Get rid of obstacles

"I'm fine Christ, don't worry too much. Didn't the doctor explain everything clearly earlier?" Zwetta, who was tired of hearing Christian's chatter, finally spoke even though her voice wasn't very clear.

Christian who is still sitting in the chair beside Zwetta, narrows his eyes. "It's okay how? You were in so much pain and I still remember how you looked in pain, so don't tell me you're fine now, Zee. You still have to get treatment in this hospital until you're fully healed."

"You can't force a healthy person to stay in the hospital, Chris!! After all, I just had a normal headache, so don't overdo it. If you want to stay in this hospital then you're the one who's sick!"

Christian's eyes dim, his gaze turning wistful. Seeing Zwetta being stubborn again made his heart break even more.