Chapter 5: Meeting so many potential pawns


1 year later

Throughout the year Shin has been extensively training his body and with his training the results were extraordinary.

His studies of the human body also made leaps and bounds, he figured out that when the muscles in his body rip he can shrink his muscle fibers with his skill upgrade that alters his appearance and when his body repairs itself by fusing the muscle fibers, his muscles would slowly build back too there original size but they would become more compact and stronger.

However Shin right now was not in a good mood because he had learned a dire fact standing in front of a new foe he must overcome, school.

"I'm sorry Shin but the government has strict rules and one of them is that all orphans going here must attend public school to help them adjust better to society." Mrs. Whiteworth apologized wholeheartedly looking at Shin's upset face.


"Very well." Shin nodded reluctantly at the notion of having to go back to school.

"On the Brightside I packed you a lunch with all the required supplements you will be needing throughout your day." Mrs. Whiteworth said smiling, handing him an All Might lunch pale.

Shin looked blankly at the All Might lunch pale, and yes he did not want to take it however knowing that his supplements were in there he reluctantly took it.

"From now on put it in a bag, any bag will do just something without some hero's face on it." Shin said taking the lunch pail out of her hands clearly embarrassed by having to carry this the whole day.

"Of course." Mrs. Whiteworth nodded her head vigorously at his orders.

Shin walked past her heading to the shabby school bus in front of his orphanage, all the kids from all different ages huddled up waiting to board the bus in their shabby hand-me down clothes.

Shin had Mrs. Whiteworth make a list of the quirks of everyone in this orphanage out of the thirty kids here only six were worthy of copying.

Shock absorption, thermal vision, heat resistance, cold resistance, rubber body, and whirlwind the first five are pretty self explanatory but the last one made Shin very intrigued.

Whirlwind grants him the ability to freely manipulate the air around him over a very wide area, he was quite happy with this power too when he received it.

But these weren't the only gains because the kid wielding this powerful quirk was bullied heavily because his father was a villain, his power was too similar to that of a notorious villain know as Windslicer so it made him a target of there bullying, all the kids in the orphanage hated kids like him the most since it was the reason why people looked at them in disgust.



"Why is everyone so mean?" The kid said curling himself into a ball.

This child never understood why everyone was so hateful towards him just because of the things his father did.

"I didn't do anything so why?" Tears trickled down his cheeks as his whole being became overwhelmed in sadness

"Excuse me" a polite voice called out in front of him.

The kid hesitated for a second thinking that it was just another jerk playing a joke on him but his curiosity got the best of him looking up.

"My name is Shin, let's be friends." Shin said with a smile extending out his hand towards him.

What he saw was a kid with white hair and red eye's smiling so warmly at him, the sun was shining on Shin making him look like an angel and in that moment till his death the kid couldn't explain why his hands felt so compelled to take his.

"Hello Shin, my name is Inasa Yoarashi." Inasa said, wiping away his tears as he smiled brightly.


Shin stood out in front of the bus before someone slapped his back, however Shin didn't even budge a inch.

"Hi ya Shin! Are ya ready for our first day of school!" Inasa yelled loudly, appearing behind Shin.

Shin rolled his eyes at Inasa's behavior, almost regretting becoming friends with him because what he didn't know about this child was how annoying Inasa would be when he first made contact with him.

At first he wanted to use him and make him seem like a god in Inasa's eyes but what he didn't prepare for was how much of a handful he was.

"No." Shin said walking onto the bus and Inasa just laughed.

"Ah come on Shin you're such a grumpy head lighten up will ya." Inasa chuckled, patting Shin's back over and over again while letting off loud laughs and all other kids glared at their interaction.

When Shin became friends with Inasa all the other kids stayed away from Shin but Shin actually was okay with this because the other kids were of no use to him so why should he interact with them in the first place so in reality they were doing him a favor.

Shin sat down and Inasa sat down next to him and even the seats around Inasa were empty with his notoriety still at his peak.

Inasa looked at this and clutched his fist while gritting his teeth, seeing all the hateful eye's on him before Shin patted him on the shoulder, knocking him out of his stupor.

"Don't get too caught up in Inasa, if they can't see the real you then they don't deserve to even be associated with you." Haring Shin's brainwashing words, Inasa smiled.

"Thanks Shin." Seeing Inasa calm down Shin looked out towards the window watching the oncoming buildings and people.

Inasa continued looking at Shin, smiling at him before leaning back on the seat, closing his eyes.

'Really, thank you Shin.'

After a while they arrived at their school as Shin walked off the bus seeing the school's name in big bold letters.

