage her own house and the look Shutara was sending her made her think thrice about getting out of her bindings without the weaver's permission.

"No, I do not believe I will." Shutara said, not exactly happy with being jumped by the redhead.

She hadn't even bought her dinner yet.

"I think we will continue our conversation like this." Shutara smiled as she put her hand on Kushina's cheek, causing the redhead's face to go same shade as her hair.

"B-B-But, Naruko might come home soon!" She yelled her excuse but Shutara only rolled her eyes.

"I know for a fact the Hokage put Hatake in charge of her team. She likely won't even move out of the class for at least two more hours." Shutara said and Kushina cursed herself for not putting Kakashi straight when he started to come three hours late to almost everything.

In her defense he didn't have the courage to make her wait and the way other people reacted to his lateness was amusing to her.

"Now then, do tell me everything you know about seals." Shutara came closer to Kushina's face as she caressed the Uzumaki matriarch's cheek, causing her to go very red and become… quite bothered under the fabric covering her.

She hadn't had anything close to a relationship since her husband died, sue her.

As she looked at the sensational smile on Shutara's face, she really hoped that her daughter wouldn't come home for a while.


"Uhhhh!" Naruko groaned into her arms. She had been excited when she learned that her sensei would be Kakashi-nii but she hadn't expected him to be so late!

Knowing the gray haired shinobi, he was doing this solely to mess with her. So as a revenge she put an eraser between the door and the wall, wanting to see it fall to her irritating pseudo brother's head.

And she seemed to be about to get her wish as the door opened and the eraser started it's journey down to the Jōnin's head. Before it suddenly ricochet off of the air and hit her in the forehead.

"Ah!" She yelled out in pain as she fell off of her chair.

"Whelp, my first impression is that you three will be quite a lot of work."