a dream

"So my name is Elena?"

The five sentences came out of Zwetta's slightly pale lips, repeating what Jody and Camila Wilson had said who were circling her bed with the doctors and two nurses.

Jody Wilson nodded quickly. "That's right dear, did you forget your own name too?"

Zwetta, who didn't remember anything at all shook her head. She looked very confused looking at the people who were currently surrounding her. The pain that hit her head was getting more and more biting as she used to think.

"Don't force yourself to think, Elena."

"What the doctor said is true, honey," Camila Wilson said, tears streaming down her face. "Right now all you need to do is rest."

Zwetta blinked, trying to get a better look at Camila Wilson's face. The pain in her head made her unable to see very clearly right now.