'Aldera junior high'

'Why is this name so familiar?' Shin thought before the kindergarten teacher walked outside to guide the little kids into their classroom.

Shin followed behind while Inasa marveled at literally everything, inspecting everything from the railings to the doors like they were precious metals.

They arrived at the classroom and Shin frowned, looking around this room he doubted if you could even call a classroom since it was just a bunch of little chairs next to little tables and it was painted like someone got a bunch of paint and splattered it around the whole classroom.

Shin sat down and when he did Inasa pulled up a seat next to him but contrary to his actions he looked like he couldn't keep still.

All the kids gathered around sitting at other tables taking amongst themselves but only Shin and Inasa were the only kids sitting at their table.

Shin looked around seeing kids look at them in fear and he could understand what was going on and Inasa after turning his gaze from all the distracting colors noticed as well.

'So it seems they heard about Inasa and me from the other kids on the bus.' Shin thought to himself.

Shin didn't care and took out his lunch pail on the table before eating some of his vitamins, and Inasa watched him with a weird look.

"Why do you eat those Shin? They taste weird." Inasa said, sticking out his tongue thinking about how bad they taste.

"Because they're good for you." Shin simply responded by drinking some water to help the vitamins go down.

"Hey you." A voice shouted but Shin simply ignored it, continuing his routine until he took all of his supplements.

"I SAID HEY YOU!" The voice said.


A small hand hit their plastic table before a small spark reverberated making the impact more influential.

Shin put the cap on his water before looking at the owner of this hand and when he looked at this kid he immediately got a headache.

'Of course.'

The kid looked smugly at Shin and then looked over at Inasa. A trace of disgust covered his face for a second but Shin nor Inasa missed it.

"Can I help you, are you lost or something?" Shin said and like this kid's quirk his reaction was an unbridled explosion.

"SHUT UP VILLAIN WHY DOES A VILLAIN LIKE YOU HAVE A ALL MIGHT LUNCH PAIL!" the kid screamed eyeing his lunch pail and Shin just stood there baffled that this kid would be upset over a lunch pale.

"Well I need to put my lunch somewhere." Shin said, getting a little annoyed at him.

"SO YOU ARE A VILLAIN, I BAKUGO WILL KILL YOU AND BECOME THE RICHEST HERO EVER!" Bakugo announced out loud branding a smug smile.

"You just skipped like 10 steps after killing me." Shin said, poking holes through Bakugo logic.

Bakugo hearing this flared in anger, he looked at them and after hearing they were villains from the other kids he knew he had to do something about them because as the future number one hero it's his reasonability to take down all villains especially future ones.

"SHUT UP DIE!" Bakugo said, throwing his hand outwards holding his hand out as sparks started furiously coming out of them.

Shin was about to move but a sudden wind blew at Bakugo sending him tumbling backwards and there in front of Shin stood Inasa.

"HOW ARE WE THE VILLAINS, YOU ATTACKED US FIRST!" Inasa yelled, clutching his hands tightly, looking around while seeing some children scared at his actions.

"Inasa stop." Shin said, standing up.

"BUT SHIN THE-" Inasa said angrily, he was tired of all these hateful eye's always on them.

"ENOUGH!" Shin yelled and Inasa immediately shut up looking down at the ground biting his lip.

Bakugo looked up as a fire ignited in his eye's, he tightly clutched the spotted carpet below him gritting his teeth furiously.

'He was even like this as a kid geez' Shin thought walking in front of Inasa.

"We understand you don't like us but please don't suddenly attack us for something as simple as a lunch pale." Shin said however the reason does not apply to little kids who almost always react to their emotions well, not Shin but he doesn't really count.

Bakugo lunged forward with both hands emitting sparks as clear bloodlust could be seen in his eyes, propelling himself forward with pure fury.

Bakugo got closer as Shin figure started to get closer in his eye's, his apparent goal right in front of him until Shin vanished.

Bakugo didn't understand before all of a sudden the air from his lungs disappeared, his eye's shot open as a sudden pain hit his abdomen.

"KYAAA!" Bakugo let out as spit also came out with his wail.

Right below Bakugo's view Shin can be seen appearing in front of him in what felt like a second with his fist fully submerged into Bakugo's stomach.

Bakugo fell to the ground clutching his stomach trying to regain all the lost air that he lost from that immediate impact.

Shin stood up looking down at Bakugo before rubbing his forehead at this sudden headache in his life, he looked up and what his vision entailed was a bunch of scared little children, their faces paled in the sight of Shin.

