
Zwetta , who is confused by her situation, chooses to remain silent while Christian is giving a warning to the motel owner after the discovery of two hidden cameras in the room they rented last night.

Zwetta , who felt that she was still a virgin, felt so confused about her current condition. Growing up in an environment filled with women of the night made Zwetta know a little about the sex life of adult women and that is what is currently bothering her.

"Why there's no blood, shouldn't a woman who is still a virgin bleed even a little when making love for the first time, huh? Why isn't the pain like what the women say?"

The questions kept circling in Zwetta's, tormenting her with such great curiosity. Zwetta , who was sure that she was still a virgin, was very disturbed by the fact that had happened.

"Why haven't you touched your food, Zee?"