'Time to pull out this Oscar worthy performance.'

"*Sniff* You guys are a bunch of meanies." Shin sniffed and when the kids processed his words they all looked confused but Inasa was the most confused out of all of them.

"We *sniff* didn't do anything to you *sniff* and you think were bad guys but all we want to do is be like All Might and be a hero!" Shin said as tears welled up in his eye's.

The kids who were feeling scared just seconds ago felt bad for treating Shin like a villain because deep down all those young kids wanted to be like All Might relating to him on a deeper level.

Inasa looked at Shin very confused before Shin turned around giving him a look as his eye's widened before understanding what he wanted.

"Um yeah YEAH WE WANT TO BE HERO'S WE AREN'T VILLAINS!" Inasa said standing next to Shin.

The kids looked down avoiding eye contact at the crying Shin feeling bad for calling them names and ignoring them.

"Good morning class, how is everyone doing to-..... what is going on?" The teacher came in but was perplexed by why there were two children standing over another child clutching his stomach but what made it weirder was the other kids in the class looked ashamed which puzzled the teacher.

Shin looked at the teacher before looking at his classmates walking towards the door.

"C'mon Inasa lets go." Shin said, wiping off his fake tears with Inasa scurrying behind him trying to catch up.

"What is going on?" The teacher said however all she was met with was silence before a scared child with green hair stood up walking in front of her.

"Hello, what's your name, little one?" The teacher said bending down to this child's level.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya." Young Izuku said, looking up while his whole body shivered.

"Do you know what happened?" The teacher asked and Izuku nodded.

Outside The School

Contrary to his previous expression Shin was calmly laying under the shade next to a tree appearing like nothing even happened while Inasa stared at him intensely.

"Why?" Inasa wanted to say more however that was the only word that came out.

"Why what? Why did I do all of that, well they would have not left us alone and it was better to act to show were not someone to be messed with as well as give them a belief that they can relate to us on a deeper level and make it seem like we just want to be just like them." Shin explained like it was obvious and Inasa sat there for a second mulling over his words.

They both sat there for a while before the teacher came out and walked over to them before scrunching down in front of them.

"Can you two come with me for a second?" The teacher gently said, Shin and Inasa looked at each other before standing up and following the teacher back to the school.

They arrived at the principal's office where the principal was present as well as a grumbling Bakugo and with him his parents were next to him. Mrs. Whiteworth was also present, giving a stink eye towards Bakugo and his parents.

Shin sighed, he knew this would happen but just because he knew didn't mean he wanted to experience it.

"Ah thank you Shin and Inasa for joining us, please have a seat." The principal warmly spoke, making a gesture for Shin and Inasa to take a seat next to Mrs. Whiteworth.

They complied sitting next to Mrs. Whiteworth who was still glaring across the room.

"What gives you the right to bully the kids from my orphanage!" Mrs. Whiteworth said all of a sudden standing up unable to keep it in any longer.

'Yeah only she gets to bully the kids at the orphanage.' Shin thought to himself.

"Oh Yeah! What about them beating up our son? If anything, those two were the ones bullying him!" Bakugo's mother said not willing to back down from her provocation.

'Wow she's a mom? she looks great' Shin thought shamelessly checking her out inspecting all the curves present on her.

"Honey calm down, it was Bakugo who started it." Bakugo's dad said trying to appease his fuming wife.

"I DID IT BECAUSE THERE VILLAINS!" Bakugo said angrily, giving Shin and Inasa the death glare.

The room became silent and Bakugo's mom frowned looking down at her son now realizing that she might be in the wrong and immediately smacked him on the head.

"YOU IDIOT!" Bakugo's mom said angrily

"Tsk." Bakugo clicked his tongue while rubbing the back of his head, pouting a little.

Bakugo's mom grabbed a lock of his hair, propelling him to look at the ground before also bowing and like on queue his father joined in.

"We're sorry for the trouble he caused." They said and Mrs. Whiteworth nodded her head.

"Good, just because some villains children come to our orphanage doesn't mean they will grow up to be like their parents." Mrs. Whiteworth said and when she did Shin and Inasa looked at her dumbfounded because that's literally how she treats the kids.

The principal smiled at their apology, clapping his hands together at the sincerity of the families.

"Good I'm glad we could settle this like adults." The principal said laughing before calming down.

"I would like to suggest something." The teacher said, causing everyone to look at her.

"Why don't we put Bakugo, Shin, and Inasa each at the same table to help them bond." The teacher said enthusiastically.

All the adults looked at each other and came to a silent understanding while the kids looked at each other like they just ate something really sour.

"Great idea!" The teacher joined in at the principal's remarks.

"Well lets go ahead and let the kids go back to class while we hash out the rest by ourselves shall we?" The principal said and with that the kids left.

Shin was walking back as Bakugo glared at him and Inasa crossed his arms together very upset having to share a seat with a jerk like Bakugo.

Time passed through the class with Bakugo not even looking in Shin and Inasa direction, and the two also didn't care going about their day like he didn't exist as well but from afar a small green haired child was looking at them intently but didn't dare to interact.

At the end of the day Shin and Inasa were waiting by the bus, they were minding their business before someone tapped Shin's on his shoulder.

Shin turned around seeing a small blond hair child with protruding fangs coming out.

"Hello there, my name is Toga Himiko it looks like everyone is also avoiding you too. Do you want to be friends!" Toga cheerfully spoke, smiling happily at him.

Shin looked around seeing the hateful gazes land upon Toga and he somewhat understood, he looked at her and thought she would be very VERY useful later when she grew up so he smiled.

"Sure my name is Shin, this is Inasa." Shin replied, also introducing Inasa who was busy picking his nose.

"REALLY!" Toga said bouncy up and down in excitement.

"Really." Shin nodded his head in confirmation.

"YAY!" Toga cheered immediately, hugging Shin excitedly.

'I DID IT I DID IT!' Toga said, smiling at the prospect of her first ever friend.

"Alright that's enough." Inasa grunted trying to pry Toga off of Shin.

"Oh sorry I was just so excited to make my first friend." Upon hearing her Inasa stopped making a disgruntled face knowing exactly what that felt like.

A nice white Mercedes pulled up with tinted windows, the window rolled down slowly revealing a clearly disgusted blond woman looking at them.

"Toga hurry up mommy needs a drink." Toga's mother said and Toga looked back at the voice immediately smiling seeing her mother.

"Okay! my mommy's here I'll see you tomorrow!" Toga said waving goodbye to Shin and Shin returned her wave with one of his own.

"She's weird." Inasa concluded as the bus pulled up in front of them.

"Yeah, all my friends are weird." Shin laughed and Inasa joined him then he realized that he was Shin's friend as well.


Inasa chased after Shin, they entered sitting on an empty seat while Shin just looked out the window while Inasa passed out.

Later that night

At an abandoned building Shin was honing his quirks as sparks flooded out of his hands propelling himself forward before scissors kicking the air causing an air slash to rocket out of his foot.


A gash appeared in the cement in front of him drawing a deep vertical line and Shin smiled at this result.

'Controlling multiple quirks is a little difficult but it's nothing I can't manage.' Shin thought smiling before summoning air around him and condensing it as much as he could into small air pockets.

The air became thin while Shin stood there calmly controlling it before hurling it forward once again at the wall in front of him.


A barrage of holes appeared in front of him and Shin nodded at this before continuing his training.




Shin immediately turned around activating his thermal vision, there he saw a figure walking aimlessly towards the building.

He squinted his eyes before gathering the wind below his feet rising onto the ceiling holding onto it. Around the corner a redheaded injured teenager limped into the building with clear burn marks on his body.

Shin kept observing this kid who eventually collapsed onto the floor as tear roll down his eye's.

"BASTARD!" He yelled and like on queue blue flames emerged out of his body.


"I'll show you, I'LL SHOW EVERYONE HOW STRONG I AM!" He let out and with his proclamation the flames on his body grew wilder.

"AHHH!" He let out painfully while the flames dwindled around him slowly at his painful screech.

Shin looked at him before a light bulb popped into his head, a smile formed on his face before he let go of his wind and with that gravity pulled him down.

Shin landed elegantly not even making a sound when his feet touched the ground showing his graceful control of his quirk.

The kid flinched at this sudden intrusion, getting into a fighting stance looking at Shin warily, even if he was a young kid his father taught him at a young age to never underestimate someone.

"Who are you?" He said as blue flames came out of his hands.

"Since I was here first and you intruded on me shouldn't you be the one introducing yourself first I mean isn't it common courtesy?" Shin fired back leaving the kid speechless.

They stared at each other and after a while the flames on the kids hands dwindled looking at this small child in front of him.

"Toya Todor-tsk." Before he could finish his last name the image of his father popped into his head and with that image anger followed making click his tongue in disdain at the anme.

"It doesn't matter I abandoned that name as well as my life so just call me whatever you want." He said clenching his fist together.

"Why don't I call you Dabi."